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141 Cards in this Set

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Actinic (solar) keratosis
Squamous cell carcinoma (precursor lesion, 1/1000 progress to CA)
Acute gastric ulcer following CNS injury (i.e. blow to head)
Cushing's ulcer (increased cranial pressure causes vagal secretion)
Acute gastric ulcer following severe burn
Curling's ulcer (dec plasma volume --> sloughing of gastric mucosa)
Alternate areas of transmural inflammation and normal colon
Chron's disease (skip lesions)
Likely cause of dissecting aneurysm
Cause of AAA or descending aortic aneurysm
Ascending aortic aneurysm
Tertiary syphylis, Marfan's
Mamillary body atrophy
Wernicke's encephalopathy
Thiamine deficiency leading to ataxia, opthalmoplegia, and confusion
Wernicke's encephalopathy
Autosplenectomy (fibrosis/shrinkage of spleen)
Sickle cell
Bacteremia/pneumonia organism in IV drug user
Staph Aureus
Likely bacterial meningitis in adult or elderly
Strep Pneumonia, N. meningitidis
Likely bacterial meningitis in newborns? kids?
Group B Strep (newborns); S. pneumoniae/N. meningitidis (kids)
Name for benign melanocytic nevus. What age range?
Spitz nevus. Up to 20
Bleeding disorder w/ Gp1b deficiency
Bernard-Soulier disease
Clotting step defective in Bernard-Soulier disease
Platelet adhesion (causes incr bleeding time)
Supratentorial tumor in kid
Craniopharyngioma (derives from Rathke's pouch)
Infrantentorial tumor in kid
1.) Astrocytoma, 2.) Medulloblastoma
Location of medulloblastoma
Cerebellum (infratentorial)
Most common form of breast cancer
Invasive Ductal Carnicoma (in US, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer)
Most likely cause of breast mass in postmenopausal women
Most likely cause in breast mass in premenopausal woman
Fibrocystic change
Most likely pneumonia organism in debilitated, hospitalized patient
Cardiac manifestation of SLE and valve effected
Libman-Sacks endocarditis, mitral
Primary heart tumor in kid
Rhabdomyoma, assoc. w tuberous sclerosis
Primary heart tumor in adult, and likely locaiton
Myxoma; left atrium
"Ball and valve" heart tumor
Myxoma, often presents with syncope
Most likely cause of heart tumor in adult
Most common cardiomyopathy
Dilated (40% are familial)
Cerebellar tonsillar herniation
Arnold-Chiari malformation
Frequent outcome of Arnold-Chriari malformation
Hydrocephalus (can also be presentation)
Chronic arrhytmia is most likely ?
Atrial fib
Pt with atrial fib has a very high risk of?
Chronic atrophic gastritis predisposes to what two conditions?
Gastric carcinoma, pernicious anemia
Risk factor for vaginal clear cell adenocarcinoma
DES exposure in utero
Congenital cardiac anomaly
Congenital conjugated hyperbilirubinemia (black liver)
Dubin-Johnson syndrome (hepatocytes can't secrete conjugated bilirubin into bile)
Cause of constrictive pericarditis in developing world
TB (1/3rd of world's population has TB, though mostly latent infections)
In order, the three most likely vessels involved in coronary artery thrombosis
Three congenital heart defects with early cyanosis (this is less common)
Tetralogy, transposition, truncus arteriosus
Three congenital heart defects with late cyanosis
Cause of death in CML
Blast crisis
Cause of death in SLE
Nephropathy (look for anti-ds-DNA antibody)
Two leading causes of dementia
1.) Alzheimers, 2.) Multiple infarcts (usually small)
Four common causes of DIC
Gram neg sepsis, obstetric complication, cancer, burns
Mnemonic for causes of DIC
STOP Making New Thrombi (Sepsis, Trauma, Obstetric complications, Pancreatitis, Malignancy, Nephrotic syndr., Transfusions)
Most common mineral dietary deficit
Diverticulum in pharynx
Zenker's diverticulum
Diagnostic method for Zenker's diverticulum
Barium swallow
Cause of ejection click
Aortic/pulmonary stenosis
Most common esophageal cancer (in the WORLD)
Squamous cell carcinoma
Most common esophageal cancer (in the US)
Adenocarcinoma (following Barrett's esophagus, following GERD)
Exo-toxin mediated food poisoning organisms (2)
Staph Aureus, B. cereus
Most common gene involved in cancer
Most common gynecologic malignancy (in US)
Endometrial carcinoma; 2nd most common is ovarian
Most common heart murmor
Mitral valve prolapse
1st and 2nd valves affected in rheumatic fever
Mitral, aortic
Valve affected in bacterial endocarditis for IV drug user
Two helminth infections in U.S
Enterobius vermicularis (pinworm, scotch-tape test), Ascaris lumbricoides; Tx both w -bedazole drugs
Cause and shape of epidural hematoma
Ruptured middle meningeal artery, lens-shaped (biconvex)
Cause and shape of subdural hematoma
Rupture of briding veins, crescent shaped
Hemochromatosis causes increased risk for what two conditions?
CHF & hepatocellular carcinoma
Usual cause of hemochromatosis & likely pt groups
Multiple blood transfusions; Sickle cell pts & pts w severe thalassemia
Hepatocellular carcinoma
Cirrhotic liver (most often assoc w HBV & HCV), tumor marker: alpha-fetoprotein
Hereditary harmless jaundice?
Gilbert's syndrome (aka benign congenital unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia)
Four diseases with HLA-B27
PAIR = Psoriatic arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, IBD arthritis (ulcerative colitis), Reiter's syndrome
Three diseases with HLA-DR3 or DR4
Type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid, SLE
Three causes of holosystolic murmur
VSD, tricuspid regurgitation, mitral regurgitation
Hypercoagulability + endothelial damage + blood stasis = ?
