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95 Cards in this Set

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public opinion
the collective attitudes and beliefs of individuals on one or more issues
public opinion polls
scientific efforts to estimate what an entire group thinks about an issue by asking a smaller sample of the group for its opinion
the portion of the population that is selected to participate in a poll
sample bias
the effect of having a sample that does not represent all segments of the population
straw polls
polls that attempt to determine who is ahead in a political race
sampling error
a number that indicates within what range the results of a poll are accurate
random samples
samples chosen in such a way that any member of the population being polled has an equal chance of being selected
benchmark poll
initial poll on a candidate and issues on which campaign strategy is based and against which later polls are compared
tracking polls
ongoing series of surveys that follow changes in public opinion over time
exit polls
election-related questions asked of voters right after they vote
push polls
polls that ask for reactions to hypothetical, often false, information in order to manipulate public opinion
political socialization
the process by which we learn our political orientations and allegiances
spiral of silence
the process by which a majority opinion becomes exaggerated because minorities do not feel comfortable speaking out in opposition
political generations
groups of citizens whose political views have been shaped by the common events of their youth
gender gap
the tendency of men and women to differ in their political views on some issues
marriage gap
the tendency for married people to hold political opinions that differ from those of people who have never married
rational ignorance
the state of being uninformed about politics because of the cost in time and energy
on-line processing
the ability to receive and evaluate information as events happens, allowing us to remember our evaluation even if we have forgotten the specific events that caused it
two-step flow of information
the process by which citizens take their political cues from more well-informed opinion leaders
opinion leaders
people who know more about certain topics than we do and whose advice we trust, seek out, and follow
political gridlock
the stalemate that occurs when political rivals, especially parties, refuse to budge from their positions to achieve a compromise in the public interest
political party
a group of citizens by ideology and seeking control of government in order to promote their ideas and policies
loyalty to a political cause or party
party organization
the official structure that conducts the political business of parties
members of the party who have been elected to serve in government
ordinary citizens who identify with the party
party identification
voter affiliation with a political party
party base
members of a political party who consistently vote for that party's candidates
responsible party model
party government when four conditions are met: clear choice of ideologies, candidates pledged to implement ideas, party held accountable by voters, and party control over members
party platform
list of policy positions a party endorses and pledges its elected officials to enact
party activists
"party faithful"; the rank-in-file members who actually carry out the party's electioneering efforts
party machines
mass-based party systems in which parties provided services and resources to voters in exchange for voters
party bosses
party leaders, usually in an urban district, who exercised tight control over electioneering and patronage
system in which successful party candidates reward supporters with jobs or favors
party primary
nomination of party candidates by registered party members rather than party bosses
party eras
extended periods of relative political stability in which one party tends to control both the Presidency and Congress
critical election
an election signaling a significant change in popular allegiance from one party to another
substantial and long-term shift in party allegiance by individuals and groups, usually resulting in a change in policy direction
a trend among voters to identify themselves as independents rather than as members of a major party
the process of getting elected to public office
closed primaries
primary elections in which only registered party members may vote
open primaries
primary elections in which eligible voters do not need to be registered party memebers
nominating convention
formal party gathering to choose candidates
soft money
unregulated campaign contributions by individuals, groups, or parties that promote general election activities but do not directly support individual candidates
activities directed toward controlling the distribution of political resources by providing executive and legislative leadership, enacting agendas, mobilizing support, and building coalitions
party discipline
ability of the party leaders to bring party members in the legislature into line with party program
a group of citizens united by some common passion or interest and opposed to the rights of other citizens or to the interests of the whole community
interest group
an organization of individuals who share a common political goal and unite for the purpose of influencing government decisions
political action committee
the fund-raising arm of an interest group
interest group activities aimed at persuading policymakers to support the groups positions
interest group entrepreneurs
effective group leaders who are likely to have organized the group and can effectively promote its interests among members and the public
free rider problem
the difficulty groups face in recruiting when potential members can gain the benefits of the group's actions whether they join or not
collective good
a good or service that, by its very nature, cannot be denied to anyone who wants to consume it
selective incentives
benefits that are available only to group members as an inducement to get them to join
material benefits
selective incentives in the form of tangible rewards
solidary benefits
selective incentives related to the interaction and bonding among group members
expressive benefits
selective incentives that derive from the opportunity to express values and beliefs and to be committed to a greater cause
economic interest groups
groups that organize to influence government policy for the economic benefit of their members
equal opportunity interest groups
groups that organize to promote the civil and economic rights of underrepresented or disadvantaged groups
public interest groups
groups that organize to influence government to produce collective goods or services that benefit the general public
direct lobbying
direct interaction with public officials for the purpose of influencing policy decisions
indirect lobbying
attempts to influence government policymakers by encouraging the general public to put pressure on them
revolving door
the tendency of public officials, journalists, an lobbyists to move between public and private sector (media, lobbying) jobs
issue advocacy ads
advertisements that support issues or candidates without telling constituents how to vote
527 groups
groups that mobilize voters with issue advocacy advertisements on TV and radio but may not directly advocate the election or defeat of a particular candidate
social protest
public activities designed to bring attention to political causes, usually generated by those without access to conventional means of expressing their views
grassroots lobbying
indirect lobbying efforts that spring from widespread public concern
astroturf lobbying
indirect lobbying efforts that manipulate or create public sentiment, "astroturf" being artificial grassroots
political efficacy
citizens' feelings of effectiveness in political affairs
motor voter bill
legislation allowing citizens to register to vote at the same time they apply for a driver's license or other state benefit
voter mobilization
a party's efforts to inform potential voters about issues and candidates and persuade them to vote
social connectedness
citizens' involvement in groups and their relationships to their communities and families
prospective voting
basing voting decisions on well-informed opinions and consideration of the future consequences of a given vote
retrospective voting
basing voting decisions on reactions to past performance; approving the status quo or signaling a desire for change
invisible primary
early attempts to raise money, line up campaign consultants, generate media attention, and get commitments for support even before candidates announce they are running
party caucus
local gathering of party members to choose convention delegates
presidential primary
an election by which voters choose convention delegates committed to voting for a certain candidate
open primary
primary election in which eligible voters need not be registered party memebers
closed primary
primary election in which only registered party members may vote
the process of scheduling presidential presidential primaries early in the primary season
the leading candidate and expected winner of a nomination an election
the widely held public perception that a candidate is gaining electoral strength
swing voters
the approximately one-third of the electorate who are undecided at the start of a campaign
oppo research
the investigation of an opponents background for the purpose of exploiting weakness or undermining credibility
valence issues
issues on which most voters and candidates share the same position
position issues
issues on which the parties after in their perspectives and proposed solutions
wedge issue
a controversial issue that one party uses to split the voters in the other party
issue ownership
the tendency of one party to be seen as more competent in a specific policy area
negative advertising
campaign advertising that emphasizes the negative characteristics of opponents rather than one's own strength
government matching funds
money given by the federal government to qualified presidential candidates in the primary and general election campigns
hard money
campaign money donated directly to candidates; amounts are limited by federal election laws
soft money
unregulated campaign contributions by individuals, groups, or parties that promote general election activities but do not directly support individual candidates
issue advocacy ads
advertisements paid for by soft money, and thus not regulated, that promote certain issue positions but do not endorse specific candidates
get-out-the-vote drives
efforts by political parties, interest groups, and the candidate's staff to maximize voter turnout among supporters
electoral mandate
the perception that an election victory signals broad support for the winner's proposed policies