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183 Cards in this Set

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Adductor tubercle
1. Arises off the superior crest of the medial
2. Attachment site to improve mechanical advantage

Medial and Lateral Tibial plateaus

Medial-concave in both frontal and sagittal planes. 50% larger than the the lateral TP

Lateral- concave :frontal convex:sagittal

Tibiofemoral- double condyloid joint

1. flex+ext

2.int+ext rotation

3. abd+add

ant and post translation


hypomobile joint b/c of scar tissue formation in joint

MCL: Deep layer

Thickened part of the joint capsule.

Attaches to medial meniscus

Taut: slight flexion & Full Extension

MCL: Anterior/superficial layer

Separated by bursa from deep layer.

Taut: full extension


Primarily acts to protect the knee from Valgus forces & provides secondary restraint against external rotation of the tibia and anterior translation of the tibia on the femur

O: Just below adductor tubercle

I: just below attachment of pes anserine


-Primary stabilizer of the lateral aspect of the knee

-No attachment to joint capsule of the knee

-extracapsular structure

-Protects knee from varus forces when knee is between 0 deg ext & 30 deg flex

What knee system(med or lat) is stronger and why?

Lateral: subjected to increased stress during the initial contact phase of gait when the knee is extended and WB- placing varus forces on the joint

Cruciate ligaments

Located outside of the synovial capsule, even thought intraarticular

-help to stabilize the knee vs. valgus and varus forces

ACL: Origin & Insertion

Arises from the anteromedial intercondylar eminence of the tibia, travels posteriorly, and passes lateral to the PCL to insert on the medial wall of the lateral femoral condyle

ACL: function

Static stabilizer vs.

-ant translation of the tib on fem

-int rot of the tib on fem

ext rot of the tib on fem

hyperext of the tibiofemoral joint

ACL:Biomenchanics of Bundles

Knee EXT: the femoral attachment site of the anteromedial bundle is proximal to the attachment site of the posterolateral bundle

Knee FLEX: attachment sites juxtapose position, causing ACL to wind upon itself

Anteromed: taut when fully flexed

Posterolat: taut when fully extended

Positions the put great strain on ACL

-PROM: final 15 deg of ext- int rot tibia

Valgus & varus stresses

-Active/Open Chain: the pull of the quad translates the tibia ant the amount of strain is

greatest between 0-30 deg of flex

+ adding resistance through the arc of ext- when the knee extends from 45 to 0 deg of flex

PCL:Origin and Insertion

O:Posterior aspect of the tibia and takes superior and anterior course passing medially to ACL

I: Lateral portion of femoral condyle

PCL: Function

Stronger & 120-150% wider than ACL

Primary restraint against post displacement of tibia on femur

Secondary restraint against external tibial


augmented by meniscofemoral ligaments

PCL: Bundles

Anterolateral: taut @ knee flex

Posteromedial: lax @ knee flex Tightens @ knee ext

PCL: blood supply

middle geniculate artery (limited)

Meniscofemoral ligaments



Primary restraint against posterior displacement of the tibia and femur


posterior capsule

Other joint structures

Screw home mechanism

ACL & PCL wind up on each other in FLEX

UNwind in EXT


Posterolateral corner

Provides stability vs. varus stress, ext tib rot, and & post forces

lateral complex/ posterolateral complex

"dark side of the knee"

PLC: Superficial Structures

Lateral fascia

IT band

Biceps Femoris tendon

PLC: Middle structures

Patellar retinaculum

Patellofemoral ligament

PLC:Deep structures

Joint capsule


Arcuate ligament *********

Popliteofibular ligament

Fabellofibular ligament

Popliteus tendon

Popliteofibular ligament

Y shaped

O: Tibia + Fibula

I: Femur

Key stabilizer vs. post translation, varus forces and ext rotation

Popliteus Complex: structures

formed by:

-popliteus muscle + tendon

-popliteofibular ligament

-popliteotibial fasicle

-popliteomeniscal fasicles

attaches to the post horn and middle post portions of lat meniscus

Popliteus Complex: function

resist ext tibial rot between 20 & 130 deg of knee flex

Arcuate ligament

arising from fibular head- passes over popliteus muscle, where it diverges into the intercondylar area of the tibia and post aspect of the femurs lat epicondyle

assists cruciate ligaments in controlling PLRI

Injury to this area- increased ext rot of tib


lies within the lateral head of the gastrocnemius muscle; fabellofibular ligament attaches from fabella to fibular head increasing thickness of tissues on posterolateral corner


