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122 Cards in this Set

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Where was the third clue found?
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
What was the third clue in the Stonecutter's fable?
Who discovered the third clue?
Charlene and Willa
What kept the doors from opening on the Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh ride?
A sawed-off length of pipe jammed across the top of the large doors
What letter was discovered by Willa & Charlene?
What is the last clue mentioned in the fable?
What chased Philby and Finn in Thunder Mountain?
How long was T-Rex?
40 feet
How tall was T-Rex?
18 feet
How fast can T-Rex run?
40 miles an hour
After Splash Mountain where did the kids go to eat?
Cosmic Ray's Starlight Café
What is the park's sole entrance & exit?
Main Street
Who did Amanda follow after school to Main Street?
Where does Amanda's mother work?
What stands in front of the Chinese theater?
40 feet high replica of Mickey's sorcerer's hat
Where was Walt Disney's second grade school desk from?
Marceline Missouri
How long was the movie about Walt Disney's life shown at One Man's Dream?
About 15 minutes
Where were the students from Finn's school going for Halloween?
Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party at the Magic Kingdon
Where were the DHIs suppose to meet at Mickey's Not-So-Scary Halloween Party?
Roy O. Disney outside the fire station in Town Square
How did Finn dress in costume?
As Zorro
What costume did Dillar Cole wear to the party?
A crab
What color was Jez's hair at the Party?
1/2 black and 1/2 white
Who did Maybeck try to be dressed like for the party?
Nelson Mandela
Who did Philby dress like for the party?
Who did Willa dress like for the party?
Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz?
What did Maybeck have on the sleeve of his shirt?
A flag of South Africa
Jezebel is wicked and an evil person in what book?
The Bible
Finn thinks Jez and her mom are witches because they both wear what?
white gloves
Where did Maybeck, Finn and Philby follow Jez and her mom to?
Pirated of the Caribbean?
What did they find new at the jail cells?
Brand new padlocks
What is Maleficent afraid of touching?
Walt Disney's pen
What was stolen from Finn at One Man's Dream?
The plans
Where is Wayn'e apartment?
Above the fire station
What does Wayne want all five DHIs to dree like?
Cast members
Where are all 5 DHI's suppose to meet Wayne on Sunday at 9:00 a.m.?
Transportaion and Ticket Center Bust Stop #5
What unifrom does Finn wear?
Newspaper boy from Main Street
What are the part tunnels called?
Who freed Jez from Maleficent?
What was Jez's real name?
What did Finn yell at Maleficent?
"Evil never wins in the Magic Kingdom"
Who pushed the black remote to send the DHIs home?
In Cinderella's castle, what was Finn stunned by about the staircases?
…how incredibly real each of the many staircases appeared.
Finn asked Wayne how - if they are half hologram, half human - he can touch anything…what was Wayne's answer?
…There's more space between atoms than there are atoms…yet atoms hold together…& form what we think of as a solid…It all comes down to what (we) believe…what (we) think we can do...
Being part hologram, what does Finn and the others "cast"?
…a pulsing bluish light…
As Finn, Charlene, Philby, Willa and Maybeck enter a small and very dark room in Cinderella's castle, what do they see when they look up that disappear whenever the door is opened and reappear when the door is closed?
What does the small very dark room turn out to be when Wayne pushes a smooth glassy button?
an elevator floor - a platform…
What was the Big Dipper - in the very small dark "room"?
a door into a small apartment
What is the apartment full of?
old furniture in pastel colors, like something from Finn's grandparents" house.
What is Walt's secret hideaway?
a small apartment high up in Cinderella's castle
What does Wayne warn the kids never to touch in Walt's secret hideaway?
...three phones that hung from the wall - each a different color - red, blue and yellow
How long does Wayne say the fable called the "Stonecutter" "been around"?
…a few thousand years.
What did Wayne say that Walt Disney called the fable and why is it important?
"Stonecutter's Quill" - Wayne believes the "quill" is the "key to stopping the forces that are gathering."
