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21 Cards in this Set

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どご(へ)も〜 Vません;なにも〜;だれも〜
I do not [ ] anywhere; ~[ ] anything; ~ [ ] anybody.
I do not go anywhere.
I do not eat anything.
Nobody is there.
What is it? What company is it? What did (he) say? how old, what number, what day of the week? なに is used in all other cases.
N1 (person, company, country, etc.) に N2 を (あげます、かします、かきます、かけます、etc.)
I will give, lend, write, phone N2 to N1.
もう ひるごはん を たべましたか。はい、もうたべました。/ いえ、まだ です。/ Xいえ、まだ たべませんでした。
Have you already had lunch? Yes, I have already had lunch. / No, not yet. / X is wrong, because 'mada' means 'yet' or 'up until then' or 'now' and therefore indicates a future action or condition, so 'mada' cannot be used with past tense.
あまり〜 Vません。タイはいま あまり あつくないです。日本は あまりしずかでわありません。おさけを あまりのみません。
[ ] not very [ ]. It is not so hot in Thailand now. Japan is not very quiet. I do not drink alcohol so much.
あまり〜 Vません。タイはいま あまり あつくないです。日本は あまりしずかでわありません。おさけを あまりのみません。
[ ] not very [ ]. It is not so hot in Thailand now. Japan is not very quiet. I do not drink alcohol so much.
N1は N2が すき、きらい、じょうず、へた、ほしい、ある、わかる、できる、いる。
N1 like, dislike, be good at, be poor at, want, have, have, understand, can do, need N2. が is the correct particle to use.
や is used to list two or three representative items. Cf. と, which enumerates all items.
How long does it take to go from Tokyo to Kyoto? How many hours does it take to go from Tokyo to Kyoto? どんのくらい can be used to ask the amount of money, length, distance, quantity or number. It is used interchangeably with なん+counter suffix.
Which is more [ ] N1 or N2?
N1 is more [ ] than N2.
Tokyo is bigger than Osaka.
Which is faster, Shinkansen or airplane. Airplane is faster.
Who is the youngest in the class?
(私は)N が ほしい/ほしくないです。
I want /do not want N.
(私は)N を Vたい/Vたくないです。
I want to (infinitive).
Vます に いく/くる/かえる。
(I) go/come/return for/in order to V.
I enter the room. I take a train. I leave the room. I get off the train. に used with はいる、のる indicates destination. を used with でる、おりる indicates origination or starting point.