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51 Cards in this Set

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what is the ability to adjust their emotions

emotional self-regulation good to have! ik i don't

what are feelings that involve injury or enhancement of feelings but what??

self-conscious emotions

what thing is important for prosocial or altruistic behavior???

empathy. i wrote a paper on this last yr. junco shaking for u

name for solitary play

non-social activity

what is play near each other with other similar materials but do not influence each other's behavior?

parallel play II ha

2 forms of social interaction???

associative play

cooperative play

what concept means engaging in separate activities but interact by commenting on one another's behavior???

associate play, ok who cares

concept for orienting towards a common goal such as make believe play, painting together

cooperative play

what ages of kids regard friendship as pleasurable play and sharing toys


what concept involves pointing out the effects of the child's behavior on others???

induction. important

what are internal standards of regulation of right and wrong??? c'mon easy


concept for when children want their own space, object, etc and in trying to get it they will push, shout, attack, etc (garbage kid)

instrumental aggression

what type of aggression is meant to hurt another person??

hostile aggression. not nice!!!

what are the 2 types of hostile aggression?

overt aggression

relational aggression

what concept harms others through physical injury or threat of injury such as kicking, or threatening to beat up another person???

overt aggression

what concept damages peer relations such a rumor spreading

relational aggression tho

during what ages does hostile aggression increase?

ages 4-7 wow

what declines with age for preschoolers???

instrumental aggression

by what age are gender stereotyped toys???

age 2 lol i wrote 21 at first! that's funny!

obesity is what % increase over average body weight???

20% ya fatty

what is the biggest reason children miss school???

asthma kinda shocking not even kidding

in what 4 areas does gross motor development improve???? c'mon u know

flexibility, balance, agility, and force

what is the 2nd leading cause of death?

cancer :/

what is the crisis for middle and late childhood?

industry vs inferiority

define industry vs inferiority

industry is developing competence for skills. danger of inferiority, children's self confidence

what age do social comparisons begin???

age 7, how fun

does self esteem increase or decrease in the first few years of elementary school???

it decreases unfortunately. sorry kids

what concept means learning to attribute your failure, not successes, to ability

learned helplessness

what are the 3 types of self esteem???

social, academic, and physical

must a teacher be present for self conscious emotions to exist?

NOPE haha sorry again kids

what is the 3 step sequence of reasoning about sharing???

equality - age 5-6

merit - age 7-8

benevolence - 8 yrs

what type of child is most popular, academic and social competence, good communication w peers

Popular Prosocial Children

what type of children are tough boys who are good at sports but poor students, aggressive

Popular Antisocial

What type of children are high conflict, hostility, and hyperactivity, inattentive and impulsive

Rejected aggressive

what type of children are passive and socially awkward, timid and poor emotional regulators

rejected withdrawn children yikes

what is the divorce rate?

50% aw

what % of divorces involve children?

75% aw

what proportion of divorced parents remarry?


stage 1 of kohlberg

Might makes right. (punishment and obedience)

stage 2 of kohlberg

Look out for number 1. (take care of yourself)

stage 3 of kohlberg

good girl and nice boy. (proper behavior)

concept for when children can arrange items according to length

transitive inference

concept for when children can group similar items in different ways

class inclusion

concept for when children can think through a series of steps then mentally recall them in the reverse direction???


concept for when children can change in one aspect (such as height) is compensated for another aspect (such as width


name 3 memory strategies

rehearsal, organization, elaboration

memory strategy of repeating info over and over???


memory strategy of grouping related items together???


memory strategy of creating a relationship between 2 or more pieces of info that are not normally related???


how many words do kids know by age 6???


the IQ of a gifted kid is over what?

130 nice proud of u gifted baby