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71 Cards in this Set

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Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. A car can be seen.

Tr-Ex. I look outside.

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

見える & 見る

In-Ex. 車が見える。

Tr-Ex. 外を見る。

Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. The door opens.

Tr-Ex. (I) open the window.

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

開く & 開ける

In-Ex. ドアが開く。

Tr-Ex. 窓を開ける。

Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. A sound can be heard.

Tr-Ex. (I) listen to music.

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

聞こえる & 聞く

In-Ex. 音が聞こえる。

Tr-Ex. 音楽を聞く。

Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. An accident happens.

Tr-Ex. (He) causes an incident.

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

起こる & 起こす (おこる & おこす)

In-Ex. 事故が起こる。(事故 = じこ)

Tr-Ex. 事件を起こす。(事件 = じけん)

Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. (The number of) onlookers increases.

Tr-Ex. (The teacher) increases (the amount) of homework.

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

増える & 増やす (ふえる & ふやす)

In-Ex. 見物人が増える。(見物人 = けんぶつにん)

Tr-Ex. 宿題を増やす。(宿題 = しゅくだい)

Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. People gather.

Tr-Ex. (He) collects stamps.

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

集まる & 集める (あつまる & あつめる)

In-Ex. 人が集まる。

Tr-Ex. 切手を集める。

Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. The glass falls.

Tr-Ex. (He) drops a wallet.

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

落ちる & 落とす (おちる & おとす)

In-Ex. ガラスが落ちる。

Tr-Ex. 財布を落とす。(財布 = さいふ)

Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. The glass/cup breaks.

Tr-Ex. (She) breaks an egg.

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

割れる & 割る (われる & わる)

In-Ex. コップが割れる。

Tr-Ex. 卵を割る。(卵 = たまご)

Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. The color changes.

Tr-Ex. (We) change plans.

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

変わる & 変える (かわる & かえる)

In-Ex. 色が変わる。

Tr-Ex. 予定を変える。(予定 = よてい)

Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. The train stops.

Tr-Ex. (I) parked the car.

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

止まる & 止める

In-Ex. 電車が止まる。

Tr-Ex. 車を止める。

Various Expressions of Verbs 1

Intransitive verbs & transitive verbs

In-Ex. Marks remain.

Tr-Ex. (I) leave food (rice).

An intransitive verb has no object and the subject takes "~が."

A transitive verb has an object with "~を."

残る & 残す (のこる & のこす)

In-Ex. あとが残る。

Tr-Ex. ご飯を残す。(ご飯 = ごはん)

Various Expressions of Verbs 2

Some action starts

Ex. It rains. → It starts raining.

Ex. (I) studied three days before the exam.

→ (I) started to study three days before the exam.

Stem of the 'ます-form' of a verb + 始める (はじめる)

Ex. 雨が降る。 → 雨が降り始める。

Ex. 試験の三日前から勉強した。

→ 試験の三日前から勉強し始めた。

Various Expressions of Verbs 2

Some action continues

Ex. The baby cries loudly.

→ The baby continues crying loudly.

Stem of the 'ます-form' of a verb + 続ける (つづける)

Ex. 赤ちゃんが大きい声で泣く。

→ 赤ちゃんが大きい声で泣き続ける。

Various Expressions of Verbs 2

Some action finishes

Ex. read → finish reading

Ex. (I) ate dinner in ten minutes.

→ (I) finished eating dinner in then minutes.

Stem of the 'ます-form' of a verb + 終わる (おわる)

Ex. 読む → 読み終わる

Ex. 十分で夕食を食べた。

→ 十分で夕食を食べ終わった。

Various Expressions of Verbs 3

An action is easy to do

Ex. (learn)

There are few vowels in Japanese, so it is easy to learn.

(There being few vowels in Japanese, it is easy to learn.)

Ex. (buy)

The price was low, so it was easy to buy.

(The price being low, it was easy to buy.)

Stem of the 'ます-form' of a verb + やすい

Ex. (学ぶ)


(母音 = ぼいん)

Ex. (買う)


(値段 = ねだん ; 安い = やすい)

Various Expressions of Verbs 3

An action is difficult to do

Ex. (remember)

Japanese kanji is difficult to remember.

Ex. (sing)

The tune was fast, so it was difficult to sing.

Stem of the 'ます-form' of a verb + にくい

Ex. (覚える = おぼえる)


Ex. (歌う)


(曲 = きょく ; 速い = はやい)

Various Expressions of Verbs 4

Try something out or attempt to do something

Ex. (I) use the new product.

