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28 Cards in this Set

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Vfib/pVtach arrest

Shock/Shock/Shock/Amio300/esmolol 500mcg


Adult vs peds bolus

Adult: 30cc/kg

Peds: 20cc/kg

4-2-1 rule fluid maintenance

4cc/hr x 10kg

2cc/hr x next 10 kg

1cc/hr for every 1 kg over

Burn fluid replacement

4ml x %TBSA x weight (kg)

1/2 first 8hrs + 1/2 next 16 hrs

Normal CVP


Plasma tonicity = ?

0.9NaCl = Osm/Na ?

LR = Osm/Na ?

3% Na = Osm/Na ?

Plasma tonicity = 300

0.9NaCl = 308/ 154 Na

LR = 273/ 131 Na

3% Na = 1027/ 513 Na

Norepi drip = ?

Epi drip = ?

Norepi drip = 1-30 mcg/min (0.01mcg/kg/min)

Epi drip = 1-10 mcg/min (0.01mcg/kg/min)

Dobutamine drip = ?

Milrinone drip = ?

Dobutamine drip = 1-40 mcg/kg/min

Milrinone drip = 0.25 - 1 mcg/kg/min

Phenylephrine drip = ?

Nitroprusside drip = ?

Phenylephrine drip = 100mcg/min (0.1-5 mcg/kg/min) titrate by 100mcg/min.

Nitroprusside drip = 0.1-4 mcg/kg/min

Stable bradycardia = ?

Unstable bradycardia =

1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

Stable bradycardia = supportive

Unstable bradycardia =

1. Atropine 0.5mg IV q3min up to 3mg. (0.02mg/kg)

2. Transcutaneous pacing - rate of 60-70 bpm @ 50-100mAmp (max 200mAmp)

3. Epi (1-10mcg/min) (0.01mcg/kg/min)

SVT (stable) =

1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. ?

5. ?

SVT (stable) =

1. Vagal maneuvers

2. Adenosine 6mg

3. Adenosine 12mg

4. Synchronized cardio version @ 100J (2-4J/kg)

5. Diltiazem 0.25mg/kg (max 20mg)

SVT Unstable = ?

Synchronized cardioversion @ 50-100 J

SVT Unstable = ?

Synchronized cardioversion @ 50-100 J

WPW w/ AVNRT & Afib RVR w/ WPW = ?

Procainamide = 17mg/kg IV over 30 minutes

*repeat up to 50mg/kg until complex breaks or >50% reduction in QRS

Multi focal atrial tach = ?

1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

1. Treat underlying dz (Pulm dz/COPD/DigTox/Xanthine OD)

2. Diltiazem 10-20mg IV

3. Magnesium Sulf 2gram IV over 1 minute - then 1-2gram x hour

Frequent PVC's w/ instability = ?

Lidocaine = 1-1.5 mg/kg IV

Vtach Stable = ?

Vtach Unstable = ?

PUlseless Vtach = ?

Vtach Stable = Amio 150mg IV over 10 minutes

* Amio drip = 1mg/min x 6 hours

Vtach Unstable = DC cardiovert sync (100-200J)

PUlseless Vtach = DC cardiovert sync (100-200J) + CPR

Torsades =

1. ?

2. ?

Refractory Torsades = ?

1. Overidepacing @ 90- 120bpm

2. MagSul @ 2 gran IV over 1 minute - drip 1-2mg/hr

Refractory Torsades = * isoproterenol = 2-10 mcg/min IV

Afib w/ RVR Stable = **WATCH Hera Rate!!! + may cause hypotension!!

1. ?

2. ?

3. ?

4. ?

1. Diltiazem = 0.25mg/kg IV over 2min --> 0.35mg/kg IV

* drip 5-15mg/hour or 30mg PO

2. Metoprolol = 2.5-5mg IV bolus - repeat q5min

* Max 15mg

3. Esmolol = 0.5mg/kg IV bolus followed by 50mcg/kg/min

*if ineffective @4min: repeat 0.5mg/kg bolus + 100mcg/kg/min

*refractory @4min: repeat 0.5mg/kg bolus + 150mcg/kg/min

4. Magnesium 4.5mg IV bolus over 20min

Afib w/RVR Unstable or poor EF?

DC cardioversion @ 200J

*Ottowa aggressive Afib protocol

ETT size:

Adult = ?

Peds = ?

Adult = 6-8 mm @21-23cm at lip

Peds =

*Cuffed = 3.5 + (age/4) mm

*Uncuffed = 4 + (age/4) mm

Intubation pretreatment for: ICP, cardiac ischemia, Ao dissection ?

Fentanyl = 2-3 mcg/kg IV

Etomidate dose = ?

MOA = ?

Dose = 0.3 mg/kg ~ 20mg

MOA = binds at Cl- ionopore at the GABA (a) receptor, increasing the duration of time for which the Cl- ionopore is open. The post-synaptic inhibitory effect of GABA in the thalamus.

* Protein binding: 76%, primarily to serum albumin.

* Metabolism: Hepatic. Metabolized rapidly by ester hydrolysis to inactive metabolites.

*Route of elimination: 75% of excreted in the urine during the first day after injection.

* Half life: 75 minutes.

Ketamine dose = ?

MOA = ?

Dose = 1-5mg/kg IV (0.5mg in Shock)

MOA = N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors: antagonistopioid receptors: agonist/antagonist monoaminergic receptors, muscarinic receptors: antagonist voltage sensitive Ca ion channels.

* Metabolism: hepatic. major metabolite is norketamine.

*Elimination: 85-95% in urine. 3% bile and feces.

* half life = 186 minutes ~ 3hrs

Indicators for respiratory assistance:







1. Sat 02 < 90

2. Pa02 < 60mmHg on 40% 02

3. RR > 35

4. PaC02 > 55 mmHg

5. Vital Capacity < 15 ml/kg

6. A-a gradient > 350mmHg @ 100% 02

Front (Term)

Back (Definition)

Ventitalor set up:

1. Ideal Body weight ?

2. Vt ?

3. Reduce Vt by?

4. Rate?

1. IBW = 50 + 2.3 (height (in) - 60)

2. Initial Vt = 8ml/kg of IBW

3. Tirarte 1ml/kg until SVT = 6ml/kg of IBW

4. Rate = baseline. Initial rates for normal ppl = 15 breaths/min

5. Flow rate 60 L/ min

6. PEEP 5-8cm H20

7. Plateau pressure = Alveolar pressure - < 30 cm H20

Initial vent setting in COPD

- Vt

- Flow rate

- Fi02

- RR


- Vt: 6-8ml/kg IBW

- Flow rate: 60 L /min

- Fi02: 40%, Maintain 02 > 88%

- RR: 10, greater I:E ratio. Give time to expire.

- PEEP: 0-5