In the fable, the sun is very powerful; however, something "thwarts" his power that he thinks is mightier than he is - what is it?
..the cloud - which had interposed itself between him & the earth…
In the fable, the sun eventually becomes the wind but as he swept across the world something stopped him - what was it?
…the mountain
In the fable Wayne tells the kids, what is stronger than the mountain?
…the stonecutter
In the fable, what are the 4 items that the kids need to focus on and why?
…sun, cloud, wind & stone. Because all 4 of these themes are seen repeatedly in the Magic Kingdom and somehow they are meant to lead the kids to the solution for defeating the dark powers that have begun to threaten the park...
What is the theme of the fable that Wayne tells the kids?
Wayne says that Walt Disney told him…"I have plans for (the Magic Kingdom) that should put things in perspective."…
Why were Finn, Maybeck, Willa, Philby, and Charlene chosen to figure out the what the Stonecutter's Quill is and how to stop the Overtakers?
Because they have the intelligence, athleticism, artistry and computer knowledge to find the solution.
Why can Finn, Maybeck, Willa, Philby and Charlene solve the problem in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World and Wayne and the Disney Imagineers in the real world cannot?
Because (as DHL's) the kids have one foot in the character world and one foot in the real world...
What is the main way the Overtakers can defeat the kids?
…if the Overtakers can (find a way) to prevent the kids from "crossing over" into the character world…
What is a sign that the Overtakers might be getting stronger?
When Finn, Maybeck, Willa, Philby and Charlene (in the real world & in different locations) all felt like they were going to faint at the same time - which was (after) 2:00pm when (their) DHI images went down for a few minutes at the park...
What is one way the Overtakers can stop the kids from crossing over into the character world?
…by making them fearful…making them feel fear...
What did Philby say that Walt Disney was?
…an artist…an animator…
What are "quills"?
pencils and pens
How does Wayne describe "dark powers"?
…(as) forces bigger than all of us. (Both) good and bad.
The kids vote to take the challenge to solve the "Stonecutter fable" in order to defeat the Overtakers - What tasks are each of them going to work on?
a. Philby & Willa will work to connect the fable to the Magic Kingdom - to find out what they are supposed to do with the story. b. Maybeck will find out as much as he can about the DHI servers and what they might do to protect (themselves-real & DHI) c. Charlene and Finn will study up on Walt Disney -why he might have picked the Stonecutter's fable, what's the (importance) of the quill, etc.
What is the significance of the single red button on what looks like a small black garage-door opener.
Maybeck guesses that it is a "proximity thing" that they need to be near when it's pushed to get back to the (real world)…something they can use whenever they get in trouble in the character world and need to get out.
Where did Wayne suggest the kids go that was a safe location for them to meet when they are in the character world?
…the Indian Encampment - inside a teepee
What happens to the kids when they meet inside a teepee at the Indian Encampment?
…they turn "invisible" because their hologram selves disappear inside the "shadow" of the teepee - because as Maybeck says "(they're) in a kind of hologram-projection shadow (there)…"
When the kids are "invisible" in the character world - can they still hear each other? Can others?
yes. yes!
Finn asked Maybeck if he'd found out anything about the DHI servers & why they all fainted at the same time. What is Maybeck's answer?
Maybeck says that..."the DHI servers clearly control (their) holograms…(and that) in crossing back …(they) must take something of (their) DHIs with (them). They don't see it (or) feel it, but it 's there. It might explain how messing with the servers (make them) feel faint. (Maybeck) thinks the time will come when (they would) rather have control of the servers (themselves) and that is what he is working on...."
What does it feel like when an Overtaker is near?
…the air gets cold like it is "air-conditioned"
Who is Maleficent?
…the mean-spirited witch from Sleeping Beauty, "the most ill-tempered and dreaded witch of all."
What does Maleficent look like?
…green skin, black-stockinged legs, knuckles bent and bumpy, cold eyes, nails as long as claws and a face "wretched, yet somehow beautiful" at the same time...
What is strange about the ground where Maleficent stands?
"The ground was frozen solid where she had stood."
