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67 Cards in this Set

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In one experiment, a scientist removes a single muscle fiber from a rat to test the effects of lactic acid on muscle contraction. Which research term best describes this approach?

A. Applied

B. Translational

C. Reductionist

D. Epidemiological
Which of the following is the best example of mechanistic research?

A. An experiment that shows older adults can become stronger due to weightlifting.

B. A study that examines whether strength gains in the elderly are due to changes in the nervous system or muscle cells.

C. A comparison of the amount of strength gains that are possible in young and older adults.

D. A study that brings basic knowledge from bench to bedside.
Which research term below best applies to the manuscript titled: Birth Weight and Time Spent in Outdoor Physical Activity during Adolescence

A. Mechanistic

B. Reductionist

C. Descriptive

D. Experimental
What type of research is often used to guide scientific inquiry towards problems of high importance.

A. experimental

B. cross-sectional

C. basic

D. epidemiological
Physiological anthropologists have made some discoveries that are related to kinesiology. What was the interesting observation about Aleutian islanders?

A. Skeletal remains from the bones of the lower extremity showed high osteoarthritis. This supported the theory that they were migratory people.

B. Bones from the upper arm were observed to have features that increased mechanical advantage while kayaking.

C. They played a game that was similar to modern lacross.

D. In people who live near the arctic circle, the reduction in daily sunlight results in poor bone health.
Select the answer that best represents horizontal integration.

A. reductionist, applied, translational

B. skeletal, cardiovascular, immune

C. myosin molecule, muscle cell, muscle

D. discipline groups, parent disciplines, subdisciplines
Select the physiological systems that benefit from the right amount of physical activity.
A. immune system
B. muscular system
C. digestive system
D. nervous system
In the study of the bone health and the skeletal system, which of the following represents the perspective of horizontal integration?

A. osteocyte, bone, joint

B. skeletal system, circulatory system, endocrine system

C. osteocyte, osteoclast, osteoblast
What structures facilitate the delivery of nutrients thorughout bone tissue?

A. Osteocytes

B. Haversian Canals

C. Sarcomeres
When walking, the forward and backward movement of the legs occurs in which plane?

A. Frontal

B. Sagittal

C. Transverse

D. Third
What conditions might occur with poor bone health?

A. Stress fractures

B. Anemia - due to lack or red blood cells

C. A higher rate of upper respiratory tract infections

D. All of the above
Which of the following prevent or reduce damage due to bone on bone contact.
A. tendons
B. large bone surfaces at joints
C. synovial fluid
D. cartilage
Which cell type breaks down bone?

A. Osteocyte

B. Osteoclast

C. Osteoblast

D. Osteopore
Bones have the ability to bend and twist during normal human movement.

Articular cartilage does not have an adequate blood supply and receives its nutrients from synovial fluid.

The femur is the bone in your thigh. Is the following statement true or false? The proximal head of the femur is in the knee joint.

Select only the options that are true.
A. Once a person reaches adulthood (~18 years), bone does not change.
B. Stress fractures are more frequent in the military than in the general population.
C. Spongy bone is more flexible than compact bone.
D. Bone makes red blood cells.
In the documentary "Running the Sahara" the runners averaged how many marathons per day?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4
You perform a muscle biopsy and find that there is very little muscle glycogen. Which of the following interpretations would be the best.

A. This person has mostly slow twitch muscle fibers.

B. The person has been eating too much fat and not enough protein.

C. The person just finished a 4 hour bout of exercise.

D. This person just ran up and down the stairs fast for 2 minutes.
A low VO2 max would affect which of the following activities the most?

A. Running marathon

B. 1 mile run

C. 100 meter sprint

D. Power lifting
An older adults begins an exercise program and becomes stronger without any increases in muscle size. What is one possible explanation?

A. There was an increase in muscle glycogen.

B. There was a decrease in mitochondria.

C. There was in increase in motor unit firing rates.

D. There was an increase in mitochondria.
During lecture, the functional reach test was related to which of the following activities.

A. Weighted Hula Hoop dance

B. Tandem bicycle exercise

C. Wii - speed slice - fruit ninja

D. Wii - Ski Jumping
Which of the following are parts of the peripheral nervous system?

A. Nerves that supply the arms and legs and sensory organs like muscle spindles.

B. Just the brain

C. The spinal cord and nerves that supply muscles in the arms and legs

D. The brain and spinal cord
Under what conditions does a muscle produce its greatest force?

A. When it has a lot of muscle glycogen

B. When it has more capillaries

C. When it is contracting slowly

D. When it is contracting very fast
Which energy system was most important in Running the Sahara?

A. Beta oxidation

B. Creatine phosphate

C. Glycolysis
What does biarticular mean?

A. This is the type of locomotion involving two limbs.

B. It is the type of publication that reports two opposing viewpoints.

C. This is the type of muscle that crosses two joints.

D. This is a condition in which there is bilateral loss of cartilage.
Which fitness test involves monitoring the heart rate to see how quickly it recovers?

