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9 Cards in this Set

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Describe earliest humans' technology and tools

HUMANS USED FIRE IN NEW WAYS TO HELP THEM SURVIVE (protection, heat,) allowed them to adapt to wide range of climates

Earliest humans religious beliefs and practice?


How did earliest humans society help procure enough supplies to survive

Small kinship groups

How did societies change during neolithic revolution? What were demographic, social, political, and economic effects of neo rev?

Settled ag. Appeared in several parts of the world. Switch to ag. Was more reliable. Pop. Increased. More urban life (villages) rather than kin groups. Patriarchy and forced labor developed giving men more power

How did pastoral societies resemble/differ from ag.?

Patrol people domesticated animals and led herds around grazing. Pastoral osteoporosis more socially stratified than hunter/forgers

How did neolithic rev. Affect human societies economically and socially

Neo rev led to development of new and more complex social and economic systems.

Homo sapiens originated in...

Africa (200,000 yrs ago)

Effects did pastoral ism and ag. Have on food supply?

Led to more reliable and abundant food supplies which increased pop.

Huang ho river region