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19 Cards in this Set

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gains in muscular fitness

occurs after 3-6 months of resistance training

25-100% strength gain

learn to more effectively produce force

learn to produce true maximal movement

similar as a percent of initial strength - young men experience greatest absolute gains vs. young women, older men, children due to incredible muscle plasticity

law of diminishing returns

point of diminishing returns = not enough results and input to last

point of negative returns = point in which results start to decrease with input

mechanisms of muscle strength gain

1. hypertrophy vs. atrophy:

increase muscle size = increase muscle strength

decrease muscle size = decrease muscle strength

2. strength gains result from increase in muscle size and improved neural control

neural control

no neural adaptations = no strength gain

(strength can occur without hypertrophy as it is a property of the neuromotor system, not just muscle)

adaptations in motor unit recruitment, stimulation frequency, and other neural factors

causes of strength gain

1) MU recruitment and synchronicity:

greater #MU firing

synchronus recruitment = strength gains

facilitates contraction, produce more forceful contraction, improves rate of force development, increase capability to exert steady forces

2) increased rate coding

frequency of MU discharge

more rapidly reach a state of tetanus where peak force is developed

causes of strength gain pt 2

3) increased neural drive

combination of MU recruitment and rate coding

more efficient MU recruitment

additional MU recruitment

4) autogenic inhibition

inhibitory mechanism in the muscle prevents force development (golgi tendon organ)

reduces inhibitory impulses and greater force production

5) other neural factors: reduced coactivation of agonists and antagonists

causes of strength gain pt 3

may result from greater MU recruitment - increase neural drive during max contraction

increase frequency of neural discharge

decrease inhibitory impulses

muscle hypertrophy

increase in muscle size

transient hypertrophy

after exercise bout

edema formation from plasma fluid

disappears within hours

chronic hypertrophy

reflects actual structural change in muscle

fiber hypertrophy and hyperplasia

fiber hypertrophy


protein synthesis:

exercise degrades the structural proteins of muscles

after exercise: structural protein synthesis increases and degradation decreases

increases myofibrils, actin and myosin filaments, sarcoplasm, and connective tissue

facilitated by testosterone (natural anabolic steroid hormone)

fiber hyperplasia

in cats: intense strength training causes fibre splitting, and each half grows to the size of the parent fiber

in chickens, mice, rats: intense strength training causes only fibre hypertrophy

difference due to training regimen

humans: most hypertrophy due to fiber hypertrophy, but fiber hyperplasia contributes

may only occur in certain individuals under certain conditions (depends on intensity/load)

neural activation and fiber hypertrophy

increases in voluntary strength (substantial increase in 1RM) due to increased voluntary activation of muscle

critical in first 8-10 weeks (important factor for short term increase in muscle strength)

atrophy and inactivity

reduction/cessation of activity = atrophy; causes major changes in both muscle structure and function

- immobilization studies: trained muscle suddenly becomes inactive - first 6 hrs of immobilization, rate of protein synthesis starts to decrease which initiates muscular atrophy due to lack of muscle use and consequent loss of muscle protein

most dramatic within first week of immobilization (3-4%/day decrease in size and decrease in neuromuscular activity)

type I more affected than type II - cross sectional area decreases and cell contents degenerate


leads to decrease in 1RM (but can be regained in 6 weeks - either matches or exceeds previous 1RM)

fiber typer alterations

type II become more oxidative with aerobic training

type I become more anaerobic with anaerobic training

occurs via:


chronic low-frequency stimulation

high intensity treadmill or resistance training

type IIx --> type IIa transition common

static strength increases cross sectional area

percent type IIX decreases, percent type IIa increases

training and diet

20-25 g of protein after resistance exercise for muscle growth

1.6/1.7 g protein/kg body weight/day for increasing muscle mass

age groups

children and adolescents: resistance training safe with proper safe guards, children can gain both strength and muscle mass

elderly: helps restore age related loss of muscle mass, improves health, helps prevent falls

strength training in older adults

increases in strength dependent primarily on neural adaptations

same (but blunted) response as in younger

smaller increases in myofibrillar protein and muscle size

25-50 g protein necessary to stimulate mm protein synthesis