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21 Cards in this Set

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a character who by contrast serves to highlight and stress the distinctive temperament of another character


recurring image, word, action , idea, or situation


reference to famous person, place, thing, or event

verbal irony

Character says one thing but means something else

dramatic irony

when the reader understands something the characters dont

round character

complex, many sided

flat character

simple, two dimmensial

dynamic character

changes during a story

static character

stays the same during the story

stock character

a character that appears repeditaly through literature ( sidekick )


central character, focus of interest


person, idea or force who opposes the protagonist

third person

story told by outside a voice outside the story

third person limited

focused mainly on one character

third person omniscient

reader knows feelings/thoughts of all the characters

third person objective

Reader doesnt know anything about any character


situtation where a person must choose between two = alternitaves

universal symbol

a symbol recognized across culture and time

internal conflict

conflict within a character; two sides of a character

direct characterazation

author shows the character's characteristics through his/her speech, actions, thoughts, feelings, and other characters' reactions to him/her.

local color

details specific to a particular geographical region