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99 Cards in this Set

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진정 (陳情)
a representation, a petition, an appeal [display + a situation]
진정 (鎭靜)
calm, quiet, tranquil(l)ity, appeasement, pacification [suppress + quiet]
헌혈 (獻血)
blood donation [offer + blood]
확성기 (擴聲器)
a (loud)speaker, a megaphone, a bullhorn. [enlarge + voice + tool]
집계 (集計)
totalization, [합계] a categorized[classified] total, an aggregate [gather + calculate]
munitions [military + essentials]
관련 [關聯∙關連]
connection, relation, reference, correlation, association [concerned with + related to]
관계 [關係]
relation, relationship, reference, bearing, respect [concerned + bound to]
양국 [兩國]
both countries [both + countries]
more, still more, all the more [Korean]
돈독 [敦篤]
gentle (and sincere), humane, courteous, affable, friendly, amicable [sincere + sincere]
help, aid, assistance, [후원] support, [응원] reinforcement, [효용] use, service, utility
입장 [入場]
entrance, [관객 등의] admission, admittance. [enter + place]
본보기 (本−)
an example, a model, a pattern [original + example]
slippery, slithery, greasy, slimy, [반드럽다] smooth, velvety, sleek. [Korean]
피랍 [被拉]
be taken away[captive, prisoner], be kidnapped. [suffer + ]
무사 [無事]
safety, security [no + business]
습격 (襲擊)
an attack, an assault, a raid, a storm, a charge, an onset, an onslaught [surprise attack + attack]
시위 (示威)
show of force, demonstration, display [show + stern]
수백 (數百)
hundreds [number + hundred]
연행 (連行)
take (lead, walk, march, haul, hustle, drag) (a person to a police station),bring [continuous + go]
불복 (不服)
disobedience ((to one's order)), insubordination (to) disobey, be disobedient [not + submit]
행복 (幸福)
happiness, well-being [fortune + fortune]
투표 (投票)
vote, suffrage [throw + ticket]
표차 (表差)
a tabular difference [chart + difference]
압도적인 [壓倒的]
overwhelming, overmastering, preponderant [pressure + overthrown + (adjective)]
원유 (原油)
crude oil [original + oil]
석유 (石油)
petroleum [stone + oil]
종식 (終熄)
cessation, an end. [final + stopped]
망명 (亡命)
flight from one's own country, exile [lose + destiny]
시신 (屍身)
a (dead) body, a corpse. [dead + body]
논평 (論評)
comment, view, criticism [discuss + criticism]
공개 [公開]
open to the public [public + open]
격추 [擊墜]
shoot down, bring down, down ((a plane)), knock ((a plane)) out of the sky [attack + drop]
경멸 (輕蔑)
contempt, scorn, disdain, slight [light + disdain]
분노 (忿怒∙憤怒)
anger, wrath, rage, resentment, indignation, exasperation, ire [anger + fury]
존엄 (尊嚴)
dignity, majesty, prestige [honor + strict]
get hurt, hurt oneself, be injured, be[get] wounded [Korean]
선포 (宣布)
promulgation, proclamation, announcement [choose + announce]
긴급 (緊急)
emergency, urgency, (an) exigency [urgent + urgent]
이례 (異例)
singular[an exceptional] case, an anomaly, an exception, [different + example]
예정 (豫定)
a program, a plan, a schedule, [사전 준비] prearrangement, previous arrangement [beforehand + decide]
a lap, knee [Korean]
난국 (亂國)
a disturbed[disrupted, troubled] country, a country without law or order [chaos + country]
난국 (難局)
a grave (difficult, delicate) situation, a crisis, a difficulty, a deadlock, an impasse. [difficult + situation]
난국 (暖國)
a warm(hot) country (climate). [warm + country]
추가 (追加)
an addition, a supplement [follow + add]
엄격 (嚴格)
