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191 Cards in this Set

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shu stream of kd

kd 3

yuan source of kd

where is kd 3
in the depression of between tip of the med. mal. and Achilles tendon

nourish kd yin and clear xu heat tonify kd yang anchor qi benifit lu strengthen spine

kd 3

Lou of kd


location of kd 4

post infer med. mal. in depression ant. to med. mal. side of attachments to Achilles tendon

benifits kd anchor qi benifts lu strengthen will and dispel fear

xi cleft of kd
kd 5
Where is kd 5

1 cun below kd 3 medial side of tuberosity of calcaneum

benfit menstration reg chong and mai

kd 5

jing well of kd

kd 1

descend excess from head calm spirit revive consciousness rescue yang

kd 1

where does kd channel begain

little toe

what other organs does kd connect

kd ub lv lu ht

where does it intersect

sp du ren

ying spring of kd

kd 2

clears xu reg kd and lower jiao

kd 2

benifit thorat nurish kd tonify kd yin clear xu heat reg yin qiao mai reg lower jiao

kd 6

where is kd 6

in depression below med mal

jing river of kd

kd 7

where is kd 7

2 cun above kd 3 ant boarder of achillies tendon

regulate water passage tx edema depression reg sweating drain damp clear d-h

kd 7

reg concept. and pen. vessels adjust menstruation, uterine bleed drain damp

kd 8

Where is kd 8

.5 cun ant to kd 7 2 cun above 3 post to med boarder of time tibia

clears ht transform phlegm of beautiful baby

Where is kd 9
5 cun above 3 lower belly of m. gast
he sea of kd
clear damp heat from lower jiao benefit kd
kd 10
Where is kd 10

med political fossa between m. semiten and semimem.

benefit lower jiao
Where is kd 11
5 cun below umbulicus
astringes essence tonify kd
kd 12
Where is kd 12
4 cun below umbilicus .5 lat to cv3
running piglet
kd 13
Where is kd 13
3 cun below umbilicus
Where is kd 14
2 cun below umbilicus
four fullness px reg qi move stasis

kd 14

reg lower Jiao and intestines
Where is kd 15
1 cun below umbilicus

reg qi, px , reg and warm intestines


where is kd 16

in line with umbilicus .5 cun lateral

where is ub17

2 cun above umbilcus

dispel accumulation/ alleviate px


where is kd 18

3 cun above umbilicus .5 cun lateral

reg lower jiao, px, reg qi and move xue stasis harmonize st gyno point


where is kd 19

4 cun above umbilicus

reg qi harmonize st, cough and wheeze


harmonize middle Jiao unbind chest transform phlegm
Where is kd 20
5 cun above umbilicus. 5 cun lateral
where is kd 21
5 cun above the umbilicus .5 latral
fortify sp harmonize sp harmonize st spread lv qi benifit breast and chest alleviate px
kd 21
where i kd 22
in fifth inercostal space 2 cun lateral to midline
unbind chest lower rebal lu and st qi
kd22 kd25
where is kd 23
4th intercostal space 2 cun lateral
unbind chest lower rebal lu st qi benifit breast
kd 23 kd 24
where is kd 24
3rd intercostal space 2 cunn lateral
unbind chest lower rebal qi benifit breast transform phlegm
where is kd 26
in first intercostal space
unbind chest cough wheeze harmonize st and lower rebal qi transform phlegm


ren is the sea of
where does it arise in females and males
uterus /lower abdomen
where does ren emerge
ren 1 in perineum
where does ren terminate
ren 24
ren winds around the mouth like which other channels
LI Du st
where does ren connect with du
du 28
what part of bdy does ren terinate and at which channel
below the eye st 1
what caution for ren 234
what caution for ren 5–13
peritoneal cavity
what caution at ren 14 15
lv ht
ghost point of ren
reg ant. post. yn drain d–h resuscitation revive drowning
where is ren2
midpoint of upper boarder of pubic symphosis
benifit urination reg lower jiao warm/invig blood
front mu of bladder benifit bladderdrain d–h benifit uterud
sp lv kd all meet where on ren channel
ren 3 ren4
menstration dispel stag benifit lower jiao fortufy kd
front mu of SI
where is ren 3
anterior midline 4 cun below umbilicus
where is ren 4
3 cu below umbilicus
tonify oringinl qi benifit essence tonify/nurish kd
warm/fortify sp benifit uterus assists conception reg lower jiao
benifits bladder reg SI qi restore collapse
front mu of sj move benifit water passage reg qi, px,reg uterus
fosters original qi tonify qi tonifies kd fortify yang
rescue yang collapse reg qi harmonize blood
here is ren 7
1 cun below umbilicus
where is ren 6
1.5 cun below umbilicus
reg menstration benifit lower jiao abdomen and genital region
ren 7
where is ren 8
in line with umbilicus
warms yang rescue collapse warm/harmonize intestions
ren 8
where is ren 9
1 cun above umbilicus
where us ren 10
2 cun above umbilicus
reg water passage tx edemaharmonize intestions dispel accumulation
harmonize st reg qi dispel stagnation
harmonize mj reg qi
where is ren 11

