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33 Cards in this Set

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United nations
1945 organization to promote peace & cooperation of great powers. created to settle problems between nations
everything belong to the state & should be run by the gov't on behalf of the people. a classes society achieved by overthrowing capitalism by revolution
policy of keeping communism contained within its borders. George kannan established the plan
iron curtain
Churchill phrase: division between communist & capitalist nations in europe
organization between us and European countries to defend each other against soviet union
Warsaw pact
was made up of eastern European countries dominated by soviet union control . su, plans east Germany
Truman doctrine
us must support free countries that are resisting communist rule. goal was keep soviet union rule from spreading
Marshall plan
about 13 billion to western Europe
Berlin wall
barrier build BTW east AMD west Berlin : west (us brityain and France, east (soviet zone)
Berlin airlift
Stalin cut off west Berlin blockaded the city, cutting off supplies
domino theory
cold war era belief that if one nation falls to communism sorrounding countries will follow
red scare
fears of communist conspiracy to overthrow gov
senator that refers to the unfair tactic of accusing people of diloyality without evidence
congressional committee that held hearings to investigate communist influence in american society
Federal employees loyalty program
1947 allowed the FBI to screen federal employees for sign of disloyalty
Rosenberg case
ius & Ethel Rosenberg accused of passing atomic bomb secrets to soviet agents. found guilty AMD executed
space race
competition between the us and URRS to the space moon AMD co
nuclear arms race
contest in which nations compete to build more powerful weapons
1957 soviets launched the satellite orbiting around earth
Korean war
1950 north attack south korea . civil war in Korea. north Korea = communist, south = not. us supported south
Cuban missiles crisis
Kennedy agreed to never invade Cuba , dismantled missiles in turkey .
bay of pigs
1951 failed invasion of Cuba by a CIA led force of Cuban exiles e!mbarassmente to the us & kennedy
Vietnam war
fear of domino effect . ho chi min (communist) KGO dihn diem (democratic)
hawks and doves
hawks = those who support the war
dove opposote
Tonkin gulf resolution
congressional measure that gave president Johnson the authority too wage war in Vietnam
test offensive
attack by north Vietnamese & Vietcong troops against south Vietnam during the war.
my lai massacre
village in south Vietnam! wjerre in 1968 american forces killed 400-500 unarmed citizens
Nixon ordered an attack the on north Vietnamese army + Vietcong bases I'm can!mbodia .
supported by Vietnamese communist us send aid to help French forces made neutral.
Nixon's idea replacing american troops in Vietnam w/ south Vietnamese soldiers
pentagon papers
classified us gpv't studies
establishment of israel
British troops were removed established as an independent nation .
anti war movement
doves vs hawks.