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47 Cards in this Set

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Temporal bone constitutes how much of the floor of the middle cranial fossa?
Four parts of the temporal bone
Muscles that attach to the mastoid process? (7)
Splenius capitus
Longissimus capitus
Anterior, Superior Posterior Auricular
Where does the temporalis muscle attach?
Squamosa of the temporal bone (not mastoid)
How much of the external auditory canal is cartilage?
How much of the eustachian tube is cartilaginous?
What does the skin over the cartilaginous canal have?
sebaceous glands, ceruminous glands and hair follicles
What does the skin over the bony canal have?
no subcutaneous tissue - except periosteum
Boundaries of the external auditory canal?
Anterior - Mandibular fossa, parotid
Posterior - Mastoid
Superior - Epitympanic recess (medially), Cranial cavity (laterally)
Inferior - Parotid
What bones form the bony ear canal?
Tympanic part - anterior, flor and part of the posterior portion
Boundaries of the Epitympanum:
Medial - Lateral semicircular canal and VII
Superior - Tegmen
Anterior - Zygomatic arch
Lateral - Squamosa (scutum)
Inferior - Fossa Incudis
Posterior - Aditus
Boundaries of the tympanic cavity:
Roof, floor, posterior, anterior, medial, lateral
Roof - tegmen
Floor - Jugular wall and styloid prominence
Posterior - Mastoid, stapedius, pyramidal prominence
Anterior - Carotid wall, eustachian tube, tensor tympani
Medial - Labryinthine Wall
Lateral - Tympanic membrane, scutum (laterosuperior)
How is the auricle attached to the head?
-extension of cartilage to the external auditory canal cartilage
-Ligaments (ant, sup, post)
-Muscles (ant, sup, post)
What are the 3 ligaments that attach the ear to the head?
Anterior - zygoma to helix and tragus
Superior - EAC to the spine of the helix
Posterior - Mastoid to Concha
What is the Notch of Rinivus?
Notch on the squamosa, medial to which lies Shrapnell's membrane
What is Meckel's cave?
concavity on the superior portion of the temporal bone in which the gasserian ganglion is located
What is Dorello's canal?
groove between the petrous tip and sphenoid bone - VI travels along this groove
What is Gradenigo syndrome?
secondary to petrositis with involvement of VI
-pain behind the eye
-aural discharge
What are the boundaries of the suprameatal triangle? What is it also called?
Macewen's triangle - posterior and superior to the EAC

Bound at the meatus by the spine of Henle (suprameatal spine).
What does the suprameatal triangle approximate?
This triangle approximates the position of the antrum medially
What is the thin plate of bone over the antrum?
Tegmen mastoideum
What is Trautmann's triangle
bony labyrinth, sigmoid sinus superior perosal sinus or dura
What is Citelli's sinodural angle?
Located between the sigmoid sinus and the middle fosa dura plate. Some consider the superior side of Trautmann's triangle to be Citelli's angle
What is solid angle?
Angle formed by the three semicircular canals
What is the scutum?
Thin plate of bone that constitutes the lateral wall of the epitympanum. Part of the squamosa.
What is the boundary of the mandibular fossa
Zygomatic, squamosa and tympanic bones
What is Huguier's Canal
Transmits the chorda tympani out of the temporal bone - lateral to the roof of the protympanum
What is Huschke's foramen?
Located on the anterior tympanic plate along a nonossified portion fo the plate. Near the fissures of Santorini
What is the porus acusticus? How is it divided?
Porus acusticus is the mouth of the internal auditory canal.

The canal is divided horizontally by the crista falciformis
What are the three parts to the inner ear?
1. Pars superior - vestibular labyrinth (utricle and semicircular canals)
2. Pars inferior: cochlea and saccule
3. Endolymphatic sac and duct
Which semicircular canal has a non-ampulated end?
Horizontal canal has an ampulated and non-ampulated end
What are the three semicircular canals?
Posterior, Horizontal and Superior
What are the four small outpocketings from the perilymph space?
1. Along the endolymphatic duct
2. Fissula ante fenestram
3. Fossula post fenestram
4. Periotic duct
What are the four openings into the temporal bone?
1. IAC
2. Vestibular aqueduct
3. Cochlear aqueduct
4. Subarcuate fossa
What is the ponticulum?
Ridge of bone between the oval window niche and the sinus tympani
What is the subiculum?
Ridge of bone between the round window niche and the sinus tympani
What is Korner's septum?
Separates the squamosa from the petrous air cells
What % of the population has a pneumatized portion of the temporal bone?
What is the scala communis?
Where the scala tympani joins the scala vestibuli
What is the helicotrema?
Apex of the cochlea where the scala tympani joins the scala vestibuli
What is the strongest bone in the body?
Petrous pyramid
What is the upper limit of the internal auditory canal diameter?
8 mm
What is the cochlear aqueduct?
Bony channel connecting the scala tympani of the basal turn with the subarachnoid space of the posterior cranial cavity
What is the average adult cochlear aqueduct length?
What three cranial nerves are part of the tympanic plexus?
V3, IX, and X

V3 - Auriculotemporal nerve
IX - Jacobson's nerve
X - Auricular nerve
What is the blood supply to the outer ear?
Posterior auricular artery
Superficial temporal artery
What is the External carotid contribution to the blood supply of the middle ear?
External carotid contribution:
Anterior tympanic branch (from I-max)
Superior tympanic branch and superficial petrosal branch (from middle meningeal)