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15 Cards in this Set

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Name the cranial nerves I - IV and what their sensory/motor functions are.
I olfactory - smell
II optic - vision
III oculomotor - eye muscles
IV trochlear - superior oblique eye muscle
Name the cranial nerves V - VIII and what their sensory/motor functions are.
V trigeminal - face, teeth tongue - ophthalmic, maxillary, mandibular
VI abducens - lateral rectus muscle
VII facial - taste-anterior 2/3 tongue - facial muscles, secretion of saliva and tears
VIII vestibulocochlear - hearing, balance, posture
Name the cranial nerves IX - XII and what their sensory/motor functions are.
IX glossopharyngeal - taste-posterior 1/3 tongue - swallowing, secrete saliva
X vagus - 70% of Parasympathetic division of ANS
XI accessory - sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
XII hypoglossal - muscles of tongue
What is a dermatomes?
a segment of skin supplied by a single spinal nerve
ex: appendix causes pain in T10 dermatome
Where does shingles come from and where does that virus lay dormant?
chickenpox and in you posterior root ganglia
Name the four Nerve Plexuses, which spinal nerves they include and an extend nerve they supply.
Cervical - C1-C4 - phrenic nerve which innervates the diaphragm
Brachial - C5-T1 - pectoral girdle and upper limbs - median, ulnar, radial, and musculocutaneous nerves.
Lumbar - L1-L4 - femoral nerve
Sacral - L4-S4 - Sciatic nerve - longest and largest
Name the 5 possible components of a Reflex Arc.
1. Stimulus activates receptor
2. Travels through sensory aff. neuron
3. Interneurons
4. Travels through motor eff. neuron
5. Effector responds to nerve imulse
What are the 2 types of reflexes and the differences between them?
Monosynaptic - 4 steps (no interneuron) simplest, fastest
Polysynaptic - 5 steps, more complex, takes longer, better control
What are the 2 differences between Somatic and Autonomic?
Somatic is voluntary and has 1 motor efferent neuron
Autonomic is involuntary and has 2 motor efferent neurons
What are the two divisions of the Autonomic Nervous System?
Sympathetic and Parasympathetic
What are the two motor neurons in the ANS called?
Preganglionic neuron
Postganglionic neuron
What are the functions of the parasympathetic division?
Rest & Digest
What are the functions of the sympathetic division?
Fight of Flight
Which division has a long preganglionic axon and which has a short preganglionic axon?
Para. has a long pre.

Symp. has a short pre. with branching
Does either division have a myolinated postganglionic axon?