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21 Cards in this Set

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List the positive economic impacts of TNCs on Host.

1. Source of employment

2. Creates Multiplier effect in host country

3. Brings in investment and foreign currency to the country

4. Brings positive trade balance

5. Transfer of knowledge/technology


Eg source of employment + consider

Walmart employs 1.3 million people worldwide

Consider time frame- how long TNC stays in country

Eg multiplier effect

Primary industries like rubber production can increase profits by supplying rubber products to manufacturing plants for the production of Nike products

Eg Investment and foreign currency to the country + consider

In 2010, American companies like Ford, Nike, Apple injected 3.6 billion investment into China

Consider shrewdness - prevent leakages via taxes/legislation

Eg transfer of knowledge or technology + consider

Taiwanese laptop subcontractors that produce laptops for big brands like Apple use the transferred knowledge to product laptops under own brand names like Acer and Asus

Consider extent of transfer- the know-how but not the know-why

Consider appropriateness of tech transfer- lack of infrastructure and labour

List negative economic impacts of TNCs on Host

1. Economic dependency on TNCS

2. Extraordinary political and economic power over the host country

3. Threats to local industries and businesses

4. Most profits are repatriated overseas

5. Branch plants only involved in assembly rather than design or marketing strategy


Eg economic dependency on TNCs

300 shoes factories in Dongguan, China have been shut down by TNCS and moved to Vietnam where costs are lower, which leaves workers vulnerable to unemployment

Eg extraordinary political and economical power

Shell on Nigeria has exerted big influence over the government and has been accused of corruption and bribery to achieve its operation goals

Eg threats to local industries and businesses

Prevalence of large retails TNCs like Walmart and Carrefour have forced the closure of many all local businesses in host countries where they operate as they can't compete in terms of cost and product variety

Eg branch plants only involved in assembly

Major American TNCS like IBM have more than half their assets and employment in USA

List the positive social impacts of TNCS on Host

1. Education and training for locals

2. Social development projects and engagement with local communities

3. Changes in Attitude and consumption patterns


Eg provides education

Texas instruments invested in research centers in India to train and employ thousands of Indian engineers at low costs

Eg social development projects + consideration

Citigroup microfinance program provides financial aid to poor families to start small businesses

Consider publicity stunts to improve corporate image

Eg changes in attitude and consumption patterns

Because of WW2 many Asians boycott Japanese products but with globalisation and growth of Japanese TNCs many Asians have been buying Japanese products, hence less historical animosity

List negative social impacts of TNCs on Host

1. Exploitation of local labour force

2. Limited skill transfer

3. Entry of harmful values

4. Loss of local cultural heritage through invasion of foreign culture


Eg. Exploitation of local labour force

Foxconn has been involved in a whole series of workers rights dispute at its Chinese factories

Eg. Entry of harmful values

Nestle introduced formulae milk to LDCs but due to no sterilisation many kids developed health problems from dirty milk bottles

Eg. Loss of local culture

Starbucks in forbidden city in Beijing

List positive environmental impacts of TNCS on host

1. Adoption of environmentally friendly practices

Eg. Adoption of env friendly practices

Lexus is a hybrid car that is less pollutive by toyota

List negative environmental impacts of TNCs on environment

Shell in Nigeria caused deforestation, oil spills and environmental pollution due to gas flaring while extracting and processing oil from Nigeria