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51 Cards in this Set

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Q150. the location of the small parts is determined by which Leopold maneuver?
A150. Second maneuver
Q151. determining what occupies the fundus is accomplished by what Leopold maneuver?
A151. First maneuver
Q152. identifying the cephalic prominence is accomplished by what Leopold maneuver?
A152. Fourth maneuver
Q153. what is the most common "fetal lie" found during early labor?
A153. Longitudinal
Q154. what is the most common "fetal presentation" found in early labor?
A154. Vertex
Q155. Definition:; the turning of the fetal head toward the sacrum
A155. Anterior Asynclitism
Q156. what is the station of a patient in labor with the vertex at the level of the ischial spines?
A156. Zero
Q157. At Zero station, where is the biparietal diameter of the fetal head in relation to the pelvic inlet?
A157. Passed below the pelvic inlet
Q158. the clinical significance of the fetal head presenting at zero station is that the biparietal diameter of the fetal head has negotiated what?
A158. Pelvic inlet
Q159. what is cervical effacement?
A159. the degree of cervical thinning
Q160. how is the First Stage of Labor described?
A160. Onset of labor to full cervical dilation
Q161. how is the Second Stage of Labor described?
A161. Complete dilation of the cervix to delivery of the infant
Q162. how is the Third Stage of Labor described?
A162. Delivery of the infant to delivery of the placenta
Q163. how is the Fourth Stage of Labor described?
A163. period extending up to two hours after delivery of the placenta
Q164. the Active Phase of the first stage of labor is defined to begin when the cervix is how dilated?
A164. 4 cm
Q165. what describes the cardinal movement of labor that allows the smaller diameter of the fetal head to present to the maternal pelvis?
A165. Flexion
Q166. what describes the movement of the fetal head as it reaches the introitus?
A166. Extension of the fetal head
Q167. what describes the movement of the fetal head to "face forward" relative to the shoulders?
A167. External rotation
Q168. Definition:; movement of the presenting part through the birth canal
A168. Descent
Q169. Times in Nulliparas:; 1) Latent phase of stage 1; 2) Active phase of stage 1; 3) Second stage of labor
A169. Nulliparas:; Latent phase of stage 1: 6.5 hours; Active phase of stage 1: 4.5 hours; Second stage of labor: 1 hour
Q170. Times in Multiparas:; 1) Latent phase of stage 1; 2) Active phase of stage 1; 3) Second stage of labor
A170. Multiparas:; Latent phase of stage 1: 5 hours; Active phase of stage 1: 2.5 hours; Second stage of labor: 0.5 hours
Q171. during the active phase of labor, if electronic monitoring is not used, the fetal heart rate should be auscultated how often?
A171. every 15 min
Q172. during the second stage of labor, if electronic monitoring is not used, the fetal heart rate should be auscultated how often?
A172. each uterine contraction
Q173. an external tocodynamometer provides information about what?
A173. Contraction frequency
Q174. the sensory nerves form the lower birth canal and the perineum enter the spinal cord where?
A174. S2 - S4
Q175. What is an epidural best used for specifically compared to a spinal and pudendal?
A175. Epidural:; Active phase of labor and delivery; Spinal:; short-term for vaginal and abdominal delivery; perineal anesthesia for vaginal delivery
Q176. what is the major cause of maternal mortality from OB anesthesia?
A176. Aspiration of vomitus
Q177. what is the MC result of compression of the fetal head during delivery?
A177. Molding
Q178. what is the usual postpartum blood loss in a vaginal delivery?
A178. 500 mL
Q179. what is the First-degree vaginal laceration at birth?
A179. involves the vaginal mucosa and perineal skin
Q180. what is the Second-degree vaginal laceration at birth?
A180. involves the underlying fascia or muscle but not rectal sphinctor or rectal mucosa
Q181. what is the Third-degree vaginal laceration at birth?
A181. extends through rectal sphinctor but not into the rectum
Q182. what is the Fourth-degree vaginal laceration at birth?
A182. extends into the rectal mucosa
Q183. during the delivery of the fetal head the likelihood of laceration or extension of episiotomy is decreased by what maneuver?
A183. Ritgen maneuver
Q184. how many minutes should one wait for the spontaneous extrusion of the placenta?
