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28 Cards in this Set

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Extensors of the Hip
1. Gluteus Maximus
- in prone position lifts the weight of the LE to extend the Hip
2. Hamstrings
3. Adductor Magnus
Bones of the Pelvis
Ischium (the bone you sit on)
and Pubic Bones
Tight Hamstrings
effect the rotation of the hip

** always check to see if people are sitting evenly
helps one externally rotate

It is a three dimensional muscle, it does not sit flat
How does the spine move with the sacrum?
Extension of spine and flexion of sacrum

Flexion of sacrum and extension of spine
Pelvis Movement
Right, Left Lateral Flexion
Pelvic Gridle Movement
Watch the ilium!!!!
1. posterior pelvic tilt
2. anterior pelvic tilt
3. Lateral pelvic tilt
4. Rotation- right leg goes forward, pelvis rotates left
When right leg goes forward, what does the pelvis do?
The pelvis goes left when the right leg goes forward
what are the lateral rotators of the HIp?
1. Piriformis
2. Obturator internus
3. inferior gemelli
4. quadratorus femoris
5. obturartor externus

weakness not seen due to gluteus maximus

tightness: may exert pressure on sciatic nerve
Adductors of the Hip
1. pectineus
2. adductor brevis
3. adductor longus
4. adductor magnus

Stablize pelvis during weight shifting from 1 limb to the other helps squatting

weak-not common
tight-not stretching, scissors gait
Hip Abductors
1. Gluteus Medius
2. Gludteus Minimus

Weakness seenin Trendelenburg test

Tight: not common
decreases ROM in adduction
upright posture
Hip Flexor Muscles
1. Psoas Major
2. Iliacus
3. Psoas Minor
Trendelenburg Test
screening procedure for abductor weakness
*Gluteus medius and Gluteus Maximus

single quiet standing limb
+ = abductor weakness
leaning towards one side or pelvis drops unsporrted
Movement of the Hip
Movement is defined by the Femor!

1. Flexion
2. Extension
3. Abduction
4. Adduction
5. Internal, External Rotation
What is the most prominent ligament in the Hip?
it is the ROUND ligament and it holds the femoral head into the ACE
Where is the labrum located and what does it do?
The labrum is located in the hip and it deepens the socket and protects the edge of the bone
Flexion Muscles of the Hip
1. PSOAS Major
2. PSOAS minor
3. Iliacus
4. Rectus Femoris
Extension Muscles of the HIp
- semimembranosus
-long head
- Biceps Femoris
2. Gluteus Maximus
Adduction Muscles of the Hip
Entire inside of your thigh

1. Gracilis
2. Adductor Longus
3. Adductor brevis
4. Adductor Magnus
5. Pectineus Muscles
External Rotator Muscles of the Hip
1. Piriformis
2. interior obturator
3. External Obturator
4. quadratus Femoris
5. Gemelus Muscle group

** found in the inside of your thigh
Internal Rotation Muscles of the HIp
1. Gleteus medius
2. Gleteus Minimus
3. Tensor Fascia Latae
Coxa Valgus
the angle of the femor is MORE than 125 degrees
Coxa Varus
the angle of the femor is LESS than 125 degrees
when the cartilage under the knee cap becomes inflamed due to excessive rubbing, Runners knee
ASIS to Mid Petella
Mid Petella to Tibial Tuberosity
(normal- 13 to 18)

large angle = Genu Valum- knock kneed
small angle = Genu Varum - Bow legged
Movements of the Knee
1. Flexion
2. Extension
3. Rotation- only available when flexion is 90
FLexion Muscles of the knee
- semitendenous and semimembranious

- Biceps Femoris
Extensor Muscles of the knee
- rectus femoris
- vastus intermedius
- vastus medialis
- vasutus lateralis