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47 Cards in this Set

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What is the Purpose of Client Records ? (8 things)
-Planning client care
-Auditing health agencies
-Legal documentation
-Health care analysis
(Slide 55.)
Why is Maintaining Confidentiality of Records important?(3 things)
-For purposes of education and research, most agencies allow students and graduates access to client records
-Bound by strict ethical codes and legal responsibility
-Protect client’s privacy by not using name or any statements to identify client
(Slide 56. )
What is Source-Oriented Records ?(4things)
-Traditional client record
-Each discipline makes notations in a separate section
-Information about a particular problem distributed throughout the record
-Narrative charting used
(Slide 57. )
What is (POMR)?
Problem-Oriented Medical Records
(Slide 58. )
What makes Problem-Oriented Medical Records (POMR) easier?
Data arranged according to client problem
Health team contributes to the problem list, plan of care, and progress notes
Encourages collaboration
Easier to track status of problems
(Slide 58. )
What are the Four basic components to POMR?
-Problem list
-Plan of care
-Progress notes
---Uses SOAP, SOAPIE, SOAPIER documentation
(Slide 58. )
What is SOAP?
-an acronym for
assessment, and
Describe PIE Documentation
-Groups information into three categories: Problem, Interventions, Evaluation
-Client assessment flow sheet and progress notes
What is Focus Charting ?(4things)
-Focus on client concerns and strengths
-Progress notes organized into DAR format
-Holistic perspective of client needs
-Nursing process framework for progress notes
(slide 60. )
What is (DAR) format?
-Data -assessment phase
-Action - planning and implementing phase
-Response - evaluation phase
(slide 60. )
What is (CBE)?
Charting by Exception
(slide 61. )
Describe Charting by Exception (CBE)(4 things)
-Incorporates flow sheets, standards of nursing care, bedside chart forms
-Agencies develop standards of nursing practice
-Documentation according to standards involves a check mark
-Exceptions to standards described in narrative form on nurses’ notes
(slide 61. )
(Define Case Management Model
-Quality, cost-effective care delivered within established length of stay
(slide 62.)
What 3 things does Case Management Model use?
-Uses multidisciplinary approach
-Uses critical pathways
-Uses CBE
(slide 62.)
Documentation of variances of Case Management Model includes? (2 things)
-Actions taken to correct the situation
-Justification of actions taken
(slide 62.)
Why was Computerized Documentation Developed?
- to manage volume of information
(slide 63. )
How is Computerized Documentation used?
-Use of computers to store client’s database, new data; to create and revise care plans; to document client’s progress
(slide 63. )
What are the benefit to Computerized Documentation?(3 things)
- Information easily retrieved
-Speech-recognition technology
-Possible to transmit information from one care setting to another
(slide 63. )
What is done to insure Security for Computerized Records ?(7things)
-Passwords required and should not be shared
-Never leave computer terminal unattended after logging on
-Do not leave client information displayed
-Shred all unneeded computer-generated worksheets
-Know facility’s policy and procedure for correcting an entry error
-Follow agency procedures for documenting sensitive material
-Installed firewalls
(slide 64.)
Joint Commission requires clinical record to include…?(5 things)
-Evidence of client assessment
-Nursing diagnosis
-Nursing interventions
-Client outcomes
-Current nursing care plans
(slide 65).
How are Traditional care plans done?
-Written for each client
(slide 65).
What is Standardized care plans Based on?
- institutions standards of practice
(slide 65).
Define Kardexes
-Concise method of organizing and recording data
Why are Kardexes useful?
-Information quickly accessible
What7 things are included on Kardexes?
-Pertinent information about the client
-List of medications including IV fluids
-List of daily treatments and procedures
-List of diagnostic procedures
-Physical needs to be met
-Stated goals
What are Flow Sheets? Give 3 examples.
-Graphic record
--Intake and output
--Medication administration record
--Skin assessment record
(slide 67.)
Why are Progress Notes important?(2 things)
-Provide information about progress client is making toward achieving desired outcomes
-Include information about client problems and nursing interventions
(slide 68.)
When is Nursing Discharge done?
-Completed when client discharged
--In Terms that can be readily understood
*Client education
(slide 69.)
