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56 Cards in this Set

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Law, teaching or instructions

The first 5 books of the bible

AKA the Pentateuch


The bible for Jews

Acronym used as a name for the Hebrew Bible. Torah, Nebi'm (prophets), and Khetubim (Writings)


First 5 books of the bible







a collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine


biblical or related writings not forming part of the accepted canon of Scripture.writings or reports not considered genuine.


Certain books and passages of the Christian Old Testament that are not part of the current Hebrew Bible.


Cousins of some people


a visible manifestation to humankind of God


a system of government in which priests rule in the name of God


a person's will, especially the part relating to personal property.


The religious, philosophical and/ or scientific understanding of the origin and structure of the universe.


Theme in creation stories

Creation depends on the defeat of chaos


Explanation Story

Eponymous ancestor

The founder of a nation or people whose name can be used to identify the group

Ex: Jacob is the eponymous ancestor of the israelites


A near synonym for Palestine. The name predates the nation of Israel and is used in the bible chiefly to identify Palestine as the land promised by God to Abraham's descendants

The Exodus

-Greek word meaning "to go out, exit"

-the word refers to the Israelite's' flight from Egypt, under Moses' leadership, into the wilderness of Sinai.

-Has foundational stories.

The burning bush

A bush that was on fire and talked to Moses

The tetragrammaton

The name of God revealed to Moses at the burning bush

YHWH translated to the LORD

Hebrew for to be

The Documentary Hypothesis

Widely-accepted scholarly proposal that the Pentateuch is composed of originally independent sources that were written at different times in Israel's history.

Priestly scribes who lived during or just after the exile collected and edited these sources .

Julius Wellhausen



Acronym stands for the name assigned to an individual source


E- Elohist



Mernepath Stele

Some stele


A yearly feast in Judaism commemorating the night on which the Israelite's prepared to leave Egypt.

Feast of Unleavened Bread

Day of Atonement

Yearly fast day falling on the tenth day of the Jewish new year (Rosh Hashanah)

Designed to restore Israel's relationship with the LORD

Golden Calf

An idol made after God delivered the people out of Egypt.


The Ten Commandments. These most essential Laws are first articulated in Exodus

Apodictic law

Laws given as commandments in an absolute and unqualified form.

Ex: You shall not murder

Casuistic law

Laws typically articulated in an if.. them or when then form

Ex: Slaves work for 6 years and are then freed the 7th year

Ark of the covenant

A rectangular box with poles along the sides for handles and golden cherubim figures at the either end of the cover, facing toward the center

The tablets of the Law were kept inside the Ark

Mercy Seat

The cover of the Ark of the Covenant, constructed with two cherubim figures whose wings stretch over it.

Name reflects the idea that the LORD is enthroned there and delivers mercy

Year of Jubilee

slaves must be set free after 6 years

Sabbactical Year

The seventh year of no planting and gathering crops


Mammals with cloven hoof

Water creatures fins and scales

The term refers primarily to foods declared "clean"by the Law


Closeness to God


The tent like structure constructed at Sinai according to God's instructions and used as a place of worship throughout Israel's Wilderness wanderings,

Up until Canaan until Jerusalem temple under Solomon was built

The Shema

first two words of a section of the Torah

prayer that serves as a centerpiece

Deuteronoistic History (DtrH)*


2 Kings

1 and 2 chronicles

Holy war

a war declared or waged in support of a religious cause.

The ban/cherem

an official or legal prohibition.

Moabite Stone/Mesha Inscription

A stone set up by King Mesha of Moab

Documents the Moabite practice of the ban.

Role of Judges

There to correct the king and the people


A system of government in which priests rule in the name of God or a god.



Solomon's temple

The "First Temple"

was then destroyed when Israelite's were sent into exile

Second Temple

Replaces Solomon's temple, which was destroyed by the Babylonians. The second temple was built after the people of Judah returned form exile in Babylon



-A Canaanite fertility god, the god of the storm

-Depicted as riding on a calf or bull

-Worshiped at high places


-Canaanite fertility goddess; the consort of Ball


A Canaanite fertility goddess; portrayed sometimes as the consort of Baal and sometimes as the consort of El, the head of the Canaanite pantheon

Represented by a sacred pole

Fertility Religon

The worship of Baal, Astarte and Asherah. Associated with high places and sacred groves of tress. Involved cult prostitutes and ritualized sex.

Sin of Jeroboam son of Nebat

A sin

Restorative justice

Judicial procedures that focus on repairing the damage resulting from a crime/ restoring the relationship between the offender and offended

Restorative justice

Judicial procedures that focus on repairing the damage resulting from a crime/ restoring the relationship between the offender and offended

Retributive justice

Judicial procedures that focus on punishing an offender that is appropriate

Social justice

An equality of opportunity that is is promoted by economic, legal and civic structures that protect the poor and limit the power of the wealthy

Day of atonement

A yearly fast day falling in the tenth day of the Jewish new year devoted to the acts of repentance

Cyrus cylinder

An inscription from the time of Cyrus of Persia/ Cyrus send people who had been exiled by Babylonians back home

Second exodus

The return of the people of Judah from Babylon to Jerusalem prophesied by second isaiah