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33 Cards in this Set

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Development of Neuromuscular Junction

- At birth

-Multiple neurons influence a fiber

Development of Neuromuscular Junction

- Neuron "growing form spinal column

- 1st 10 weeks of development, no nerve connections within muscles

- Week 11-12, first connection of nerve with muscle fibers

-ACH receptors are all over sarcolemma

Poly-Neuronal Innervation

-100s of axons "attached" to each fiber.

-ACH receptors cluster under each axon

Poly to Uni : Neuromuscular Junction

-Neural Innervation

-Excess K+ activates K+ACC (potassium activated calcium channels)

- Ca2+ enters developing axons which activates Ca2+ activated proteases

- Proteases breakdown axonal proteins


-Channels and proteases degraded om 30 minutes of neuronal innnervation

Proposed Mechanism: Trophic Factor Hypothesis

--> competition for muscle derived maintenance factor "synaptotrophin"

Proposed Mechanism: Toxic Factor Hypothesis

--> Elimination due to muscle-derived toxic substance "synaptotoxins"

Proposed Mechanism: Retrograde Factor Hypothesis

--> Intracellular factors- "synaptomedins" in the muscle triggered by active axon terminals selectively stabilizes and destabilizes active and inactive nerve terminals.

3 Methods for Muscle Research

--> In Situ (In Sight)

-studying muscle w/ nerve and blood supply, isolated within body

-Good for studies of metabolism

- Can not get good velocity data

3 Methods of Muscle Research

--> In Vivo (In Life)

- Study of muscle in whole organism

-Excellent applicability since studying organism as it normally functions

- Complex system makes it difficult to interpret due to undesired interactions

3 Methods of Muscle Research

--> In Vitro (In Glass)

-Study of muscle when it is fully excised

-Good for study of whole muscle or even a single fiber

-Do not mimic human conditions

Methods for Fiber Typing

Contractile Properties: Slow/Fast

Metabolic Properties: Oxidative/ Glycolytic

Color Properties: Red/White

Staining Properties: Enzymes/ pH

Slow Twitch Fibers

-Low myosin ATPase activity

-slower Ca2+ release and uptake by SR

-low glycolytic capacity

-large and numerous mitochondria

-small motor units

-slow oxidative

Fast Twitch Fibers

-higher capacity to transmit AP

-high myosin ATPase activity

-rapid Ca2+ release and reuptake by SR

-Capable of quick force generation

-relies on anaerobic metabolism- high glycolytic

Henneman Size Principal

-Motor Unit Recruitment is small slow (I) to large fast (II)

-even when applying large, rapid force, this holds true

- Initially recuit type 1 --> small jumps in force, slow velocity, shallow rise

- Recruit type 2a MU, bigger jumps in force, faster velocity, medium rise

-Recruit type 2x, biggest jumps, fastest vel.

E Stim Paper

- E Stim reverses order of motor unit recruitment

--> Type IIx , Type IIa, then Type I

Muscle Types : Parallel

-Fibers run parallel to the long axis of the muscle

Strap Muscle- fibers originate and insert across entire width of broad flat tendon Lf = Lm

ex. sartorius and rectus abdominis

Fusiform- fibers originate and insert in one focuses area on the tendon Lf= Lm

ex. bicep brachii

Muscle Types: Pennate

- All fibers not parallel but arranged on an angle

Muscle Bulging

-muscle is 75% H2O

- Fibers are closed cylinders

- can't compress H2O w/ physiological pressure

-Same volume, different shape

Pennate Muscles: 3 Types

- Uni Pennate Muscle

Ex. Soleus

- Lf< Lm

-Angle of pennation is between 5 and 20 degrees

Aponeurosis- tendinous sheath along muscle

--> give fibers something to attach to

--> direct force to insertion and tendon

Pennate Muscles: 3 Types

- Bi-Pennate Muscle

Ex. Rectus Femorus

-Lf< Lm<>

-Addition of central aponeurosis

-Shorter fibers than Uni-pennate

Pennate Muscles: 3 Types

- Multi-Pennate Muscle

Ex. Gastronemius, or temporalis

-Lf < Lm<>

-total of 3 central aponeurosis

-Aponeurosis surround entire perimeter

-shorter fibers than bi-pennate

Force related to Pennation

The smaller the angle of pennation, the larger the force directed at the tendon is .


-tendinous sheath along the muscle

--> gives fibers something to attach to

--> direct force to insertion and tendon

Equation 1)

Et- excursion of tendon

Ef- exursion of fiber

Et=Ef --- for parallel

Et>Ef --- for pennated (every fiber shortens a certain distance, causes tendon to move a greater overall distance)

Equation 2)

Force on the Tendon = (Sum of each fiber)(cos0)

Equation 3)

CSA(m)(cm^2)= (muscle mass (mg)(cos0)/ (Lf(mm)Md(mg/mm^3))

Md- Muscle Density

Muscle Deficet- percentage of force

Hydrodynamics vs. Aerodynamics

Bird: minimal bulging, aerodynamics

Fish: minimal bulging, hydrodynamics

Skeletal Muscle Architecture: Force and Length Relationship


Cat Semi-Tendinosous Muscle

-Force is identical among all three

-Difference in power output is due exclusively to velocity

- Parallel strap muscle

Human Performance Cape




Peak Power

Obtained at intermediate loads and intermediate velocities

Three main categories of Adaptations




Protein Turnover

-refkects 1/2 life of protein

-protein transcribed (DNA--> RNA)