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117 Cards in this Set

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If i wanted to elicit a contraction from the palmairs longus, I would apply
Wrist tendon reflex percussion
Kneading is the most powerful procedure for producing this physiological effect
Holding the client's ankle and hip, the therapist gently brings the ankle away from the body
Centrifugal friction
Is in the direction of teh arterial flow
Has a sedative effect
Has a derivative effect on viscera and nerve centers
Fine, vibratory or shaking movements communicated to the body through the hand of the masseur is the definition for
The pressure of stroking should be
Not even the weight of the hand
The most powerful means of stimulating the abdominal viscera is
Because of the ability of massage to increase the burning of glycogen in the muscles, massage is most valuable inthe treatment of
Large arteries are not principaly effected by what kellogg procedure
The definition of kneadingis alternate andintermittent compression of tissues by grasping or compressing tissues against underlying bony surfaces
In this type of vibration he palm of the hand or closed fist is placed firmly against the surface, the arm is held straight and fine jarring or trembling movement conmmunicated to it
Deep vibration
Pain is relieved most by
A friction technique for broad surfaces like back or hip is called
Rotary friction
In the upper arm, the vein that runs most laterally is
Muscular contraction, even tetanus,can happen under the influence of this procedure
When performing petrisssage, tissue should be lifted from the bone in underlying tissues, rolled and stretched in an ______ direction or form the point of _____
The type of friction that would promote aabsorption and increase circulation would be
Which massage procedure is the treatment of choicefor fever and heat elimination
_______ of teh extremities is the most powerful of all means of aiding lymphatic and veous circulation for the treatment of edema
Centripeta Friction
Genearl massage is considered helpful for
Nervous Irritabilty
Raynaud's disease is
Poor circulationj, usually fingers and toes
Digital, knuckle, palmar, reflex are part of what procedures
Fulling and skin rolling act primarily upon
Skin and superficial fascia
The massage procedure that produces the most powerful mechanical effect is
All of the following are considered hamstring muscles except:
Bicep Femoris
Rectus Femoris
Rectus Femoris
Plantar flexion of the footis achieved by all of the following except
Extensor Hallucis Longus
The pressure of stroking should be
Not even the weight of the hand
The vibration technique that is especially applicable to extremities and head is
The great saphenous vein orginates
In the instep
Joint movement of the elbow will have the most profound effect on the
What would be the correct application of rolling
From the axilla to the wrist
Prolonged light or strong percussion produces
Dilation of surface vessles and redness
The trapezius
Inserts on the acromion process
Orginates on the ligamentum nuchae
Has six functions
As the tibialis anterior, I ____ the foot
Muscles that affect breating is
Geniglossus is it concerned with facial expression
There are ____ muscles which control the movement of the eye
The flexor digitorum profundus flexes the
The pectoralis minor ____ the scapula
Which muscles are connected to the galea aponeurotica
Which of the following is not an extensor of the knee:
Vastus medialis
Vastus lateralis
Biceps Femoris
Rectus femoris
Biceps femoris
To exhale forcibly on would contract the
Internal intercostals
Deep fascia invaginating the muscle of the thigh is called
Fascia Lattae
Where does the adductor longus insert
Linea aspera
The muscles of a person suffering locomotor ataxia
Should be kneaded
Nerves can be soothed by
Immobility of joint is called
At the distal end of the fibula is the
Lateral malleolus
Wringing is done from ankle to hip is this a true statement
Ulnar deviation is
The hand directed medially
Touch is not used
For heat elimination
Flexor digitorum longus does what action
Flexes the toes
What massage procedure stimulates muscle contraction
Acute inflammation of the kidney is not a what
Therepeutic application for massage
In the treatment of neuritis, the first stage is ______
Parasthesias are
Sensation of numbenss, pricking and tingling
General masage is considered helpful for
Nervous Irritability
Diathesis is
Having an above average tendency to acquire certain diseases
The treatment of choice for facial neuralgia would be
