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24 Cards in this Set

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What is the function, innervation and attachment sites of the Gastrocnemius?
Action - Plantarflexion
Innervation - Tibial Nerve
Attachments - Posterior surface of femur (just broximal to medial and lateral condyles) & Calcaneus
What is the function, innervation and attachment sites of the Soleus?
Action - Plantarflexion
Innervation - Tibial Nerve
Attachments - Soleal Line (Tibia), Calcaneus through calcaneal (achilles) tendon.
What is the function, innervation and attachment sites of the Plantaris?
Function - Plantarflextion (weak), flexion of leg.
Innervation - Tibial Nerve
Attachments - Lateral Epicondyle (Femur); Calcaneus (medial & anterior to calcaneal tendon).
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Flexor Hallicus Longus?
Function - Flextion of the hallux, Plantarflexion (weak).
Innervation - Tibial Nerve.
Attachments - Middle half of posterior fibula; Distal phalanx of hallux.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Flexor Digitorum Longus?
Function - Flexion of distal phalanges (lateral four toes); Weak plantarflexion & inversion of foot.
Innervation - Tibial Nerve
Attachments - Middle third of posterior fibula; Distal phalanges (4 lateral toes).
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Tibialis Posterior?
Function - Adduct front of foot; Inversion and Plantarflexion of foot.
Innervation - Tibial Nerve.
Attachments - Proximal two thirds of posterior tibia & fibula, interosseous membrane; Navicular, cuniforms, 2nd-4th metatarsals.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Fibularis Longus?
Function - Eversion and plantarflexion (weak).
Innervation - Superficial fibular nerve.
Attachments - Proximal 2/3 of lateral fibula; base of first metatarsal, medial cuniform.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Fibularis Brevis?
Function - Eversion & plantarflexion (weak).
Innervation - Superficial fibular nerve.
Attachments - Distal 2/3 of lateral fibula; dorsal base of 5th metatarsal.
What is the function, innvervation, and attachment sites of the Extensor Digitorum Longus?
Function - Extension of lateral 4 toes, Dorsiflextion and Eversion of foot.
Innervation - Deep Fibular Nerve.
Attachments - Lateral condyle of tibia, proximal 3/4 of anterior fibula; middle and distal phalanges of lateral 4 toes.
What is the function, innervation and attachment sites of the Fibularis Tertius?
Function - Dorsiflexion and eversion of foot.
Innervation - Deep Fibular Nerve.
Attachments - Fibula (w/ Extensior Digitorum Longus); dorsal base of 5th metatarsal.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Extensor Hallicus Longus?
Function - Extension of Hallux, Dorsiflexion and Inversion of foot.
Innervation - Deep Fibular Nerve.
Attachments - Middle 1/3 of anterior fibula; distal phalanx of hallux.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Tibialis Anterior?
Funtion - Inversion and Dorsiflexion of Foot
Innervation - Deep fibular nerve.
Attachments - Lateral condyle of tibia; proximal 2/3 of lateral tibia; Medial cuniform and base of 1st metatarsal.
What is the function, innervation, attachments of the Abductor Hallicus?
Function - Flexion and abduction of the hallux.
Innervation - Medial Plantar Nerve.
Attachments - Medial Process of the calcaneal tuberosity; Flexor retinaculum.
What is the function, innervation, and attachments of the Flexor Digitorum Brevis?
Function - Flexion of the middle phalanges of the lateral 4 toes.
Innervation - Medial Plantar Nerve.
Attachments - Medial process of calcaneal tuberosity; Middle phalanges of 4 lateral toes.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Abductor Digiti Minimi?
Function - Flexion and Abduction of little toe.
Innervation - Lateral Plantar Nerve.
Attachments - Lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity; proximal phalanx of little toe (lateral side).
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Quadratus Plantae?
Function - Aids in flexion of lateral 4 toes by altering Flexor Digitorum Tendon.
Innervation - Lateral Plantar Nerve.
Attachments - Medial and lateral sides of plantar calcaneus; Lateral and posterior flexor digitorum longus tendon.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Lumbricals?
Function - Flexion of metatarsal phalangeal joints.
Innervation - Medial & lateral plantar nerves.
Attachments - Flexor digitorum longus tendons; extensor tendons of lateral 4 toes.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Flexor Hallucis Brevis?
Function - Flexion of proximal phalanx of hallux.
Innervation - Medial Plantar Nerve.
Attachments - Cuboid bone, lateral cuniform bone; Medial and lateral sides of proximal phalanx of hallux.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Adductor Hallucis?
Function - Adduction of the Hallux.
Innervation - Lateral Plantar Nerve.
Attachments - Metatarsals (v from pinky toe); Base of proximal phalanx of hallux.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Flexor Digiti Minimi Brevis?
Function - Flexion of proximal phalanx of little toe.
Innervation - Lateral Plantar Nerve.
Attachments - Base of 5th metatarsal; Base of proximal phalanx of little toe (plantar surface).
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Plantar Interossei?
Function - Adduction of the toes.
Innervation - Lateral Plantar Nerve.
Attachments - Medial side of 3rd-5th metatarsals; Medial side of proximal phalanges of 3-5 toes.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Dorsal Interossei?
Function - Abduction of toes.
Innervation - Lateral Plantar Nerve.
Attachments - adjacent sides of metatarsals; Proximal phalanges.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Extensor Digitorum Brevis?
Function - Extension of 2nd - 4th toes.
Innervation - Deep fibular Nerve.
Attachments - Calcaneus (dorsal); Middle and distal phalanges of 2nd-4th toes.
What is the function, innervation, and attachment sites of the Extensor Hallucis Brevis?
Function - Extension of hallux.
Innervation - Deep fibular nerve.
Attachments - Calcaneus (dorsal); Base of proximal phalanx of hallux.