3 cun above umbilicus

where is ren 12
4 cun above umbilicus
front mu of st hui meeting point og fu harmonize mj
descend rebellion tonift st tonify sp reg qi, px
where is ren 13
5 cun above umbilicus
harmonize st reg qi descend rebelion , reg ht
ren 13
where is ren 14
6 cun above umbilicus
front mu of ht , px descend lu qi unbind chest
transform phlegm calm spirit harmonize st desencd st
ren 14
ren 15
lou of ren
reg ht calm spirit descend lu qi unbind chest
unbind chest reg st/descend rebellion
where is ren 16
fifth intercostal space
where is ren 17
4th intercodtal space between nipples
unbinnnd chest descend qi
where is ren 21
in center of sternal manubrium 1 cun below ren22
where is ren22
in suprasurasternal fossa
decend st qi dispel food stag unbind chest descend lu qi benifit throat
window of heaven point descend rebal qi cough wheeze benifit throat and voice
where is ren 23
above adams apple in depression of upper boarder of hyoid bone
benifit tounge descend qi allevites cough
where is ren 24
in centre of mentolabial groove
ghost point extinguish wind and benifit face reg con vessels d/o of l ower part of channel


du is the sea of
no du at t...
t2 t4 t8 t12
no du at l
L3 L5
lou of du
du 1
tx hemorrhoids benifit two lower yin calm spirit
du 1
where is du 1
midpoint between tip of coccyx and anus
where is du2
benifit lumbar and legs dispel w–d
du 2
where is du 3
dispel w–d benifit lumbar and legs REG LJ
du 3
where is du 4
ming men of du
clear heat reg du mai tonify kd benifit lumbar spine
du 4
where is du 5
benifit lumbarspine mj
where is du 6
t 11
benifit sp level with sp shu drain damp benifit spine
du 6
where is du 7
benifit sp am MJ level with GB shu
du 7
where is du 8
sinew contraction sooth lv levle with lv shu pacifies wind/relieve spasms calm spirit
where us du 9
fortify sp drain damp reg mj TX jundice unbind chest LEvel with diaphragm
where is du 10
allevites cough wheeze clear heat detox poison skin
where is du 11
tonify ht and lu calm spirit level with ht shu clear heat pacify wind for XU ptterns
where is du 12
clear lu and ht heat lu shu rage desire to kill shi patterns
du 12
where is du 13
where is du 14
metting point of all yang channels sea of qi expel wind nose bleed d/o of seating
way of happiness clear heat tx malaria reg du mai indicated for unhappy d/o


gate of muteness
where is du 15
.5 above the midpoint of pos. hairline below spinus process of c1
sea of qi point benifit tounge tx mutness eliiinate wind benefit neck and sp
du 15
where is du 16
1 cun above midpoint of pos hairline below external occipitl protuberance
wind palace sea of marrow point window of heaven ghost point benifit head and neck
where is du 17
1.5 from 16
eliminate wind and alleviate px BENIFIT EYE calm spirit
du 17
where is du 18
1.5 above 17
pacifies wid alleviates px calm spirit
du 18
where is du 19
1.5 from 19
eliminate wind alleviate px calm spirit
where is du 20
on midline of head 5 cun directly above midpoint of ant. midline at apex of both ears
sea of marrow pacify wind subdue yang raise yang counter prolapse benifit sense organs benifit brain boost immue system
du 20
where is du21
1.5 above du 20
where is du 22
2 cun posssterior to an hairline
eliminate wind tx convulsions benifit head
du 21
benifitose eliminattte wind and benifit head bursting h/a duuue to excess alcohol consumption
du 22
where i du 23
1 cun post to ant hairline
ghost point benifit nose nd eyes eliminate wind and benifit head and face dispel swelling calm spirit
where is 24
.5 cun post to ant hairline
courtyard of spirit benifit head annd brain calm spirit benifit nose and eyes
where is du 25
on the tip of the nose
reduce alcohol intoxication restore consciousness benifit nose
where is du 26
at junction of upper 1/3 philtrum
where is du 27
labial rubercle of upper lip
acute lumbar sprain benifit spine
clear heat generate fluids
where is du 28
junction of gum and frenulum of upper lip
benifit gums nose and eyes


where is ub 58
7 cun above ub 60 on fibula boarder
lou of ub harmonize upper and lower expel wind from tai yang tx hemorrhoids
3 cun abovebl 60
activate entire ub channel
xi cleft of ub
yuan source of ub
ying spring of ub
jing well of ub
turn fetus
decend lu/st qi