→ (I) try using the new product.

Ex. (I) checked about Japanese culture in an encyclopedia.

→ (I) tried checking about Japanese culture in an encyclopedia.

The 'て-form' of the verb + みる

Ex. 新製品を使う。

→ 新製品を使ってみる。

(新製品 = しんせいひん)

Ex. 百科事典で日本の文化について調べた。

→ 百科事典で日本の文化について調べてみた。

(百科事典 = ひゃっかじてん; 文化 = ぶんか;

調べる = しらべる)

Various Expressions of Verbs 4

Unintended action often with unsatisfactory result, or completed action

Ex. (I) lose (my) wallet.

→ (I) lose (my) wallet. (unintended/regretful action)

The 'て-form' of the verb + しまう

Ex. 財布をなくす。

→ 財布をなくしてしまう。

(財布 = さいふ)

Various Expressions of Verbs 4

Some condition is continuing. Some action is being done in preparation for a future purpose

Ex. (I) put cookies on the table.

→ (I) will put cookies on the table in advance.

The 'て-form' of the verb + おく

Ex. クッキーをテーブルの上に置く。

→ クッキーをテーブルの上に置いておく。

(置く = おく)

Personal Relations 1

A → B (A gives s.t. to B)

Ex. I gave my younger sister a doll.

Ex. She gave him a tie.


Ex. 私は妹に人形をあげた。(人形 = にんぎょう)

Ex. 彼女は彼にネクタイをあげた。

Personal Relations 1

A → B (A gives s.t. to B)

B is the speaker or a person close to the speaker.

Ex. (My) friend gave me a concert ticket.

Ex. (My) teacher gave my younger sister a letter.


Ex. 友だちが私に音楽会のチケットをくれた。

Ex. 先生が私の妹に手紙をくれた。

Personal Relations 1

(A) ← B (A receives s.t. from B)

Ex. (I) received a digital camera from (my) parents.

Ex. (I) received sneakers from my grandmother.

(Aは) Bからもらう

Ex. 両親からデジタルカメラをもらった。

(両親 = りょうしん)

Ex. 祖母から運動靴をもらった。

(祖母 = そぼ ; 運動靴 = うんどうぐつ)

Personal Relations 2

A fairly polite way of speaking when doing an action for the other party.

Ex. (I) chose a watch for my younger sister.

Ex. (I) showed him an old photo.

Verb 'て-form' + あげる

Ex. 妹に時計を選んであげた。

Ex. 彼に昔の写真を見せてあげた。

(昔の写真 = むかしのしゃしん)

Personal Relations 2

The other party does something favorable for me or someone close to me.

Ex. My father bought a watch (for me).

Ex. The shop staff explained to me how to use (it).

Verb 'て-form' + くれる

Ex. 父が私に時計を買ってくれた。

Ex. 店の人が私に使い方を説明してくれた。

(使い方 = つかいかた)

Personal Relations 2

Receive a benefit from the other party's actions or your own request.

Ex. I got my father to buy a watch (for me).

Ex. I got the shop staff to explain (to me) how to use (it).

Verb 'て-form' + もらう

Ex. 私は父に時計を買ってもらった。*

Ex. 私は店の人に使い方を説明してもらった。*

(使い方 = つかいかた)

* "AにBをもらう" has the same meaning as "AからBをもらう."

Personal Relations 3

Honorific expression of 'いる' (be, exist, stay, etc.)

Ex. The company president is in the conference room. (informal, non-past)

Ex. The teacher was in the laboratory throughout the day. (informal, past tense)

いらっしゃる  (informal, non-past)

いらっしゃった  (informal, past tense)

いらっしゃいます  (formal, non-past)

いらっしゃいました  (formal, past tense)

Ex. 社長は会議室にいらっしゃる。

(社長 = しゃちょう; 会議室 = かいぎしつ)

Ex. 先生は一日中研究室にいらっしゃった。

(一日中 = いちにちじゅう; 研究室 = けんきゅうしつ)

Personal Relations 3

Honorific that means either '行く' (to go) or '来る' (to come)

Ex. The professor will go to Kyushu in June. (informal, non-past)

Ex. Murata-san went to Okinawa last month. (informal, past tense)

いらっしゃる  (informal, non-past)

いらっしゃった  (informal, past tense)

いらっしゃいます  (formal, non-past)

いらっしゃいました  (formal, past tense)

Ex. 教授は六月に九州にいらっしゃる。

(教授 = きょうじゅ)

Ex. 村田さんは先月沖縄にいらっしゃった。

(先月 = せんげつ)

Personal Relations 3

Honorific expression of ' くれる ' (to give)

Ex. (Our) teacher gave (us) key chains.

