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40 Cards in this Set

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sola scriputra
word by Scripture alone
use of reason to deepen the understanding of what is believed on faith and ultimately to give a rational content to faith
sale of Church positions
Peace of Augsburg
during Thirty Years War, each prince gets to determine the religion of his region
Diet of Worms
1521 trial of Martin Luther, supposed to recant what he has said, refuses to
Swiss reformist, humanist, purify ancient church and reject medieval, mass=remembrance of God and not literal, Switzerland becomes theocracy
John Calvin
founder of Calvinists in Geneva, predestination, doesn't believe in sola scriptura, accessible but doctors interpret, conversions
Council of Trent
The Catholic Reformation, Italian clergymen, traditional orthodoxy, removes indulgences, pastoral care, rejects Protestantism
Anne Boleyn
second wife of Henry VIII, first queen of Anglican England
Pilgrimage of Grace
1536 uprising in Northern England against Church of England, greatest threat since War of the Roses
new religion, baptism of adults, heresy to both protestants and catholics
Jiminez de Cisneros
archbishop in Spanish inquisition, reorganized Spanish religious life, reason for no protestant movement in Spain
Spanish police squad
Marguerite of Navarre
accomplished humanist writer, woman, queen of Navarre, sister of King Francis I, protestant, wrote Mirror of the Sinful Soul (1533) inspiring women reformers
Ignatius Loyola
Jesuit monk and missionary, use faith to educate and do good works in the world, was a military man, important to Catholic Reformation
Christian Humanist, liked Luther in the beginning, never wanted to leave church, satirical writing, 1509 In Praise and Folly
Johnannes Gutenberg
inventor of moveable type and printing press, 200 Gutenberg bibles as beautiful as handdrawn and written, 1450s
Francis Xavier
Jesuit, 10 years traveled and converted people in Portugal, India and Japan
Christian Humanism
text reproduction and evaluation applied to religious documents, better society through education, scholasticism
justification by faith alone
sola fide, Lutheran belief
Calvinsim "the elect" conversions, leads to Puritanism
Catherine of Aragon
1st wife of Henry VIII, daughter of Ferdinand & Isabella, divorced, Catholic
Thomas Cranmer
archbishop of Canterbury under Henry VIII, agrees to anull marriage to Catherine of Aragon and celebrate marriage to Anne Boleyn, English Reformation
Thomas Cromwell
created England a separate "empire" apart from Rome under Henry VIII, no longer need the pope, English Reformation
Moravian Brethren
Anabaptist communities in Bohemia area
Thomas a Kempis
"The Imitation of Christ" (1427), central text of New Piety (Catholic Reformation), simple life with personal devotion
remission of temporal punishment in Purgatory due to one's sins. Originally granted for performing pious acts, but later acquired through a grant to the church treasury. In the 16th century, indulgences were sold to raise money for the papacy; a critical issue in the Lutheran reformation
Society of Jesus (Jesuits)
The Catholic Reformation, missionaries and educators, Ignatius Loyola
Martin Luther
95 theses against Church and especially indulgences, would not recant his views at the Diet of Worms, split from Church, created Lutheranism, Lutheran Reformation
Thomas More
wrote Utopia, rejected Henry VIII as supreme head of the church of england
Polyglot Bible
(spain 1522) bible offered in hebrew, greek & latin
Sait Teresa of Avila founds, women must completely withdraw themselves to truly worship, the Catholic Reformation, "The Way to Perfection" (1583), convents in Castile,
"the elect"
those who had undergone conversions, predestination, those in power, Calvinism & Puritanism
Henry VIII
king of England, six wives, Tudor Age, English Reformation
Mary I
Daughter of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon, returns England to catholicism, dies of cancer
Elizabeth I
Daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn, protestant England, rules 44 years, amazing queen
New Piety
The Catholic Reformation
founded by Italian peasant Matteo de Bascio, VERY strict path of Saint Assisi, charitable, community for penance and good works, Catholic Reformation
1535 Angela Merici founds, chaste young women living with their families
Menno Simons forms, Dutch anabaptist