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20 Cards in this Set

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What are the indications for Traction?
* Herniated nucleus pulposus
* Nerve root impingement
* Muscle spasm
* DDD/DJD (degenerative disc disease or degenerative joint disease)
* Joint hypomobility/subacute inflammation
What are the contraindications for traction?
* Structural disease
* Vascular compromise
* acute sprain/strain
* Pregnancy (hypermobility)
* Osteoporosis
* Hiatal hernia
If you are doing traction on someone, is it good if the pain completely disappears?
No. that may mean they have lost sensation. STOP immediately
What are some precautions with traction?
* pressure from the belts (hiatal hernia, vascular compromise, osteoporosis)
* Displacement of the annular fragment
* Medial disc protrusion
* Severe pain relieved FULLY by traction. need to reassess
* Claustrophobia
* Disorientation
* TMJ problems or dentures
Lumbar traction. What weight should you start with?
between 25-50 lbs & increase 3-15 lbs each treatment to desired effect
To decrease compression on a nerve root or facet joint in the lumbar region, what weight will you use?
Between 50 lbs and 60% of body weight
To decrease muscle spasm or stretch soft tissue, what weight will you use?
25% of body weight
The head weighs approximately how many pounds?
14 lbs
With cervical traction, what weight should you start off with?
8-10 lbs. increase 3-5 lbs to desired effect
To decrease compression on a nerve root or facet joint in the cervical region, what weight will you use?
20 lbs or 7% of body weight is necessary
To decrease muscle spasm or stretch soft tissue in the cervical region, what weight will you use?
12-15 lbs
For the cervical region, you should not use traction beyond how much weight?
30 lbs
For a herniated disc, what is the hold/relax time for traction?
6-8 minutes to get the pressure to change. Longer than 8 min will have the reverse effect.
For joint problems, what is the hold/relax time for traction?
1:1 ration at 15 seconds
For disc problems, what is the hold/relax time for traction?
Long hold (60+ sec) with a 3-1 ration. 60 sec on/ 20 sec off
When would you put a patient in the prone position for traction?
For a herniated disc
How do we assess edema?
Poke it, it will dimple
Measure it, in comparison to other extremities
Loss of function/ROM
What is edema?
It is the accumulation of fluid in the interstitial spaces
How do we treat edema?
non-mechanical and mechanical compression
What are the contraindications for edema?
* Heart failure or pulmonary edema
* Acute or recent DVT or pulmonary embolism
* Obstruction of lymph or venous return
* Severe peripheral art. disease
* Skin infection
* Acute fracture
* Arterial revascularization