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12 Cards in this Set

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Describe the basic structure and properties of picornaviruses

Positive sense RNA virus

Non-enlveloped (increased resistance)

Replicates solely in the cytoplasm

Rapid generation time

Causes rapid cell death

How do the basic structure and properties of picornaviruses effect its ability to be spread?

Lack of envelope leads to increased ability to survive in the environment.

Rapid generation time and rapid induction of cell lysis leads to rapid spread of virions

How can enteroviruses can causes neurological disease?

Enteroviruses can replicate in gut-associated lymphoid tissues, where it replicates leading to virus spreading into the blood. The virus then travels to the CNS via the blood and replicates there.

This causes both lytic destruction of CNS cells as well as damage from the associated inflammatory response.

What is swine vesicular disease and what kind of lesions does it cause?

Disease of pigs that doesn't usually causes production loss but appears clinically similar to FMD.

Causes large fever as well as vesicular (lumps) lesions on various parts of the body.

How is encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) usually spread in piggeries?

Rodents - either from pigs ingesting infected rodents themselves or by eating feed contaminated with their urine or faeces.

This is why rodent control is essential in piggeries.

What is encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) and what is its significance?

Cardiovirus (type of picornavirus) that effects rodents but also has a very wide host range

This can lead to outbreaks of fatal myocarditis which have been associated with large losses in piggeries.

What is FMD and what is its importance?

FMD is an exotic Aphthovirus that causes massive production loss through loss of livestock and impacts on international trade.

Young livestock often die due to myocardial infection.

Adults often develop vesicles (lumps) on the mucosa of the oropharnyx and the feet (hence name)

How is FMD transmitted and what factors effect its persistence?

Via aerosols. Persistence in individual animals is high as being an RNA means it is likely to undergo mutations meaning the new progeny virus is unlikely to be neutralised by the parent antibodies.

What species does FMD affect?

Cloven hoofed animals (ie pigs, sheep, cattle - NOT HORSES)

Sheep show less severe clinical signs (reservoir)

Pigs can serve to amplify virus

What causes epidemic tremor in chickens?

Avian encephalomyelitis virus - leads to neurological signs in young chickens that often become infected vertically.

How does swine vesicular disease differ from FMD?

Swine vesicular disease highly resistant in the environment - much more so that FMD

How is swine vesicular disease usually transmitted?

Swill feeding pigs. Feeding them meat scraps that are contaminated with the virus.