-Deepen articulation and fill the gaps that normally occur during the knee's articulation, increasing load transmission over a greater % of the joint surfaces,

-improve lubrication for the articulating surfaces

-provide shock absorbtion

-increase passive joint stability

-limit extremes of flexion and extension

-serve as proprioceptive organs

Medial meniscus

half crescent: C shape, wider posteriorly than anteriorly.

attached by at peripheries to the tibia via coronary ligaments

Lateral meniscus

Circular in shape

smaller and more mobile- attached to femur via meniscofemoral ligaments and popliteus muscle via the joint capsule and coronary ligament

attached by at peripheries to the tibia via coronary ligaments

The _______________ of each meniscus are joined by the _______________ ligament and connected to the patellar tendon via _________________ ligaments

1. anterior horns

2. transverse

3. patellomeniscal

When does the meniscus become avascular and what portion?

9 months old. 1/3

Pes anserine

gracilis, sartorius, semitendinosis

-flexes knee and internally rotates tibia when foot is not planted on the ground

- foot is fixed- they externally rotate the femur on the fixed tibia

-sartorius assists in flexion, ext rot, abd of the hip

Line of pull of IT band

Full extension of the knee: that of a knee extensor

Flexed past 30 degrees: assumes angle of a flexor

IT band

I:Gerdy's tubercle

Relatively insignificant knee motion

(deep distal fibers) Plays a significant role in lateral knee stabilization

What unlocks the knee during WB?

contraction of:

Popliteus, semimembranosis, semitendinosis muscles

To initiate flexion in the knee_______________

it must be unlocked by the tibia internally rotating relative to the femur (popliteus)

Nerve roots that supply the knee

L3, L4, L5, S1, S2

Anterior nerve innervations

anterior cutaneous branches of the Femoral nerve

infrapatellar branch of Saphenous nerve

Medial nerve innervations

Saphenous nerve

Posterior nerve innervations

posterior cutaneous branches of the Cluneal nerve

Lateral nerve innervations

Sural cutaneous

______ Pain that may mimic that caused by a strain of the medial or lateral origin of the gastroc


sensation of giving way without buckling is usually related to...


quad weakness/ inhibition

patellofemoral joint disease

true locking (inability to extend the knee) indicates

unstable meniscal tear

subluxation of post horn of meniscus

loose body like osteochondral fragment within the joint that wedges between the femur and tibia -- locking the joint

catching or crepitation more accurately indicated...

patellofemoral joint disease

chronic onset of injury arises secondary to...

training errors

foot type

shoe type

postural deviations

hip pathology

foot biomechanics

following injury- what is the relaxed position that maintains the knee in resting position

30 degrees of flexion- shortens stance phase and minimize stress on involved structures

Ruptured patellar tendon

unilateral high riding patella + quad spasm

Indicators of intra-articular effusion

LOSS of:

concave depressions on both sides of the patella when the patient is supine & knee is extended

Patellar Tendon Pathologies

Swelling over or directly around: Tendonopathy or Bursitis

Swelling on both sides that masks definition: inflammation of underlying fat pad

Normal angle of Tibia on Femur


baker's cyst

only involve bursa of semimembranosus and medial head of gastroc

Palpation of anterior structures


Patellar tendon

Tibial tuberosity


Quad tendon


Palpation of medial structures

Medial meniscus

Medial joint line


Medial femoral condyle + epicondyle

Medial tibial plateau

pes anserine tendon + bursa

Semitendinosus tendon


Palpation of lateral structures

Joint line

Fibular head



biceps femoris

IT band

lateral femoral condyle

Palpation of posterior structures

popliteal fossa

Hamstring muscle group

Acute injury aspiration

dark red -- bleeding

Cyclops lesion

Scar tissue formation in anterior intracondylar notch

fibrous nodules creating a mechanical block/ capsulitis

Limited knee flexion occurs when

Hip is fully extended

Lachman's test tends to isolate what?

posterolateral bundle of ACL

Grading systems for PCL

I- palpable but diminished step off between tibia and femur

0-5mm of displacement

II- Step off is lost, tibia can't be pushed beyond medial femoral condyle; 5-10 mm displacement

III- step off is lost; tibia can't be pushed beyond medial femoral condyle; >10 mm displacement

