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50 Cards in this Set

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Variegated adj
varied; Marked with different colors
articulate adj
able to speak clearly and expressively
eloquent, lucid, silver tongue, smooth spoken
Molt V
to shed hair, skin , or an outer layer periodically.
cast, defoliate, desquamate.
Nascent Adj
Starting to develop; Coming into existence.
embryonic, emerging, inchoate, incipient.
Nettle V
To irritate
Annoy, Vex
Anachronism N
Something out of place in time
Archaism, Incongruity.
Abate V
To reduce in amount, degree, or severity
Ebb, lapse, let up, moderate, relent, slacken, subside, wane
Abdicate V
To give up a position, Right , or power
Cede, Quit, Relinquish, Resign, Yield.
Contumacious Adj
Factious, insubordinate, Insurgent, Mutinous, Seditious.
Condone V
To overlook, Pardon, or Disregard
Exculpate, Excuse, Pardon, Remit.
Cogent Adj
Convincing and well reasoned
Persuade, Solid, Sound, Telling, Valid
Apocryphal Adj
Of questionable authority or authenticity.
Disputed, Doubtful , Fictitous, Fraudulent.
Apostate N
One who renounces a religious faith
Defector, Deserter, Traitor.
Craven Adj
Lacking Courage
Fainthearted, Spineless, Timid.
Viscous Adj
Thick and Adhesive, Like a slow-flowing fluid
Gelatinous, Glutinous, Thick
Vacillate V
To physically sway ; to be indecisive.
Oscillate, fluctuate, waver, falter, dither
Zealot N
Someone passionately devoted a cause.
enthusiast, fanatic, militant, radical.
Ameliorate V
To make better , Improve.
Amend, Better, Improve, pacify, Upgrade.
Amulet n
An ornament worn as a charm against evil spirits
Fetish, Talisman
Analgesia n
A lessening of pain without loss of consciousness.
Verbose Adj
Longwinded, Loquacious, Prolix, Superflous
Cupidity N
Greed , Strong desire
Avarice, Covetousness, rapacity
Assail V
To attack, To assault
Beset, Storm, Strike.
Assuage V
To make something unpleasant less severe.
Allay, Alleviate, Appease, Comfort, Conciliate, ease, Lighten, Mitigate, placate, palliate
Attenuate V
to reduce in force or degree, to weaken.
debilitate , devitalize, dillute, enervate, enfeeble.
Audacious adj
Fearless and daring
brave , bold, courageous, dauntless, valorous, valiant.
Augury N
A prophecy, A prediction of events
Auspice, Harbinger, Omen, Portent, Presage.
August Adj
Dignified, Grandoise,
Admirable, awesome, grand, majestic.
Austere Adj
Severe or stern in appearance, undecorated.
Bleak, Dour, Grim, Harsh, Severe
Axiom N
Premise, Postulate, Self-eveident truth
adage, aphorism, apothegm, maxim , rule
Misanthrope n
A person who dislikes others
Coterie N
An intimate group of persons with a similar purpose.
Clique, Set
Cloying Adj
Sickly sweet, Excessive
Meretricious Adj
Falsely attractive, Gaudy
Flashy, Insincere, loud, tawdry, specious
Mollify V
To calm or make less severe
Appease, assuage, Concilitate, Pacify
Meticulous Adj
Extremely careful , fastidious, painstaking.
finicky, fussy, picky, precise, punctilious, scrupulous.
Malediction n
A curse, A wish of evil upon another.
Anathema, Imprecation
Mendacious Adj
Deceitful, False, Lying, Untruthful
Anodyne N
Something that calms or soothes pain
Narcotic, nepenthe, opiate
Arrogate V
To Claim without justification , to clam oneself without right.
Appropriate, Presume , Take
Abjure V
To reject, To abandon formally
Forswear, Recall, Recant, Retract, take back
Abeyance n
Temporary supression or suspension
Deferral, delay , Dormancy, postponement
Adulterate V
To make impure
debase , Doctor, Load
Waver v
To fluctuate between choices
dither, falter, Oscillate, vacillate
Venerable Adj
Respected because of age
Distinguished, Elderly
Vernal Adj
Related to spring, Fresh
Springlike, Youthful
Vestige N
A Trace , Remnant
Relic, Remains, Sign
Vedant Adj
Green with vegetation, Inexperienced
Grassy, Leafy, Wooded.
Venerate V
To respect deeply
Adore, Honor, Idolize, Revere
Bilk v
To cheat , To defraud
Beat, Overreach