Virchow's triad for venous thrombosis
Most common cause of secondary HTN
Renal disease
Most common cause of hypoparathyroidism
Most common cause of hypopituitarism
Adenoma (usually benign)
Infection during blood transfusion
Hep C
Radiolucent kidney stone
Uric acid
Radiopaque kidney stone
Calcium (most common cause) or struvite
Cause of struvite stones
Urease positive organisms, Proteus vulgaris or Staph spp.
CBC abnormality in Eisenmerger's
Most common lysosomal storage disease
Gaucher's (crinkle paper cytoplasm)
Most common cancer in men
Prostatic carcinoma
Malignancy associated with noninfectious fever
Hodgkin's lymphoma
Most common cause of mental retardation
Fetal alcohol syndrome
Top 2 congenital causes of mental retardation
Down's, Fragile X
Six cancers with bone metastasis
Breast, lung, thyroid, testes, prostate, kidney
Five cancers with brain metastasis
Lung, breast, skin (melanoma), kidney (renal cell carcinoma), GI (Lots of Bad Stuff Kills Glia)
Five cancers with liver metastasis
Colon, gastric, pancreatic, breast, lung
Skin malignancies, in order of incidence
Basal cell, Squamous cell, Melanoma (trouble if they go through the BaSeMent membrane)
Cause of mitral valve stenosis
Rheumatic heart disease
Mixed upper & lower motor neuron disease
Most common causative organism for myocarditis
Coxsackie B virus, also Echovirus
Neoplasm in kids (2 most common)
1.) ALL, 2.) Astrocytoma (in cerebellum, note perivascular pseudorosettes)
Cause of nephrotic syndrome in adults
Membranous glomerulonephritis
Cause of nephrotic syndrome in kids
Minimal change disease (assoc. w infections/vaccinaitons; tx w corticosteroids)
Opening snap = ?
Mitral stenosis (diastolic murmur)
Most common opportunistic infection in AIDS pts
Pneumocystic jiroveci penumonia (tx: TMP-SMX)
Organs sending mets
Lung > breast, stomach
Osteomyelitis causative organism
Staph. aureus
Osteomyelitis with sickle cell
Osteomyelitis with IV drug use
Ovarian metastasis from gastric carcinoma or breast cancer
Krukenberg tumor (mucin-secreting signet-ring cells)
Most common benign ovarian tumor
Serous cystadenoma
Most common malignant ovarian cancer
Serous cystadenocarcinoma (marker: CA-125; psammoma bodies)
Pancreatic tumor
Adenocarcinoma (most often in head, presents with painless jaundice)
Causes of acute pancreatitis
Alcohol, gallstones
Causes of chronic pancreatitis
Alcohol (adults), cystic fibrosis (kids)
ALL - child
CLL/AML - Over 60
CML - 35-50
Typical pt w Hodgkin's disease
Young male
Type of Hodgkin's in females
Nodular sclerosis type
Pelvic inflammatory disease
N. gonorrhea (often w monoarticular arthritis), Chlamidiae
Philadelphia chromosome (9:22)
Gene fusion in Philadelphia chormosome
Two most common pituitary tumors
Prolactinoma, somatotrophic "acidophilic" adenoma
Most common primary amenorrhea
Turner's (XO, webbed neck, streak ovaries)
Most common primary bone tumor in adults
Multiple myeloma
Primary hyperaldosteronism
Adrenal adenoma
Primary hyperparathyroidism (3 causes)
Adenoma, Hyperplasia, Carcinoma (toxic, of parathyroid)
Likely cause of recurent inflammation/thrombosis of small/medium vessels in extremities
Buerger's disease (strong assoc. w tobacco, common presentation is young male smoker)
Two diseases associated with renal cell carcinoma
von Hippel-Lindau, ADPKD
Name for right heart failure due to pulmonary causes
Cor pulmonale
Protodiastolic gallop is another name for?
S3 heart sound
Presystolic gallop is another name for?
S4 heart sound
Most likely cause of secondary hyperparathyroidism
Chronic kidney disease (-> hypocalcemia)
Reasons for S3 heart sound
Increased ventricular filling (Left to right shunt, mitral regurg, LV failure, CHF, dilated cardiomyopathy)
Reasons for S4 heart sound
Stiff or hypertrophic ventricle (aortic stenosis, restrictive cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, recent MI)
Most likely cause of SIADH
Small cell carcinoma of the lung
Site of diverticula
Sigmoid colon
4 most common sites (in order) for atherosclerosis
Abdominal aorta > coronary > popliteal > carotid
Most common stomach cancer
Stomach ulcerations + high gastrin levels
Two sites of Zollinger-Ellison gastrinomas
Duodenum, pancreas
t(14;18) - Dx and gene activated
Follicular lymphoma (bcl-2 activation)
t(8;14) - Dx and gene activated
Burkitt's lymphoma (c-myc activation)
t(11;22) - Dx
Ewing sarcoma
Important complication of temporal arteritis
Ipsilateral blindness from opthalmic thrombosis
Condition commonly assoc. w temopral arteritis
Polymyalgia rheumatica; labs: incr ESR
Most common testicular tumor
Seminoma ("fried egg" appearance of cells)
Adrenal medullary tumor in adults, kids
Adults - Pheochromocytoma, Kids - neuroblastoma (malignant; Homer Wright pseudorosettes)
Most common type of Hodkin's
Nodular sclerosis type
Most common type of non-Hodgkin's
Diffuse large cell
Most common cause of temporal viral encephalitis
Most common vitamin deficiency in US
Folic acid
Length of body supply of folic acid
3-4 months