くださる  (give)

くださった  (gave)

Ex. 先生がキーホルダーをくださった。

Personal Relations 3

Honorific expression of ' もらう ' (to receive)

Ex. (I) received a congratulatory gift from (my) professor.

Ex. (We) receive payment from the customer.

いただく  (receive)

いただいた  (received)

Ex. 教授からお祝いをいただいた。(教授 = きょうじゅ; お祝い = おいわい)

Ex. お客様に代金をいただく。*(お客様 = おきゃくさま; 代金 = だいきん)

* "AにBをいただく" has the same meaning as "AからBをいただく."

Personal Relations 3

Honorific that means 'あげる' (to give)

Ex. (We) give (our) customer a momento. (informal)

Ex. (I) gave (my) teacher a birthday present. (formal)

さしあげる  (informal, non-past)

さしあげた  (informal, past tense)

さしあげます  (formal, non-past)

さしあげました  (formal, past tense)

Ex. お客様に記念品をさしあげる。

(記念品 = きねんひん)

Ex. 先生に誕生日プレゼントをさしあげました。

(誕生日 = たんじょうび)

Personal Relations 4

Humble Expressions: お~する

Using your own action, this is an expression that shows respect to the person that the action is directed toward.

Ex. meet a teacher.

→ (I) meet a teacher. (humble expression)

Ex. show the menu

→(I) showed the menu. (humble expression)

"お + stem of the 'ます-form' + する" is a humble expression.

It is used to describe your own actions.

Ex. 先生に会う。


Ex. メニューを見せる。


Personal Relations 4

Polite Request Expressions: お~ください

Using another person's action, this is a polite expression of request that shows respect to the performer of that action.

Ex. choose a book

→ Please choose a book.

Ex. return the cup

→ Please return the cup.

"お + stem of the 'ます-form' + ください" is a polite request expression.

Ex. 本を選ぶ。


Ex. カップを返す。


Expressions of Feelings 1: と


Ex. That person is called Tanaka.

と : Expresses the contents of the action, operation and state.

Ex. あの人は田中と言う。


Expressions of Feelings 1:


Ex. (My) name is written "健二" and is read (or pronounced) "Kenji."

: Expresses the contents of the action, operation and state.

Ex. 名前は「健二」と書いて、「けんじ」と読む。

Expressions of Feelings 1: と


Ex. I call him "Ken-chan."

と : Expresses the contents of the action, operation and state.

Ex. 私は彼を「けんちゃん」と呼ぶ。

(呼ぶ = よぶ)

Expressions of Feelings 1: と


Ex. (I) came from a city called Osaka in Japan.

と : Expresses the contents of the action, operation and state.

Ex. 日本の大阪という町から来ました。

Expressions of Feelings 1: と


Ex. (We) count people as "ひとり" and "ふたり."

と : Expresses the contents of the action, operation and state.

Ex. 人は「一人」、「二人」と数える。

(数える = かぞえる)

Expressions of Feelings 1: たり

Expresses actions that occur simultaneously or continue.

Ex. The kanji "二" is read as "に" or "じ."

Verb 'たform' + り

Ex. 「二」という漢字は、「に」と読んだり、「じ」と読んだりする。

Expressions of Feelings 2

go → (I) am thinking of going...

Ex. (I) will go for a drive on Sunday.

→ (I) am thinking of going for a drive on Sunday.

と思う is attached to the expression of intention (aka. expression of invitation).

行く → 行こう → 行こうと思う

Ex. 日曜日にドライブに行く。

→ 日曜日にドライブに行こうと思う。

Expressions of Feelings 2

invite → (I) am thinking of inviting...

Ex. (I) will invite Yamada-san for a drive.

→ (I) am thinking of inviting Yamada-san for a drive.

と思う is attached to the expression of intention (aka. expression of invitation).

誘う → 誘おう →  誘おうと思う 

(誘う = さそう)

Ex. ドライブに山田さんを誘う。

→ ドライブに山田さんを誘おうと思う。

Expressions of Feelings 2

depart → try to depart

Ex. (I) will try to depart at three o'clock.

