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51 Cards in this Set

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Q450. progesterone levels for nml uterine pregnancy; progesterone levels for nonviable pregnancy
A450. >25; <5
Q451. if non-viable pregnancy is dx, what is next step to determine etiology
A451. d&c to assess miscarriage (will see chorionic villi) or ectopic pregnancy (will see no villi)
Q452. when should MTX be given to tx miscarriage
A452. if patients are asymptomatic and fetus is <3.5 cm
Q453. what is cutoff in weeks for a pregnancy loss to be considered a spontaneous abortion
A453. 20w weeks
Q454. definition of PPROM
A454. rom prior to onset of labor <37 weeks; 50% will labor within 48 hrs and 90% w/i 1 week
Q455. sx of chorioamnionitis
A455. maternal fever, tachycardia, uterine tenderness, and malodorous d/c; fetal tachycardia >160 is also an early sign
Q456. tx of PPROM
A456. if <32 weeks, steroids and broad-spectrum antibiotics
Q457. dx of chorioamnionitis
A457. see gm stained bacteria on amniocentesis
Q458. time-frame of pre-term labor
A458. 20-37 weeks
Q459. complication of vbac
A459. uterine rupture
Q460. how to manage arrest of active phase of labor
A460. if CTX are not strong enough, give pit, then place IUCP if there is still no dilation
Q461. what things are included in the bishop score
A461. dilation; effacement; station; consistency; cervical position
Q462. what bishop score is favorable for induction
A462. >8
Q463. what are the cardinal movements of labor
A463. engagement (oociput transverse); internal rotation (to occiput anterior); complete rotation; extension of neck; external rotation; anterior shoulder; posterior shoulder
Q464. what is the most common type of breech presentation
A464. frank breech
Q465. what are the 3 types of breech and how do they differ
A465. frank: flexed hips with knees extended, feet are under fetal head; footling: one or both hips not flexed and foot or knee is in birth canal; complete: flexed hips and knees, with 1 foot near the breech
Q466. when can external version of breech be performed
A466. after 37 weeks b/c of risk of abruption or ROM secondary to external maneuvering
Q467. #1 cause of post-partum hemorrhage
A467. uterine atony
Q468. definition of post-partum hemorrhage
A468. >500 cc blood loss after vaginal birth; >1000 cc blood loss after c/s
Q469. orgs involved in endometritis
A469. anaerobes and aerobes
Q470. why is bromocriptine no longer given to prevent galactorrhea post-partum
A470. seizure and HTN can result (uncommonly)
Q471. what causes prolonged fetal tachycardia
A471. maternal fever; chorioamnionitis
Q472. cause of early decelerations; morphology
A472. head compression during CTX; mirror images of CTX tracing
Q473. cause of late decelerations
A473. placental insufficiency; chronic HTN; post-date pregnancy
Q474. causes of variable decelerations
A474. cord compression; cord around fetal parts; fetal anomalies; oligohydramnios
Q475. causes of sinusoidal FHT
A475. severe fetal anemia; maternal drugs
Q476. causes of prolonged bradycardia in FHT
A476. uterine hyperstimulation
Q477. when is an amnioinfusion performed
A477. to tx variable decelerations or meconium stained amniotic fluid
Q478. which PG is contraindicated in asthma
A478. PGF2
Q479. what is used to decrease uterine bleeding post-partum
A479. ergots; oxytocin; PGs
Q480. which 2 placental problems often go together
A480. accreta and previa
Q481. what effect does pregnancy have on peptid ulcer disease; on ms
A481. makes both of them better
Q482. dx of endometriosis
A482. laparoscopy
Q483. management of placental abruption in setting of painful bleeding in 3rd trimester
A483. can progress rapidly so pt should be carefully monitored; ensure rapid vaginal delivery; c/s only if there is rapid deterioration in early stages of labor
Q484. when is rhogam given
A484. at 28 weeks
Q485. after 1h gtt, what is the threshold for gdm
A485. >140
Q486. after the 3hr gtt what is the threshold for gdm
A486. at 1h >180; at 2h >155; at 3h >140
Q487. what can be done to decrease utis in sexually active women
A487. void after sex
Q488. what is the most common genetic mutation associated with ovarian ca
A488. p53 (much more common than brca)
Q489. consistency of granulosa theca cells
A489. solid
Q490. appearance of a serous cystadenoma
A490. larger than a functional cyst; pt has increased abdominal girth
Q491. what determines prognosis in ca
A491. tumor stage
Q492. standard of care for advanced ovarian ca in a pt s/p oopherectomy and surgical staging
A492. post-op chemo
Q493. definition of anemia in pregnancy; most common cause
A493. hb <10.5; Fe deficiency
Q494. tx of hellp
A494. delivery
Q495. what happens to haptoglobin lvls in hemolysis
A495. they decrease b/c they are bound by hb
Q496. side effects of MgSO4
A496. decreased DTR; pulmonary edema; respiratory depression
Q497. when should antenatal steroids be given in ptl
A497. between 24-34 weeks, after that not needed
Q498. should tocolysis be given to patients with suspected abruption
A498. no they should be delivered, b/c if tocolysis is used the abruption can continue
Q499. what effect do b-agonists have on K
A499. hypokalemia
Q500. complication of pyelonephritis in pregnancy
A500. 2-5% --> ARDs (usually endotoxin related)