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38 Cards in this Set

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How many poems did Emily Dickinson write?
What was the narrator's problematic notion of charity in Bartleby?
The problem was that the narrator befriended Bartleby to boost his self confidence.
A written or unwritten system of principles & laws governing society.
Oral Tradition
The process of passing down sayings, songs, tales, and myths from one generation to the next by word of mouth.
An individual's day-by-day account of events and personal reactions.
A factual account of events in the life or development of a people, nation, institution, or culture. Usually subjective; an individual's perspective.
A story told in fiction, nonfiction, poetry, or drama. Writing that tells a story. Is told by a storyteller (called a narrator).
Lyric Poetry
Brief poems that express the writer's personal feelings and thoughts.
Meaning of Bartleby
Cultural/social critique on materialism of the time period.
Emily Dickinson's Style
Unconventional use of punctuation, brevity in poetry; use of figurative language.
Transcendentalist belief that all forms of being are spiritually united through a shared soul.
Charity in Bartleby
The narrator viewed charity in terms of self-benefit; thought he was purchasing himself a place in heaven.
An American literary and philisophical movement in the 19th century.
Transcendentalist Values
Based in New England, believed human senses know only physical reality; fundamental truths of being lie outside of reach of senses, only can be found by intuition; believed human spirit reflected in nature.
A figure of speech in which a nonhuman subject is given human characteristics.
A figure of speech in which a speaker directly addresses an absent person, obeject or idea.
A work of literature in which events, characters, detail of setting have symbolic meaning; example: character represents a principle.
Poems by Dickenson
Often struggled with questions of existence and death; sometimes poems had a deeper meaning, sometimes not.
Walden Pond
Thoreau lived here for two years alone to experience nature; used experiences to write Walden.
Multiple meanings, often unclear.
A literary movement consisted of two writers; Melville and Hawthorne; focused on human limitations and potential for destructiveness.
Meaning of Bartleby
Cultural/social critique on materialsim of the time period.
Anti-Transcendentalist (views of human nature)
Humans have a great potential for evil and can be very destructive.
A copiest.
A figure of speech in which one thing is spoken of as though it were something else. Often a comparison between two things.
Is writing or speech that attempts to convince a reader to think or act in a particular way. Used in speeches by Patrick Henry, Thomas Pain, and Thomas Jefferson.
The repeated use of any element of language--a sound, a word, a phrase, a clause, a sentence, a grammatical pattern, or a rhythmical pattern.
Public speaking that is formal, persuasive, and emotionally appealing. (ex: Patrick Henry)
A general truth or observation about life, usually stated conciselyand pointedly. Often wittyand wise statements.
Is a form of notification in which a person tells his or her own life story.
Very important to a text; greatly influences the style.
Social Commentary/Cultural Critique
When an author is critiquing society. (ex: Bartleby)
Was a literary movement during the 19th Century that influenced many poets of that time. Symbolism tried to express emotions by using a pattern of symbols.
The writer's attitude toward his or her subject, characters, or audience. Tone can be formal or informal, friendly or distant, personal or pompus.
Identification with and understanding of another's situation, feelings, and motives.
Figuative Language
Is writing or speech not meant to be taken literally. It is used to express ideas in vivid and imaginative ways.
Slave Narrative
An autobiographical account of life as a slave. Often written to expose the horrors of human bondage, it documents a slave's experiences from his or her own point of view.
English Protestants in colonial America; believed in simplification and strictness of religion.