What is significant about "The Wide World of Sports Complex"?
It is where the annual "Fall Games" will be held in Orlando and where the kids are meeting in the real world because they are all participating in one sport or another at this event…
Who is the pale girl with the gray eyes and black hair that Finn sees staring at him at the "Fall Games"?
Jez - short for Jezebel
What is Finn's full name?
Lawrence Finnegan Whitman
What is Finn's sport at the "Fall Games"?
What is does Jez tell Finn her sport is at the "Fall Games"?
Why does Jez know Finn so well?
She tells him that he is her favorite (DHI) Host at the Magic Kingdom
Where does Jez tell Finn that the Girl Scout Car Wash is being held?
Dangerous Dan's (Used Cars)
Which ride in the Magic Kingdom do the kids think has the biggest sun in it?
"It's A Small World"
What do the kids find out about "crossing over"?
…that if they can cross back and forth between the character world and real world - that theOvertakers might be able to as well...
What time does Finn need to be in bed and asleep by in order to meet the others in the character world at the park?
Who shows up at Finn's front door right after 8pm?
Jez, then Amanda.
What kind of sun is it in "It's A Small World"?
…a blazing Mayan sun, the biggest sun in the Magic Kingdom.
What creepy, weird thing happens while the kids are in "It's A Small World"?
…the dolls break away from the decks of their displays and start moving toward the kids…
What do the kids discover (from the Small World song) that they have to do to stop the dolls from attacking them?
...smile - (big) - at them!…
How much are the girl scouts charging for a car wash at their Car Wash Event at Dangerous Dan's?
What is Finn's friend Dillard wearing at the Girl Scout Car Wash - and what does Finn think about it?
Dillard is wearing one of his father's Hawaiian shirts…and Finn thinks he looks "pretty cool"!
In what part of Disney World does the story begin?
The Magic Kingdom
What is the name of the old man that Finn meets at the very beginning of the story?
What is different about Finn's skin when he is in the Magic Kingdom after dark?
It glows
What is the name of the puzzle that has to be solved?
The Stonecutter's Quill
What is Wayne's job with Disney World?
He is an Imagineer.
What is a DHI?
Disney Host Interactive
How many DHI's are there?
What are the names of the 5 DHI's?
Finn, Willa, Charlene, Maybeck and Philby
What kind of cap did Finn wear as part of his disguise when he sneaks into the Magic Kingdom with Amanda?
A Tampa Bay Devil Rays cap
What kind of uniforms are the security men wearing when they are trying to catch Finn?
Band uniforms
Where do Amanda and Finn plan to meet if they are seperated?
The Haunted Mansion
What names are listed on the note left for Finn at the school office?
Howard, Lee, Maitland, Jackson
What do the names Howard, Lee, Maitland and Jackson mean?
They are the names of middle schools.
What is the name of the online game that is all the rage?
Virtual Magic Kingdom
What time does Finn tell Charlene to go to bed?
What is the problem that Wayne warns Finn about?
The Overtakers
During what show does the dragon set fire to Mickey?
The Fantasmics show
What color and kind of cars are the pirates pushing on Finn's second visit to the Magic Kingdom?
Blue, Buzz Lightyear ride cars
What is the name of the leader of the pirates?
What kind of weapon fires from the Buzz Lightyear cars?
a laser
What happens to the characters when the park closes?
They come alive.
What happened to the hurricane after it passed over the Magic Kingdom?
It lost power.
What does Finn tell his mother caused the burn on his arm?
A cigarette
What does Finn tell his mother that he used to "sneak out" of the house?
a fire ladder
What sport is Willa into?
What is the name of the store where Maybeck works?
Crazy Glaze
Where do the DHI's meet in the Virtual Magic Kingdom Web site?
Finn's room
What did Amanda's house used to be?
A church
What is the name of the room in Cinderella's castle with the many staircases going in different directions?
Escher's Keep
Besides Escher's Keep, where can the DHI's feel safe?
the Indian Encampment teepees
What color are the three phones in Walt's secret hideaway?
red, blue and yellow