A184. 30 minutes
Q185. IUGR - What is it
A185. Wt. < 10th percentile; suspect if > 4 between fundal ht. (cm) and GA (weeks); asymmetric - 80%, placenta mediated: HTN, poor nutrition, maternal smoking; symmetric - fetal problem: cytogenetic, infection, anomalies
Q186. IUGR - Dx
A186. Serial exams,; US every 3-4 weeks; NST, CST, BPP; Doppler
Q187. IUGR - Tx
A187. Steroids; consider early delivery - esp. asymmetric; continuous FHR monitoring during labor; C-section if decelerations persist
Q188. Oligohydramnios - What is it
A188. Excess loss of fluid - ROM (amniotic leak); decreased in fetal urine produced; fetal urinary tract abnorm; obstructive uropathy; chronic uteroplacental insufficiency; maternal HTN; severe toxemia; AFI < 5 on US
Q189. Oligohydramnios - Complications
A189. Pulmonary hypoplasia; club foot; flattened facies; IUGR; fetal distress; fetal hypoxia - (umbilical cord compression)
Q190. Oligohydramnios - Tx
A190. Rule out inaccurate gestational dates; Tx underlying cause,; if possible, amnioinfusion - NaCl
Q191. Polyhydramnios - What is it
A191. Excess of fluid; AFI > 20 on US; Maternal DM; "baby can't swallow": esoph atresia, TEF, duodenal atresia; anencephaly; multiple gestations; twin-twin transfusion syn
Q192. Polyhydramnios - Dx/Tx
A192. US for fetal anomalies; glucose test; Rh screening; Tx depends on cause
Q193. Polyhydramnios - Complications
A193. Preterm labor; cord prolapse; fetal malpresentation
Q194. Rh Isoimmunization - What is it
A194. Ag protein on RBC; AD; maternal anti-Rh IgG ab => erythroblastosis fetalis; 2nd pregnancy - fast production by memory plasma cells
Q195. Rh Isoimmunization - History/PE; What do you ask on History
A195. Ask about - prior delivery of Rh+ child, ectopic pregnancy, abortion, blood transfusions, amniocentesis, abdom trauma
Q196. Rh Isoimmunization - Evaluation
A196. Maternal - on 1st visit, check ABO & Rh; if Rh- then check dad's Rh,; if dad Rh+ then, check mom's titer at 26-28 weeks; if pos., test serially for high titers (> 1:16), fetal - amniocentesis or US-guided umbilical bld sample, blood type, Coombs' titer, bilirubin level, HCT, reticulocytes; postnatally - fetal cord blood, Rh,HCT
Q197. Rh Isoimmunization - Tx
A197. Prevention - . at 28 weeks, if mom Rh- and dad Rh+ or status unknown, give RhoGAM (IgG anti-D); if baby Rh+, give RhoGAM postpartum, too; give RhoGAM to Rh- moms if have had abortion, ectopic pregnancy, amniocentesis, vaginal bleeding, placenta previa, placental abruption, sensitized Rh- moms with titers > 1:16; monitor closely, serial US, amniocentesis in severe cases - enhance lung maturity, intrauterine blood transfusion, init preterm delivery
Q198. Rh Isoimmunization - Complications
A198. Fetal hypoxia => lactic acidosis => heart failure => hydrops fetalis, death; kernicterus; prematurity
Q199. Gestational Trophoblastic Dis - What is it
A199. Prolif of trophoblastic tissue, range of diseases, benign or malignant; risk factors: age < 20 or > 40, def. in folate or B-carotene; hydatidiform mole - 80%, benign, may progress to malignant; complete, sperm fertilize empty ovum, 46XX; paternal derived incomplete/partial fertilized by 2 sperm, 69XXY; has fetal tissue; choriocarcinoma; placental site trophoblastic tumor
Q200. Gestational Trophoblastic Dis- History/PE
A200. History - 1st trimester uterine bleeding; hyperemesis gravidarum; preeclampsia-eclampsia <24 weeks; excessive uterine enlargement; hyperthyroidism; PE - no fetal heartbeat, enlarged ovaries with b/l theca-lutein cysts, expulsion of grapelike cluster, blood in cervical os