Primary structure for resisting Valgus forces: Knee flexed 25 degrees


Extended- indicator of MCL sprain or fracture of femoral epiphysis in younger patients

Primary structure for resisting Varus forces: knee flexed 25 degrees


Extended- indicator of LCL or distal femoral epiphysis fracture in younger patients

(SUPINE) special tests

Anterior Drawer

Posterior Drawer

Quad Active Test

External Rotation Recurvatum

Posterior Sag / Godfreys

Slocum Drawer

Hughstons Posterolateral

Hughstons Posteromedial

Hughstons Plica

Flexion Rotation drawer




Pivot Shift (Jerk)

Reverse Pivot Shift

Dynamic Posterior shift

Steinmans tenderness displacement


Nobels compression



(SIDE LYING) special tests

Slocum ALRI


(PRONE) special tests

Apley's compression and distraction

External Rotation (Dial)

Prone Lachman's

(SHORT SITTING) Special tests


(STANDING) special tests




Lateral joint play

Proximal Tibiofibular syndesmosis

MOI: Valgus force


Medial joint capsule

pes anserine muscle group

Medial meniscus

(compressive forces - lateral meniscus)

MOI: Varus


Lateral joint capsule

IT band

Biceps femoris

(compressive forces- medial meniscus)

MOI: Anterior Tibial displacement


IT band



Medial and lateral joint capsules

(compressive forces: posterior portion of the medial and lateral meniscus)

MOI: Posterior Tibial Displacement


Meniscofemoral ligaments


Medial and lateral joint capsules

(compressive forces: Anterior portion of the medial and lateral meniscus)

Internal tibial Rotation


Anterolateral joint capsule

Posteromedial joint capsule

Posterolateral joint capsule


(compressive forces: Anterior horn of medial meniscus & Posterior horn of lateral meniscus)

External tibial rotation

Posterolateral joint capsule

anteromedial joint capsule





(Compressive forces: Anterior horn of lateral meniscus, Posterior horn of medial meniscus)



Posterior Joint Capsule


(Compressive forces: Anterior portion of the medial and lateral meniscus)




(compressive forces: Posterior portion of the medial and lateral meniscus)

Deltoid ligament

Anterior Tibiotalar


Posterior Tibiotalar


Anterior Tibiotalar

Anteromedial portion of the tibias malleolus to superior portion of the medial talus


apex of the medial malleolus to calcaneus directly below medial malleolus

Posterior tibiotalar

spans posterior aspect of medial malleolus attaching on the posterior portion of the talus


inserts on the medial surface of the navicular to limit lateral translation and lateral rotation of the tibia on the foot

What is TAUT in the subtalar joint when plantarflexed



What ligaments tighten during dorsiflexion



Immobile joint which 2 bones are bound together by ligaments

Syndesmosis joint

Stieda's process

appears 8-13 y/o

7% of population

When is Os trigonum formed?

Steida's process separates from the talus

Distal tibia joint play: Implications

Sprain of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis

Distal tibia joint play: Extensor mechanism

formed by the quads and patellafemoral joint responsible for causing extension of the lower leg at the knee joint

Medial Knee joint reinforcements


Medial patellofemoral ligaments

medial patellar retinaculum

laterally augmented: the LCL

lateral patellar retinaculum

lateral patellofemoral ligament

IT band

Posteriorly by the posetrolateral corner

anteriorly by the patella tendon

McMurray's special test

Positive test: popping, clicking or locking of the knee, pain eminating from the menisci or sensation to that experienced with ambulation

Implications: meniscal tear on the side of the reported symptoms

Predisposing factors to ACL Ligament injuries Extrinsic to the knee

Sport specific body motions

muscle strength

muscle fatigue

muscular activation and coordination

athletic skill coordination

the shoe surface interface

hyperpronation of the foot

anterior pelvic tilt

anteroverted femur

wider pelvis to femoral length ratio

menstral cycle

history of an immediate family member


Predisposing factors to ACL ligament injuries Intrinsic to the knee
joint laxity
limb alignment
narrow intercondylar notch width
small size of the ACL
genu recurvatum


External rotation test

Used to determine injury to the deltoid ligament caused by ROTATIONAL stress + syndesmosis sprain

+ deltoid ligament involvement: medial joint pain- examiner may feel displacement of the talus away from the medial malleolus

syndesmosis involvement: pain is described in the anterolateral ankle at the site of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis

