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22 Cards in this Set

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Kingdom Animalia Characteristics
-heterotrophic organisms
-eukaryotic cells
-greatest diversity: invertebrates vs vertebrates
-use locomotion to find food
animals without backbones
Phylum Porifera (least complex)
-contains sponges
-no mouth BUT have pores that draw in H20 for their cells to filter + absorb food
-2 cell layers
-live in h20
-have radial symmetry
-sessile= not able to move
Phylum Cnidaria
-mouth (opening for ingestion)
-2 cell layers
-hollow body cavity for digestion
-stinging cells (nematocysts)
i.e. hydra, jellyfish, coral & sea anemone
Phylum Platyhelminthes
-bilateral symmetry
-i.e. planaria & tapeworms
Phylum Nematoda
-bilateral symmetry
-i.e. Trichinella (pork worm), hookworm, ascaris
Phylum Annelida
-segmented worms
-tube-within-a-tube body organization
-bilateral symmetry
-i.e. sandworm, leech, earthworm
Phylum Mollusca
-soft bodies & hard shell
-i.e. snails, clams, oysters, octopi
Phylum Arthropoda
-organisms with jointed appendages
-exoskeleton (outside skeleton made of chitin)

3 classes: Crustacea, Arachnida & Insecta
-class of Phylum Arthropoda
-live in marine or fresh water
-2 body parts:
cephalothorax: head/thorax combined
-gills for breathing
-appendages used for locomotion, food gathering, & eating
-i.e. shrimp lobsters & crabs
-class of phylum arthropoda
-2 body parts:
-8 legs
-no wings
i.e. spiders, scorpions, ticks
-3 body parts:
head, thorax, abdomen
-3 pairs of legs
-most have 2 pairs of wings
-ability to perform metamorphosis (change in body form from young to adult)
-largest number of species in the animal kingdom
-i.e flies, mosquitos, moths, ants, grasshoppers
Phylum Echinodermata
-spiny-skinned organisms
-live in marine water
-radial symmetry
-i.e starfish, sea urchins
bilateral symmetry
the right and left sides of the organism are similar
How is respiration in a crustacean different from respiration in an insect?
Crustaceans use gills for breathing and insects use tracheal tubes
animals with backbones
Phylum Chordata
-have a dorsal (back) notochord (backbone) which is a flexible rod-like structure found at some time in their embryonic development
-class of phylum chordata (least complex)
-bony fishes
-live in marine or fresh water
-have gills
-two-chambered heart
-cold blooded (body temp=environment)
-i.e. tuna, flounder, trout, bass, salmon, goldfish
-class of phylum chordata
-can live on water or land
-most have ability of metamorphosis
-young have gills
-adults have lungs
-3 chambered heart
-cold blooded
-i.e. frogs, salamanders, newts
-class of phylum chordata
-land animals with lungs for breathing
-4 chambered heart
-cold blooded
i.e. snakes, lizards, turtles, alligators & dinosaurs
-class of phylum chordata
-hollow bones for flying
-scales on their legs
-4 chambered heart
-warm blooded
-i.e. sparrows, owls, pigeons, penguins
-class of phylum chordata
-mammary glands to feed milk to their young
-body hair
-four chambered heart
warm blooded
-i.e. humans, dolphins, pigs, whales, bats and polar bears