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71 Cards in this Set

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Drug clearance I

Cl is characteristic of:
drug elimination (excretion + metabolism)
Drug clearance I

Cl is the proportionality constant between:
the drug amount eliminated per time unit (elimination rate) and the drug concentration in the given compartment
Drug clearance I

Cl (equation)
Cl= elimination rate/drug concentration
Drug clearance II

the equation is model- independent and valid for:
any time moment and any organ
Drug clearance II

Cl (equation) rearranged:
Cl= dose/AUC
Drug clearance III

Cl is equal to:
the volume of the fluid completely cleared of the drug per the unit of time
Drug clearance III

units of Cl:
mL/min or L/hr
Drug clearance III

Cl can be defined for:
compartment and physiologic models
clearance nomenclature I

for specifications needed:
elimination organ
state of drug molecules
site of measurement
clearance nomenclature I

elimination organ
liver, kidney, lungs...
(hepatic, renal, pulmonary clearance)
clearance nomenclature I

metabolism, excretion (metabolic or excretory clearance) the description by organ is insufficient because there can be some excretion in liver and some metabolism in kidney
clearance nomenclature I

state of the drug molecules:
free, bound, ionized...
clearance nomenclature I

site of measurement
plasma, blood
clearance nomenclature II

an exact description should address all four specifications
hepatic metabolic unbound plasma clearance
clearance nomenclature II

simplifying rules for common types of clearance:
- the organ specifies the process
(hepatic metabolic--> hepatic)
(renal excretory --> renal)
- the word 'plasma' omitted
- the word 'unbound' omitted
clearance nomenclature II

for less common types-
full name (hepatic excretory blood clearance based on total concentration)
plasma vs blood clearance

plasma clearance is more frequently reported
plasma vs blood clearance

blood clearance must be considered when determining the:
extraction ratio

cl= elimination rate/drug concentration in the given fluid
plasma vs blood clearance

for the given elimination process
plasma clearance blood conc
------------------------- = --------------------
blood clearance plasma conc
clearance: definition for compartment models

the body has apparent Vd with the average drug concentration cp
clearance: definition for compartment models

the best way to calculate clearance is to use:
Cl= dose/AUC
because AUC can be easily calculated
Clearance: definition for one-compartment model

AUC= D/ke * Vd
clearance for one-compartment model

ke * Vd
clearance for multi-compartment models

dose/ sum of a1/b1
clearance: definition for first order absorption

fast release and plasma/tissue equilibration, first order absoption
Cl= ke * Vd/F
total body clearance

clearance characterizes:
total body clearance

processes that contribute to total elimination:
total clearance =
sum of clearances of individual processes
the drug amount eliminated by a specific process is proportional to:
the clearance of that elimination process
blood flow
Q = volume/time
clearance: definition for physiologic models I

eliminating organ
Q, Ca Q,Cv
---------> ---------->

eliminated drug

Ca= arterial blood Cv=venous
clearance: definition for physiologic models II

clearance =
volume of blood cleared completely of drug per unit time
clearance: definition for physiologic models II

If the organ eliminates the drug completely (cv=0) then:
Cl = the blood flow (Q)
clearance: definition for physiologic models II

If the organ doesn't eliminate the drug completely (cv doesn't = 0) then:
an adjustment is needed: the blood flow is multiplied by the fraction of drug eliminated
clearance: definition for physiologic models III

fraction of the drug eliminated= q
extraction ratio

ER= ca-cv/ca
clearance for physiologic models
Cl= Q * ER
renal drug excretion

-main excretory organ
-two endocrine functions (renin, epo)
-cortex and medulla
-receives 1/4 of CO, autoregulated flow
renal excretion includes:
--glomerular filtration- structure non-specific
--active tubular secretion- carrier-mediated-->structure specific, energy driven
-- tubular reabsorption (active or passive)
nephron: function
see pg 3 slide 6
glomerular filtration

glomerular filtration

non-specific for small molecules (up to 2000 g/mol), protein-bound drugs are not filtered
glomerular filtration

driving force:
the difference in hydrostatic pressure between capillaries and nephrons
glomerular filtration

measured using drugs that are only filtered:
inulin(polysaccharide)- xenobiotics

creatinine- physiologic compound
active renal secretion

active transport
-carrier mediated (saturable, competition
- energy dependent
active renal secretion

two systems prevailing:
organic anion transporting peptides(OATPs)

organic cation transporters (OCTs)
active renal secretion

extremely rapid for:
p-amino-hippuric acid (PAHA)- eliminated in single pass
active renal secretion

endocytosis of peptides:
also proceeds in proximal tubule, the vesicles are formed from the brush-border membrane and internalized
tubular reabsorption

vitamines, nutrients, electrolytes
tubular reabsorption

water, drugs
tubular reabsorption

the only way to decrease the drug excretion rate below fu * GFR
tubular reabsorption

influence of pH in urine:
non-dissociated molecules have faster reabsorption from renal tubule back into blood than ionized molecules
tubular reabsorption

influence of urine flow:
increase in flow decreases the time for reabsorption
urine formation

renal blood flow (RBF)=
1/4 CO ~ 1.2L/min
urine formation

renal plasma flow (RPF)
RPF= RBF * (1-Hct)
Hct- volume fraction of blood cells ~0.45
glomerular filtration rate is:
~ 20% of RPF
urine represents only:
~1% of filtered volume
determination of renal clearance I

Clr= excretion rate/plasma concentration

see pg 4 slide 5 and 6
renal excretion I

how much blood passes through the kidney's?
~ 1.2L/min
(the elementary unit- nephron)
renal excretion I

the blood first enters glomeruls where:
~120 mL/min (GFR) of plasma water with dissolved molecules are filtered into the tubule
renal excretion I

filtrate passes:
down the tubule, most of the water and some molecules are reabsored
renal excretion I

on leaving the glomerulus the blood perfuses the tubule and further transport takes place in:
- proximal part (secretion, active reabsorption)

- along the whole length (passive reabsorption)
renal excretion II

water is also reabsorbed volume reduction to:
renal excretion II

the rates of the first two processes are easily defined, reabsorption is defined as:
the fast process using the urine/plasma concentration ratio

Clr= Clf + Cls-Clr
renal clearance: mechanism

filtration rate + secretion rate- reabsorption rate/ plasma concentration

Clr= Clf + Cls - Clr
Clf= Clinulin
fraction unbound (in plasma)

fu= 1/1+K*p
fraction unbound depends on protein binding- the association constant K and concentration p
glomerular filtration

Clf = filtration rate/plasma concentration
clearance of filtration
Clf = fu * GFR
for a drug completely unbound in blood, Clf achieves:
the maximum value, GFR ~ 120 mL/min (inulin, creatinine)
GFR is also the maximum renal clearance in absense of:
active secretion and reabsorption
the drug tightly bound to the blood constituents has low filtration clearance and, if it is not actively secreted, also low renal clearance