Kleiger's implications

Medial pain: trauma to deltoid ligament

Pain in the area of the anterior or posterior tibiofibular ligament should be considered syndesmosis pathology unless determined otherwise

fracture to the distal fibula

Anterior Drawer Test

used to determine the integrity of the ATF

Inversion stress trest

used to determine if the calcaneofibular ligament has been injured- also stresses the anterior and posterior talofibular ligaments

Eversion stress test

used to evaluate injury to the deltoid ligament


union of 2 bones through the formation of connective tissue

Maisoneuve fracture

Spiral fracture of the proximal 1/3 of the fibula with concurrent disruption of the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis

Pott's fracture

bimalleolar fracture

Tarsal coalition

bony, fibrous, or catoliginous union between 2 or more tarsal bones

Peroneal spastic flat foot

lowering of the medial foot caused by spasm of the peroneous longus muscle

Tarsal coalition clinicall exhibited as

rigid flat foot with calcaneal valgus and abduction of the forefoot that is unchanged when the patient is in a WB position

Bony surface of the TARSAL TUNNEL




roof formed by the flexor retinaculum

Trarsal tunnel syndrome caused by

entrapment of the posterior tibial nerve or one of its medial or lateral branches as it passes through the tarsal tunnel

What predisposes TTS

Rear foot varus coupled with

excessive pronation

increased internal rotation of the tibia

hypermobility of the medial longitudinal arch

Pivot shift implications


Anterolateral capsule


Biceps femoris

Lateral meniscus


Posterolateral capsule

Positive test for Pivot shift test

Tibia's postion on the femus reduces as the leg is flexed in the range 30-40 degrees

jerk test: during extension, the anterior subluxation is felt in the same range

Slocum drawer

Rotational knee instability

Slocum drawer positive test

increased amount of anterior tibial translation compared to the opposite side OR lack of a firm endpoint

Implications of Slocum drawer

Test for ALRI: damage to


Anterolateral capsule



Popliteus tendon

Posterolateral complex

lateral meniscus

test for AMRI: damage of the MCL

anteromedial capsule

pes anserine

medial meniscus

5 P's describe signs and symptoms of compartment syndrome






Anatomic factors that predispose someone to have CCS

Herniation of the muscle, occluding the neurovascular network as it transverses the interosseous membrane

Fascia's failing to accomodate the increase on the muscle volume during exercise

excessive hypertrophy of the muscles within an otherwise normal fascial network

Increased capillary permeability

Post exercise fluid retention

decreased venous return

Tibiofemoral alignment

genu valgum- tibia angled medially more than 5 degrees relative to the femur

genu varum- tibia angled laterally more than 5 degrees relative to the femur

genu recurvatum- tibiofemoral extension freater than 0

Quadriceps active test

+ anterior translation of the tibia on the femur

Impications- grade II or III PCL sprain


trauma to both ACL and lateral extraarticular restraints( LCL, IT Band, Biceps femoris, and lateral meniscus)

ALRI specific tests

pivot shift test



Flexion rotation drawerSL

Slocum drawer + crossover test

used to determine ALRI & AMRI

Slocum- isolates

AM or AL joint capsule

Anteromedial structure instability


AM capsule


pes anserine

medial meniscus

posteromedial capsule

Anterolateral structural instability
Anterolateral capsule
IT band
biceps femoris
lateral meniscus
posterolateral capsule

Posteromedial structural instability

posterior oblique ligament



anteromedial capsule

posterolateral structural instability

posterolateral complex


Biceps femoris

Crossover test

used to determine rotational instability of the knee


tissue used to replace ligament are harvested from a CADAVER


the tissues used to replace the ligament harvested from the PATIENTS body

Example of MOI of PCL

landing on anterior tibia while the knee is flexed can drive the tibia posteriorly

Reliable tests for PCL

Posterior drawer

Sag test

*reliable and sensitive in ID presence of chronic PCL sprains

Slocum ALRI

Appreciable "clunk" or instability as the lateral tibial plateau subluxes or pain/instability

Slocum ALRI implications

tear of



anterolateral capsule

arcuate ligament complex

biceps femoris tendon

IT band

vascular (RED zones) of menisci

outer rim and anterior and posterior horns

10-25% lateral meniscus

10-30% medial meniscus

avascular (white zones) of menisci

inner portion

What joins the anterior horns of each meniscus

transverse ligament and connected to patellar tendon via patellomeniscal ligaments

