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14 Cards in this Set

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Roman Wall Painting, c. 100 BCE- 100 CE
Sense of depth- shading, perspective- objects further back are cooler in color, smaller in size slanting\sloping lines, pompeii red, light falls from one side, use of roman and greek architechture, foe marble, looks 3 dimensional, sense of recession into space, Presco- painting onto fresh plaster
Church of Sant' Appolinare, Ravenna, Italy, 504
Flat roof, smaller than St. Peter's Basilica, aisles along the side had shorter roofs, columns, and arches, windows on top to let light in, lots of mosaics on the walls (instead of floors like Romans)
Mosaic of miracle of the loaves and fish- mosaic in Sant' Appolinare Nouvo
gold and glass in mosaic so it would shine, jesus is key figure- center, halo, speaking gesture, purple robes like an emperor, crucifixion stance
Good Shepherd, Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Ravenna, Italy, c. 425-450 CE
Christians incorporated symbols of other cultures and incorporated them into Christianity. Image of shepherd is from Judaism (psalm 23) and pagan religions, agrarian society- understood the image of a shepherd taking care of his flock, he looks like an emperor- gold and purple robe, carries a cross symbolizing the crucifixion, halo above head- signs of a ruler, mosaic- wall decoration instead of floor decoration, less spacial recession than Roman art
Chi-Rho-Iota page, Book of Kells, (Iona), c. 800 CE
Illuminated manuscript, created in monastary in Iona, vellum- calf skin, many geometric shapes, brightly colored, used text and art together, complicated interlace design, letters XPI, human head, angels, birds, fish, describes how the birth of christ came about, very delicate interlace- can see how layers interconnect with each other, angels- heaven, moth- air, cats- earth, fish- water, - shows the impact of the coming of jesus in the different realms of the earth
Woman from Willendorf, Central Europe, c. 28,000- 25,000 BCE
many circular shapes, emphasis of the breasts and stomach- focus on motherhood, vey womanly features, connect to childbirth, arms, legs, head- all deemphasized, could have been a fertility figure, don't know the exact purpose
Standard of Ur, c. 2600 BCE, Mesopotamia
Once beleived to be a battle standard, we don'n know what it's real purpose was, 3 registers, war side, peace side, profile with frontal eye, captives are naked, king is bigger, conical headdress, head extends above border, nicer robe than others, hierarchy of scale, symmetrical composition, people face the king
Great Pyramids, Giza, Egypt, c. 2500 BCE
necropolis- city of the dead, believed death was life in an altered state, built well before the king died, ka statue in case body decomposed,
Menkaure and Khamerernebty, Egypt, c. 2500 BCE
left foot forward- status symbol, connected to the stone between them- sense of permanence, athletic bodies, her shoulders are more broad than most women, we don't know what their relationship was, doesn't look like they're moving, rectangular composition- sense of stability, permanence, many horizontal lines,
Polykleitos, The Spearbearer, c. 450-440 BCE
considered the height of classical greek art, very concerned with harmony, balance, proportion, perfect proportion was considered more beautiful, standing on right leg- not completely symetrical but balanced, Contrapposto- balance of opposites, tilt in hip is balanced by tilt in shoulders, nude- ideal figure was athlete- competed nude, looks like a pause in movement- could be moving but not actually, face is completely serence, no emotion, idealized, aloof expression, ideal figures were considered godlike
Iktinos and Kallikrates, the Parthenon, Athens, Greece, c. 440 BCE
order, balance, overcame optical illusions to make it look more balanced- base and top are slightly arched to make it look more light and graceful, vertical lines emphasized it;s tallness, post and lintel system- hard to create big open space with this method, pediment, metopes, frieze- releif structures, procession in the honor of Athena, starts at west and ends in east, gets slower in motion as it reaches the endpoint. horsemen- strong diagonal lines, elders and young women- vertical lines, stillness, curved lines make it look lifelike,
Nike of Samothrace, c. 190 BCE
representation of victory, landing on a ship. clothing is like wet drapery, more sensual than greek, great sense of movement, theatrical, captured in action, strong diagonal lines
Augustus of Primaporta, c. 20 BCE
clothing unlike the greek sculptures, a little idealized, heroic face, cupid, political propoganda, speaking pose, contrapposto,
The Panthenon, 118-125 CE, Rome
temple to all gods in rome, used greek style, columns are made of solid granite, ornament at top of the column, has a dome. dome was lighter going up, oculus at top, used cord concrete, basalt stone, permiter of the pantheonon is equal to the height of the dome,