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70 Cards in this Set

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What is the antagonist to m. triceps brachii

m. biceps brachii

Name the two types of articulations cartiligineae

~ synchondrosis = bones fused by cartilage (sternocostal joint)

~symphysis = union of two bones fused by fibrocartilage withjout synovial membrane

Name the articular capsule layers

~ outer fibrous layer (stratum fibrosum)

~ Inner layer (stratum synoviale/ synovial membrane)

Name the components of Synovial joints ( articulato synoviales)

~ facies articularis

~cartilago articularis

~ cavum articulare

~capsula articularis

Name the two membranes strengthening the atlanto-occipital joint

~ventral atlanto-occipital membrane

~dorsal atlanto-occipital membrane

Name the joint having discus articularis

~temporomandibular joint

What 4 muscles come from m quadriceps femoris

~ m rectus femoris

~m vastus lateralis

~m vastus medialis

~m vastus intermedius

Name the two branches of m biceps femoris ( not the vertebral and pelvic heads)

~ stifle branch

~ tibial branch

~ calcaneal branch

Name the layer of CT that ensheaths

a) a muscle fibre

b) a bundle of muscle fibres

c) the entire muscle

a) endomysium

b) perimysium

c) epimysium

Name the passive part of a muscle and its less movable attachment

~ tendon

~ less mobile = origin

~ more mobile = insertion

Definition of the DEEP INGUAL RING

~ annulus inguinalis

~area caudal to l;ast muscle fibres of m. obliquus internal abdominis, lateral to m.rectuis abdominis

Name the muscular structure forming the ring

~ caudolateral border is formed by lig. inguinale

~ inguinal canal is an area between deep and superficial inguinal rings

Two functions of m. biceps brachii

~ extends shoulder joint

~ flexes elbow joint

Name the short ligaments of the vertebral column

~ ligg flava

~ ligg intertransversaria

~ ligg interspinalia

a) Name the joint made up by the caput humeri

b) What type of joint is it (shape criteria)

a) articulation humeri

b) acticulatio spheroidea

Give an example of an intercapsular ligament

~ ligamentum capitis ossis femoris

List three basic components of synovial joints

~ joint capsule

~joint cavity

~ articular cartilage

Name two parts of the nuchal ligament

~ funicular part

~ laminar part

Name the abdominal tunica consistant of elastic fibres in large herbivores

~ tunica flava abdominis

Name the sheets of fibrous tissue transversally placed across the m. rectus abdominis

~ intersections tendinae

Give an example of art ellipsoidea (synovial)

~ art radiocarpea

List the types of Sutura in skull with examples

~ sut. serrata ( interfrontalis)

~ sut.foliata (interparietal)

~ sut. squamosa ( parietal + temporal)

~ sut. plana ( internasalis)

~ schindylsis( vomerethmoidalis)

Name two rib and spine joints

~ art. capitis costae

~ art. costotransversaria

Name two ligaments of art femorotibialis

~ligg collaterale mediale/ laterale

Name the ligament that forms the costovertebral joint

~ lig intercapitale

Name the ligament of the knee

~ lig patellae

Define synchondrosis (articulartiones cartilagnae)

~formed by rigidly fused cartilage

~ example: ynch intersternebralis

Name the two layers of articular cartilage

~stratum synoviale

~stratum fibrosae

What joint has discus articularis

~art temporomandibulare

a) Whats the space between adjacent bones

b) Which part has villi

a) cavum articulare

b) stratum synoviale

Name the fibrocartilage rim from the hip and shoulder jont

~hip = labrum acetabuli

~shoulder = labrum glenoidale

Name short intervertebral ligaments

~ligg flava

~ligg interspinalia

Name 3 accessory structures

~ ossa sesamodea

~ burse synoviales

~ fasciae

Name the ligaments between vertebral arches and spinous processes

~ligg flava

~ligg intertransversaria

Name the ligament reinforcinmg the costovertebral joint

~ Lig capitis costae

List the components of nuchal ligaments

~lig nuchae

~lamina nuchae

~ accessorius nuchae

List types of art. fibrosae




Name the main components of symphsis intervertebralis

~nucleus pulposus

~annulus fibrosae

Name the intercapsular ligament of os coxae

~lig transversum acetabuli

List two types of Busae synoviales

~bursae synoviales subligamentosae/ submusculare

Name the ligament between os sacrum and os coxae in large animals

~lig sacrotuberale ( labum)

Name two ligaments inserting into fovea capitis ossis femoris in a horse

~lig capitis ossis femoris

~lig acessorium ossis femoris

In which species is lamina nuchae absent




Name the intercapsular ligament of os coxae

~lig transversum acetabuli

Name the ligament reinforcing the costovertebral joint

~lig capitis costae intraacrticulare

Give an example of

a) art ginglymus

b) art plana

a) art cubiti

b) art sacroilica

Name the group of joints whos uniting tissue is under sutura ( and give example)

~ art fibrosae

~ symphis pelvina

Name two membranes strengthening atlanto occipital joint

~ dorsal and ventral atlantooccipital membrane

Name the ligament in the intercapsule of art coxae

~lig transversarium acetabuli

Name the joint between the metacarpals and metatarsals of the horse

~radiocarpal joint

~ulnocarpal joint

Name the intercapsular ligaments of art femorotibialis

~ligg collaterale mediale/ laterale

Give an example of synchondrosis

~sternocostal joint

Give an example of syndesmosis

~lig interosseum antibrachi

List the components of a synovial joint

~ fascies articularis

~ cavum articularis

~cartiligo articularis

~capsula articularis ( synoviale and fibrous)

Name two types of srt intermandibularis

~sutura intermandibularis

~synchondrosis inetrmandibularis

Name two muscles attached to the mandible

~m digasticus

~m buccinator

Give two examples of art ginglymus

~art cubiti

~art tarsocruralis

What is hyperextension

~ rotation beyond 180 degrees

What is rotation

~movement around its own axis

Name two muscles attached to tendo calcanenius communis

~m. biceps femoris

~m. triceps surae

~m. flexor digitorum

~m. semitendenous

Name the ligaments of art coxae and underline ones only present in horses

~lig transversum acetabuli

~ lig acessorium ossis femoris

~lig capatis ossis femoris

Name the fibrous tissue placed across m rectus abodominis

~intersections tendinae

List four types of bursae synoviales



~sub facialis


Name two inspiration muscles


~m rectus thoracis

Is m. vastus medialis part of m quadriceps femoris?


What ligament is different between the dog and the horse

~Nuchal ligament

~arises from axis in dogs, occipital bone in horses

What dies m.longus capitis do

~flexes neck

a) Name m.gastrocenmius head

b) name its head only in dog

~caput mediale

~caput laterale

Name the joint between os coxae and the sacrum

~art sacriliaca

List the brachii bellys

~ caput longum

~cvaput laterale

~caput mediale

~ Caput accessorium (only in dogs)