→ (I) tried to depart at three o'clock.

とする is attached to expressions of intention (aka. expressions of invitation).

出発する → 出発しよう → 出発しようとする

(出発 = しゅっぱつ)

Ex. 三時に出発する。→ 三時に出発しようとした。

Expressions of Feelings 2

buy → (I) try to buy...

Ex. (I) buy a new car.

→(I) tried to buy a new car.

とする is attached to expressions of intention (aka. expressions of invitation).

買う → 買おう → 買おうとする

Ex. 新車を買う。 → 新車を買おうとしました。

(新車 = しんしゃ)

Expressions of Feelings 3

(he) wants to ~

(it seems he wants to ~)

Ex. (It seems) Koro wants to go outside.


stem of 'ます-form' + たがる

Ex. コロが外に出たがっている。

Expressions of Feelings 3

(he) doesn't want to ~

Ex. Now (they) don't even want to take it for a walk.


stem of 'ます-form' + たがらない

Ex. 今は散歩にも行きたがらない。

(散歩 = さんぽ)

Expressions of Feelings 3

(I) want ~

Ex. I wanted a puppy.


Ex. 私はペットがほしかった。

Expressions of Feelings 3

(s.o) wants ~

Ex. The children wanted a pet.


Ex. 子供たちはペットをほしがった。

Expressions of Feelings 3

(I) want (s.o.) to ~

Ex. (I) want the children to take care of Koro more.


verb 'て-form' + ほしい

Ex. 子供たちに、もっとコロの世話をしてほしい。

(世話をする = せわをする = take care)

Expressions of Feelings 4: ~と

The triggering of a certain action, leads to the following action/outcome to occur.

Ex. It becomes spring. The temperature rises.

→ When it becomes spring, the temperature rises.

Dictionary form of a verb + と

Ex. 春になる。気温が上がる。

→ 春になると、気温が上がる。

(気温 = きおん)

Expressions of Feelings 4: ~なる + と

The triggering of a certain condition (い-adjective), leads to the following action/outcome to occur.

Ex. It is warm. The buds of plants appear.

→ When it becomes warm, the buds of plants appear.

-adjective '-form' + なる +

Ex. 暖かい。植物の芽が出る。


暖かい = あたたかい

植物 = しょくぶつ


Expressions of Feelings 4: ~ない + と

If (you) don't do this (the following action will/won't happen). Assumptions and conditions.

Ex. It rains. The farmers will get worried.

→ If it doesn't rain, farmers will get worried.

Verb 'ない-form' + と

Ex. 雨が降る。農民はこまる。

→ 雨が降らないと、農民はこまる。

降る = ふる

農民 = のうみん

Expressions of Feelings 4: ~ている + と

By the continuation of a certain action, the following action will occur.

Ex. (I) hear the sound of cicadas. (I) remember (my) childhood.

→ When (I) hear the sound of cicadas, (I) remember (my) childhood.

Verb -form + いる +

Ex. せみの声を聞く。子供のころを思い出す。


子供 = こども = child

ころ = time

Decision Expressions 1: ~(の) ようだ

look like~ / is like~

Ex. This dinosaur looks exactly like a crocodile.

~(の) ようだ

Ex. この恐竜はまるでわにのようだ。

恐竜 = きょうりゅう

Decision Expressions 1: ~ようだ

look like~ / is like~

Ex. (It) looked exactly as if it were alive.

[lit. (It) looked exactly as if it were living.]


Ex. まるで生きているようだった。

生きる = いきる

Decision Expressions 1: () ように

used as an adverb: like~; as~

Ex. This dinosaur has a neck as long as a snake.

~(の) ように

Ex. この恐竜はへびのように首が長い。

恐竜 = きょうりゅう

首 = くび

Decision Expressions 1: ~(の) ように

used as an adverb: like~

Ex. There are ones that fly in the sky like birds, and ones that swim in the sea like fish.

