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240 Cards in this Set

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one; ichi, itsu; hito-tsu
two; ni, ji; futa-tsu
three; san ; mit-tsu
four; shi; yot-tsu or yon
five; go; itsu-tsu
six; roku; mut-tsu
seven; shichi; nana-tsu
eight; hachi; yat-tsu
nine; ku or kyū; kokono-tsu
ten; jū; tō
hundred; hyaku; momo
thousand; sen; chi
top; jō; ue
below; ka or ge; shita
left; sa; hidari
right; u or yū; migi
inside, middle; chū; naka
large; dai; ō-kii
small; shō; chii-sai
month; moon; gatsu or getsu; tsuki
day; sun; nichi; hi
year; nen; toshi
early; sō; haya-i
tree; moku; boku; ki
woods; rin; hayashi
mountain; san; yama
river; sen; kawa
soil; do; tsuchi
sky; kū; sora
rice paddy; den; ta
heaven; sky; ten; ama
life; sei or shō; i-kiru or u-mu or nama
flower; ka; hana
grass; sō; kusa
insect; chū; mushi
dog; ken; inu
person; jin or nin; hito
name; mei or myō; na
female; jo or nyo; on'na
male; dan or nan; otoko
child; shi or su; ko
eye; moku; me
ear; ji or ni; mimi
mouth; kō; kuchi
hand; shu; te
foot or leg; soku; ashi
see; ken; mi-ru
sound; on; ne or oto
power; riki or ryoku; chikara
spirit; ki or ke;
circle; yen; en; maru
enter; nyū; hai-ru or i-ru
exit; shutsu; de-ru
stand up; ritsu; ta-tsu
rest; kyū; yasu-mu
previous; sen; saki
evening; seki; yū
book; hon; moto
writing; bun or mon; fumi
character; ji; azana
study; gaku; mana-bu
school; kō;
village; son; mura
town; chō; machi
forest; shin; mori
correct; sei; tada-shii
water; sui; mizu
fire; ka; hi
gem; gyoku; tama
king; ō;
stone; seki; ishi
bamboo; chiku; take
thread; shi; ito
shellfish; ; kai
wheeled vehicle; sha; kuruma
gold; kin; kane
rain; u; ame
red; seki; aka
blue; sei; ao
white; haku; shiro
number; sū; kazu
many,much; ta; ō-i
a few, a little; shō; suku-nai,suko-shi
ten thousand; man; yorozu
half; han; naka-ba
shape; kei or gyō; katachi
fat; ta; futo-i
thin; sai; hoso-i
wide; kō; hiro-i
long; chō; naga-i
point; ten;
circle; gan; maru
mix; kō; maji-waru
light; kō; hikari
angle,corner; kaku; kado,tsuno,sumi
measure; kei; haka-ru
straight,correct; choku,jiki; tada-chi,nao-su
line; sen;
arrow; shi; ya
weak; jaku; yowa-i
strong; kyō; tsuyo-i
tall or high; kō; taka-i
same; dō; ona-ji
parent; shin; oya
mother; bo; haha,kaa
father; fu; chichi,tou
older sister; shi; ane
older brother; kei; ani
younger brother; tei or dai; otouto
younger sister; mai; imōto
oneself; ji or shi; mizuka-ra
friend; yū; tomo
body; tai; karada
hair; mō; ke
head; tō; atama
face; gan; kao
neck; shu; kubi
heart; shin; kokoro
time; ji; toki
weekday; yō;
morning; chō; asa
daytime; chū; hiru
night; ya; yoru
minute; understand; fun,bun; wa-karu
week ; shū;
spring; shun; haru
summer; ka; natsu
autumn; shū; aki
winter; tō; fuyu
now; kon; ima
new; shin; atara-shii
old; ko; furu-i
interval; kan,ken; ma,aida
direction; hō; kata
north; hoku; kita
south; nan; minami
east; tō; higashi,azuma
west; sei or sai; nishi
far ; en; tō-i
near; kin; chika-i
in front; zen; mae
behind; go,kou; nochi,ushi-ro,ato
inside; nai; uchi
outside; gai or ge; soto,hoka,hazu-su
place; jō; ba
ground; chi or ji;
country; koku; kuni
garden; en; sono
valley; koku; tani
field; ya; no
field, origin; gen; hara
village; ri; sato
city; shi; ichi
capital; kyō or kei;
wind; fū; kaze
snow; setsu; yuki
cloud; un; kumo
pond; chi; ike
sea; kai; umi
rock; gan; iwa
star; sei; hoshi
room; shitsu; muro
door; ko; to or be
house; ka or ke; ie
Buddhist temple; ji; tera
pass through; tsū; tō-ru
gates; mon; kado
road; dō; michi
talk; wa; hanashi
say; gen,gon; i-u,koto
answer; tō; kota-eru
voice; sei; koe
hear; bun or mon; ki-ku
language; go; kata-ru
read; doku; yo-mu
write; sho; ka-ku
write down; ki; shiru-su
paper ; shi; kami
picture; ga or kaku;
picture; kai; e
drawing; zu; haka-ru
craft; kō or ku;
teach; kyō; oshi-eru
fine; sei; hare
think; shi; omo-u
think about; kō; kanga-eru
know; chi; shi-ru
ability; sai,zai; wazukani,zae
reason; ri; kotowari
calculate; san;
make; saku; tsuku-ru
origin; gen or gan; moto
eat,meal; shoku; ta-beru,ku-u
meat; niku;
horse; ba; uma or ma
cow; gyū; ushi
fish; gyo; uo or sakana
bird; chō; tori
feather; u; ha or hane
chirp; mei; na-ku
wheat; baku; mugi
rice; bei or mai; kome
tea; cha or sa;
colour; shoku; iro
yellow; ō; ki
black; koku; kuro
come; rai; ku-ru
go; kō or gyō; i-ku,yu-ku,okonau
return home; ki; kae-ru
walk; ho; aru-ku,ayu-mu
run; sō; hashi-ru
stop; shi; to-maru
active; katsu; i-kiru
store; ten; mise
buy; bai; ka-u
sell; bai; u-ru
noon; go; uma
steam; ki;
bow; kyū; yumi
-times, to revolve; kai;
association; kai or e; a-u
association, team; so; kumi
ship; sen; fune
bright; mei; aka-rui
company; sha; yashiro
cut; setsu; ki-ru
electricity; den;
every; mai;
fit; gō; a-u
hit; tō; a-taru
base; dai or tai;
pleasure; raku; tano-shii
public; kou; ōyake
pull; in; hi-ku
section; ka;
song; ka; uta
sword; tō; katana
number; ban;
use; yō; mochi-iru
what; ka; nani or nan