strictness, sternness [strict + rules]
(an) imitation, mimicry, apery, impersonation, [Korean]
loud, empty menaces[threats], bluster, bluff [Korean]
엄포를 놓다
to utter (loud,) empty threats (against), use empty menaces[threats] ((to, towards)), intimidate by bluster[empty threats [Korean]
cruel, atrocious, horrible, heartless
공습 (空襲)
an air raid, an air attack [air + surprise attack]
저항 (抵抗)
resistance, opposition, defiance, struggle [resist + resist]
주도 (主導)
leading, initiative [main + lead]
조직 (組織)
an organization, formation, construction [organize + weave/knit]
상당 (相當)
suitableness, properness, befittingness [mutually/face + suitable]
숫자 (數字)
a figure, a numeral [number + character]
시행 (施行)
enforcement, operation. [make/apply + go]
Great Wall of China [10,000 + li + long + castle]
fly high[up], soar (up), take flight, rise in the air, take[hop] off, take the air,
to fly (in the air)
신형 (新型)
new style (the latest model) [new + kind]
결함 (缺陷)
a defect, a fault, a shortcoming, a flaw [lack + sink]
개최 (開催)
hold a meeting, open a meeting [open + ]
개전 (開戰)
the opening[commencement] of hostilities, the outbreak[beginning] of war. [open + war]
with this, hereby
유일 (唯一)
the only, the sole ((survivor)), the one (and only), solitary, single, unique, exclusive [only + one]
세출 (歲出)
annual expenditure [year + appear]
위원회 (委員會)
committee, commission, board, hearing [commission + member+ gather]
냉각 (冷却)
cooling, refrigeration [cold +
압박 (壓迫)
pressure, oppression, compulsion, coercion [pressure + persecute/oppress]
단계 (段階)
steps, stage, rank [step + step]
작용 (作用)
(an) action, working, operation, process, [기능] a function, [영향] an effect. [do + use]
허심 (虛心)
disinterestedness, freedom from prejudice [false + heart]
단교 (斷交)
rupture, a break of relations, [외교 단절] diplomatic cessation, severance of diplomatic relations [cut off + exchange]
초청 (招請)
an invitation [invite + invite]
개선 (改善)
(an) improvement (of, on, upon), (a) betterment, amelioration, a change for the better, reform [amend + good]
개선 (凱旋)
triumphal return/entry [victory + revolve]
무역 (貿易)
trade, commerce.[duty + duty]
즉각 (卽刻)
instantly, immediately, instantaneously, promptly, on the spot [? + clock]
공약 (公約)
a public promise [public + promise]
좌파 (左派)
the left branch, leftists. [left + branch]
내무부 (內務部)
the Ministry of Home Affairs, the Home Ministry,((美)) the Department of the Interior [inside + duty + section]
선거 (船渠)
a dock [ship + channel]
비용 (費用)
expense(s), expenditure, (a) cost, (an) outlay [expenses + use]
등급 (等級)
class, a grade, an order, a rank, a degree, magnitude [level + level]
서방 (西方)
the west, [지방] western districts, [나라] western countries, [동서 양진영의] the West [west + direction]
선택 (選擇)
selection, choice, option, selectivity [select + choose]
의제 (議題)
subject[topic] for discussion, an agenda item, [discuss + subject]
성공 (成功)
success, a hit, a coup, achievement, a breakthrough [complete + achievement]
제조 (製造)
manufacture, production, making, preparation [make + make]
배기 (排氣)
exhaust [reject + air]
이산화 (二酸化)
CO2 carbon[nitrogen, sulfur] dioxide [2 + acid + change]
탄산가스 (炭酸-)
CO2, [coal + acid]
중독 (中毒)
poisoning, toxication,《醫》intoxication. [middle + poison]
청정 (淸淨)
purity, immaculateness, immaculacy [ clean + clean]
기기 (器機)
machinery and tools, apparatus [utensil + opportunity]