Knee extension patellomeniscal ligaments pull...

lateral meniscus anteriorly;

early stages of flexion popliteus puls lateral meniscus posteriorly;

later ROM meniscofemoral ligament pulls posterior horn medially and anteriorly

Classifications of meniscal tears





transverse (radial)


Osteochondral defects

fractures of the articular cartilage and underlying bone that are typically caused by compressive and shear forces

Wilson's test

used for presence of OCD on knee's articular surface

Nobel's compression test

+ pain under thumb - most commonly when knee is 30 degrees of flexion

Implications of Nobel's test

Inflammation of the IT band

associated burse

Inflammation of the lateral femoral condyle

Lateral compartment of the ankle

-Peroneous longus- most superficial

-peroneous brevis lies beneath PL

(both peroneals are held in place by superior and inferior peroneal retinaculum)

-superficial peroneal nerve

Peroneal artery arises off tibial artery

Dial test

External rotation

Dial test (positive findings)

increase in external rotation greater than 10 degrees

Dial test implications

difference of 30 degrees of flexion but not at 90 degrees: injury isolated to the posterolateral corner of the knee

30degree: PCL, posterolateral knee structures, posterolateral corner

90degree: isolated PCL sprain


HIGHLY vascular structure


inflamation of a paratenon


degeneration of the tendon's substance starting with microscopic tears and necrotic areas within the tendon as a result of decreased blood flow throughthe paratenon

Achilles degeneration

peritendinitis or tendinosis to tendon rupture

ANatomic factors that leaf to onset of Achilles pathology

tibial varum



tightness of triceps surae+hamstrings

Inversion stres test


TALAR TILT positive tests

Talus tilts or gaps excessively compared with the uninjured side or pain is produced

Talar tilt implications

calcaneofibular ligament

anterior talofibular and posterior talofibular ligament

Prone lachmans can be used to differentiate

abnormal tibiofemoral glide caused by tears of the ACL from that caused by PCL deficiencies

Test for posterior instability

posterior sag

posterior drawer test


Test for medial instability

valgus stress test (full ext+30 deg flexion)t

tests for lateral instability

varus stress test (extended and 30 degrees of flexion (isolates LCL))

Fully extended may indicate distal femoral epiphysis in a younger patient

Patellar dislocation usually occur


Subluxating peroneal tendons caused by rupture of stretching of retinaculum...

change the angle of pull to that of a dorsiflexor

Reverse pivot shift test

+: (clunk) of the tibia on the femur

implications: posterolateral rotary instability and/ or trauma to the posterolateral corner

Predisposition to IT band friction syndrome

genu varum

pronated feet


lateral heel strike

conditions causing internal tibial rotation

activities causing overstriding

large lateral femoral epicondyle

Ober's test

IT band tightness


Chronic exertional compartment syndrome

recurrent or intermittent claudication occurs secondary to anatomic abnormalities obstructing blood flow in exercising muscles


pain caused by inadequate venous drainage or poor arterial innervation sy

subcutaneous calcaneal bursa

located between the posterior aspect of the Achilles tendon and the skin;;;;


Retrocalcaneal bursitis

forms pump bumps

Talocrural joint must provide

10 degree of dorsiflexion and 15 degree during running as te opposite limb goes from stance phase to swing phase

AROM plantar flexion

50 degrees

AROM Dorsiflexion

0-20 degrees

Ankle mortice

distal articular surface of tibia and its medial malleolus

fibulas lateral malleolus


Achilles insertion site

Calcaneal tubercle

Navicular serves

Insertion of post tibialis

supports medial longitudinal arch via plantar calcaneonavicular spring ligament

Calcaneofibular ligament

extracapsular structure

Ligaments in the joint capsule of ankle

anterior and posterior talofibular

Only fibular shaft is fractured

Hugier or High Dupuytren fracture

Anatomic and physiologic ankle sprain predisposition

decreased proprioceptive ability

decreased muscular strength

lack of muscular coordination

all factors are associated with a history of multiple sprains

Where can a chondral defect be present

articulating surfaces of the superior portion of the anteromedial talus and ot the inferior portion of the anteromedial tibia

Sinus tarsi

after injury to the ATF or fractures about the ankle this area fills up with fluid resulting in a loss of normal indentation in the proximal foot


Pain in the femoral triangle or anterior hip

Adductor Tubercle

1. Arises off the superior crest of the medial


2. Attachment site to improve mechanical advantage