Nerve compression
For hyperaesthesia this treatment would be contraindicated
For treatment of infantile paralysis apply
For treatment of locomotor ataxia apply
Massage benefits all disorders except
Brights Disease (Kidneys disease)
Writers cramp would likely effect this muscle
Flexor digitorum superficialis
This disease ( which massage does not cure but did stop its advance) was caused by underactive thyroid gland
Massage treats disorders of nutrition buy
Improving appetite
Promoting secretion of digestive fluids
improving absorption
Aiding peristalsis
After violent exercise, which procedure would be of most value
Centrifugal friction
Massage relieves the pain through its dervative action,promotes absorpiton of effused inflammatory products and restores mobility describes the treatment for
Articular rheumatism
In cases of exhaustion from excessive mental, nervous, or muscular work, the treatment of choice is
General masage
Percussion and vibration are powerful means of producing which of the following actions
The most effective means of exciting nerve trunks is
Sedaive effects are achieved by
Derivative massage
Gentle stroking
Light friction over a deep lying organ
Decreases the organ's blood supply
Tetanic contraction may be caused by
Succession of blows
Strong vibration
Where are the blood vessels and lymphatic the largest
In the vicinity of the joints
Derivative massage of both extremities especially concluded with cetrifugal friction relieves congestgion of
Pulmonary or lung systme
Brain and spine
Lymph channels are most abundant in
Subcutaneous tissue fascia
Local massage does not cause
Decreased tissue changes
Slow peristalsis is not a what
Effect of massage on digestion
Spatting is
Used on most parts of the body
Used if surface is cold
What percussive technique is most beneficial for relieving lung congestion according to kellogg
To relieve a sensitive part. This treatment would be appropriate
Derivate massage
Gentle stroking over the affected area
Gradually working towards the painful part
For relaxation, you would apply
Palmar stroking
Fist kneading is done were only
A well known sensation resulting from a blow ujpon the ulnar nerve just behind the elbow is an example of _____ effect
Kneading produces a powerful waht
Reflexf effect
What procedure produces a powerful mechanical effect
What procedure producesa powerfu metabolic effect
The effects masssage on the circulation are
Does not affect arterial tension
A good form of massge to use if you want to powerfully stimulate all functions of the skin would be
Passive joint movement increases
Blood and lymph flow in joints
In assistive joint movement the
Effect is chiefly confined to the joint
Fulling and skin rolling are not a therapeutic application for
Muscle tension
Chucking is not a therapeutic application for
Hidebound skin
It is always necessary to use two hands for chucking
Deepkneading is not a therapeutic application for
Hidebound skin
The release of histamine caused by kneading is an example of a_______ physiological effect
What procedure do you use when the surface is cold
What pecussion is know for its explosive effect and loud sound
Short-light or unprolonged percussion produces
A spasm of superficial vessels and a pallor
In bending over the patient, the body should be
Flexed at the hips
When the palma surface of the hand is held upon the skin with sufficient firmness to prevent slipping and the movementis to and fro, this is
Lateral virbration
Which is not a contraindication to application of vibration:
Acute inflammation
Morbid growths
To aid a condition of paralysis, kellogg recommends
Light, intermmittent pressure
What procedures does Kellogg advocates most for the condition of neuralgia
Nerve Compression
Hyperaesthesia is best treatedwith
Passive touch
For the relief of cold surfaces, kellogg recommends
Firm, deep pressure on a nerve trunk
May paralyze nerve
What might be a contraindication for nerve compression
Stroking applied to any area can be
2-3 minutes to 1/2 hour or until desired effect is produced
What procedure iindirectly affects the internal organs
Reflex stroking
All functions of the skin are affected by friction except
Vasoconstriction of superficial veins
Circular friction is applied to
Arms and legs
Shaking is done by
Grasping head or extremity firmly and shakingwith rapid vibratory movemnts
Which stroking procedures are used for sleepessness
Digital stroking of head
An indication is
When an approach would be beneficial
The body/mind link is best understood
As separate from hormone interplay