~(の) ように

Ex. 鳥のように空を飛ぶものや、魚のように海を泳ぐものもいる。

空 = そら

飛ぶ = とぶ

海 = うみ

泳ぐ = およぐ

Decision Expressions 1: () ような

used as an adjective: -like

Ex. the lion-like dinosaur voice

~(の) ような

Ex. ライオンのような恐竜の声。

恐竜 = きょうりゅう

声 = こえ

Decision Expressions 1: ~ような

used as an adjective: -like

Ex. the dinosaur eyes like (they're) glaring (at us)


Ex. 恐竜の(こちらを)にらむような目

恐竜 = きょうりゅう

にらむ = stare, glare

目= め

Decision Expressions 1: ~ような

used as an adjective: -like

Ex. the life-like illustration of the dinosaur

(lit. the living-like illustration of the dinosaur)


Ex. 恐竜の生きているようなイラスト

恐竜 = きょうりゅう

生きる = いきる

Decision Expressions 2: ~そうだ

Ex. My older sister received a present from (her) boyfriend.

→My older sister received a present from (her) boyfriend, so (she) looks happy.

stem of adjectives + そうだ

Ex. 姉は恋人からプレゼントをもらった。

→ 姉は恋人からプレゼントをもらって、うれしそうだ。

(恋人 = こいびと)

Decision Expressions 2: ~そうな

Ex. The curry looks spicy.

→ spicy-looking curry

stem of adjectives + そうな

そうだ becomes そうな when followed by a noun.

Ex. カラーが辛そうだ。

→ 辛そうなカレー

(辛い = からい)

Decision Expressions 2: ~そうだ

Ex. (She) watches a sad drama. Tears flow.

→ (She) watches a sad drama, so it seems likely that tears will flow/come out.

stem of verb 'ます-form' + そうだ

Ex. 悲しいドラマを見る。涙が出る。

→ 悲しいドラマを見て、涙が出そうだ。

(涙 = なみだ)

Decision Expressions 2: ~そうな

Ex. (the) sky that seems likely that it will rain

alt. (the) sky that looks like it will rain


alt. (the) sky that seems likely to rain.

stem of verb 'ます-form' + そうな

Ex. 雨が降りそうな空

降る = ふる

空 = そら

Decision Expressions 2: ~そうだった

Ex. My older sister passed (her) university (exams).

→ My older sister passed (her) university (exams), so (she) looked happy.


Ex. 姉は大学に合格した。

→ 姉は大学に合格して、うれしそうだった。

合格 = ごうかく

Decision Expressions 3: ~かもしれない

Ex. More than twenty people come to the party.

→ More than twenty people may come to the party.

~かもしれない is attached to the dictionary form of verbs or adjectives.

Ex. パーティーに二十人以上来る。

→ パーティーに二十人以上来るかましれない。

Decision Expressions 3: ~かもしれない

Ex. Hokkaido is still cold.

→ Hokkaido may still be cold.

~かもしれない is attached to the dictionary form of verbs or adjectives.

Ex. 北海道はまだ寒い。


Decision Expressions 3: ~かもしれない

Ex. Tanaka-san doesn't come to the party.

→ Tanaka-san may not come to the party.

~かもしれない is sometimes attached to the stem of the 'ない form' of verbs or adjectives.

Ex. 田中さんはパーティーに来ない。


Decision Expressions 3: ~かもしれない

Ex. (I) will not finish (my) work by six o'clock.

→ (I) may not finish (my) work by six o'clock.

~かもしれない is sometimes attached to the stem of the 'ない form' of verbs or adjectives.

Ex. 仕事が六時までに終わらない。


Decision Expressions 4: ~なくてはならない


Ex. Everyone splits up and search for (them).

→ Everyone splits up and must search for (them).

~なくてはならない is attached to the stem of the 'ない-form.'

Ex. 皆で手分けして探す。


= みな

手分け = てわけ

探す = さがす

Decision Expressions 4: ~なくてはならない


Ex. One person remains in the tent

→ One person must remain in the tent.

~なくてはならない is attached to the stem of the 'ない-form.'

Ex. 一人はテントに残る。


一人 = ひとり

残る = のこる

Decision Expressions 4: ~ことにする

decide to~

Ex. (I) wait for contact at home.

→ (I) decided to wait for contact at home.

~ことにする is attached to the dictionary form of verbs.

Ex. 家で連絡を待つ。


連絡 = れんらく

Decision Expressions 4: ~なくちゃならない


Ex. (We) return by ten o'clock at night.

→ (We) must return by ten o'clock at night.

~なくちゃならない is the conversational expression of なくてはならない.

Ex. 夜十時までに帰って来る。

→ 夜十時までに帰って来なくちゃならない。

夜 = よる