When are Referral Summaries done?
Completed when client transferred to another institution
(slide 69.)
What do Referral Summaries Include?
-description of client’s physical, mental, and emotional status
--Resolved health problems
--Treatments to be continued
--Current medications
-Include restrictions that relate to activity, diet, and bathing
*Client education
(slide 69.)
Long-Term Care Documentation isBased on…
- professional standards, federal and state regulations, policies of health care agency
(slide 70.)
Long-Term Care Documentation includes …
-Complete assessments, screening forms, and plan of care within the time period.
-Keeping record of visits and phone calls.
-Writen nursing summaries and progress notes according to specified time periods.
(slide 70.)
How often does Long-Term Care Documentation needs to Review and revise plan of care?
- every 3 months or when status changes.
(slide 70.)
With Long-Term Care Documentation it is important to Document and report…?
- any change.
(slide 70.)
What Two records are required for Home Care Documentation ?
-Home health certification and plan-of-treatment form
-Medical update and patient information form
(slide 71.)
Where is Home Care Documentation Kept?
- a copy of the care plan in the client’s home.
(slide 71.)
What is important to Report and document in Home Care Documentation?
-changes in plan of care.
-Write a discharge summary.
(slide 71.)
What is important to remember about Legal and Ethical Standards for Documentation ?
-Client’s record are a legal document
-May be used to provide evidence in court
(slide 72.)
Legal and Ethical Standards for Documentation include (9 things)?
-Date and time
-Accepted terminology and correct spelling
---Conciseness (no extra details)
---Legal prudence
(slide 73.) (slide 74.)
What is SBAR format?
(slide 75.)
Describe Guidelines for Change-of-Shift Report
-Follow a particular order.
-Provide basic identifying information.
-For new clients provide reason for admission or medical diagnosis/es, surgery, diagnostic tests and -therapies in past 24 hours, significant changes in client’s condition.
-Provide exact information.
-Report client’s need for emotional support.
-Include current nurse-prescribed and primary care provider-prescribed orders.
-Clearly state priorities of care and care due after shift begins.
-Be concise .
-Incorporate a verification process.
-SBAR format (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation)
(slide 75.)
What 5 things are included in Guidelines for Giving a Telephone Report ?
-Be concise and accurate (SBAR often used).
-State name and relationship to client.
-State client’s name, medical diagnosis, changes in nursing assessment, vital signs related to baseline, -significant laboratory data, related nursing interventions.
-Have chart ready to give any further information needed.
-Document date, time, and content of the call.
(slide 76.)
What 8 components are included in the Guidelines for Telephone and Verbal Orders ?
-Know who can give and accept orders per state board and agency policy.
-Ask prescriber to speak slowly and clearly and to spell out unfamiliar medication names.
-Question any drug, dosage, or change if it seems inappropriate.
-Transcribe the order. Write dosages clearly. Use a number before a decimal but not after a decimal (e.g., 0.3 mg but 6 mg, not 6.0 mg). Write out units (15 units, not 15 u).
-Record date and time and indicate type of order (TO/RB or VO/RB).
-Sign name and credentials.
-Follow protocol for having primary care provider sign telephone/verbal orders (i.e., within time described by agency policy).
-**Never follow a voicemail order. Call back the prescriber.
(slide 77. 78. )
Who is in charge of Prohibited Abbreviations, Acronyms, and Symbols AKA “Do Not Use” list?
-JCAHO National Patient Safety Goals 2004
(slide 79.)
Why did JCAHO come up with “Do Not Use” list
-To help avoid errors
-Many banned abbreviations refer to medications
-Others are derived from Latin
(slide 79.)
Describe the 3 components of a Care Plan Conference?
-A meeting of a group of nurses to discuss possible solutions to certain problems of a client
-Allows each nurse the opportunity to offer an opinion about possible solutions
-Other health care providers invited to offer expertise
(slide 80.)
Describe the Nursing Rounds (4 components )
-Two or more nurses visit selected clients at bedside
-Obtain information that will help plan nursing care and evaluate care given
-Provides clients opportunity to discuss their care
-Need to use terms client can understand
(slide 80.)