A. Wingate test

B. Harvard step test

C. VO2 max test

D. Margaria step test
When you rapidly raise your extended arm to eye level…

A. through reflexes, your postural muscles will become active to provide support once the movement begins.

B. your postural muscles will already have been activated to provide support.
What signal is detected by the vestibular system?

A. acceleration

B. velocity

C. constant velocity

D. position
The part of the neuron that carries nerve impulses to muscle fibers in the periphery.

A. Axon

B. Nucleus

C. Soma

D. Nerve
You are able to grasp and lift an object without continually watching both your hand and the object. For this high quality control, you are utilizing.

A. kinesthesis

B. reaction time

C. plasticity

D. kinematics
Bilateral deficit is due to 'hard wired' neural circuits in the spina cord and cannot be modified with exercise training.

In some of our most rapid tasks, like throwing or kicking, we find a characteristic muscle activity pattern. We examine this pattern using the tools of

A. kinetics

B. ultrasound

C. kinematics

D. electromyography (EMG)
You know that you need to move a lever in a certain direction when you see a visual cue. During the 'get ready' period before the visual cue, what are the neurons in your motor cortex doing?

A. The neurons specific for the target direction are beginning to fire more while other neurons fire less.

B. Nothing. This is the silent period before activity.

C. Even today, it remains unknown what the motor cortex activity is during the period before a movement.

D. They are sending extitatory 'go' signals to the visual areas of the brain.
Specialized structures that detect information about the position of the body and its movement.

A. mitochondria

B. proprioceptors

C. spinal segment

D. motor units
Receptors, sensory nerves and motor nerves all make up which system

A. Peripheral nervous system

B. Limbic system

C. Cardiovascular system

D. Central nervous system
onversation does not have any effect on reaction time.

As part of a senior thesis you do an experiment. Results show that a lifestyle strategy including good nutrition, sleep and high physical activity can increase plasticity of cells in the central nervous system. Which is true?

A. This mechanistic study provides the basis for an applied study in which the the effects of this lifestyle on learning and retention can be tested.

B. Brain plasticity is healthy but has no benefits for motor learning.

C. The original study can be described as translational.
The data from hand rolling of cigars demonstrated that after a large volume of practice and experience there is no further room for improvement.

"Practice, the results of which are known, makes better" is a statement based on which of the following?

A. The right amount of feedback to the learner improves the rate of learning.

B. Paralysis by analysis

C. The total volume of practice separates athletes of different levels.

D. Random practice is better than blocked practice for retention.
You are working with a developing golfer. She has recently reached the point at which you would say she has a consistent golf swing and it is time to begin fine tuning the details. What stage of skill acquisition is this?

A. Verbal-Cognitive

B. Associative

C. Autonomous
Which of these statements regarding the structure of practice is correct?

A. Random practice produces poorer initial performance but superior learning.

B. Blocked practice and random practice produce similar benefits for both performance and learning.

C. Blocked practice produces poorer initial performance but superior learning.

D. Blocked practice and random practice produce similar benefits for initial performance but not learning.
Generalization of results: Which motor learning experiment can be used to explain why young adult drivers have higher automobile accident rates than older adults in conditions of distracted driving (texting, phone conversation, etc).

A. When engaged in a secondary task, student pilots have slower reaction times than expert pilots.

B. Reaction time slows with age so the more experienced pilots cannot have faster reaction times than young students in a dual task situation.

C. More experienced athletes have a better ability to perceive their body position in space.
Practicing a skill in different ways can imporve the retention of that skill.

As a coach, you are developing a unique training system for the sport of golf. Which of the following strategies should you adopt based on evidence presented in class.

A. Your players, who are already at an advanced stage of learning, should hit as many balls as possible under blocked conditions. This will improve retention of the skill in the upcoming rounds of golf which are random conditions.

B. Rather than teaching a new skill at the practice range and then immediately testing it in a round of golf on the same day, you have your athlete learn the new skill at the practice range and then wait until the next day to test it on the course.
You are an athlete who has reached the varsity level of performance in soccer. Which of the following will help you to perforn at a higher level?

A. You will increase effort in your verbal-cognitive understanding of the movement patterns.

B. You will work with videos to study the different structured plays that are used by other teams throughout the country.

C. You will train yourself to focus on the whole body of an opposing player in order to predict their next move.
In implicit learning, conscious attention is directed away from movement control and this can result in a learned movement that is more resistant to stress.

People who believe that major changes in fitness and body composition should occur after one month of regular exercise

A. Are likely to adhere to their exercise program for a year or longer

B. Are likely to quit because their unrealistic expectations are not met

C. Are likely to have higher self-efficacy than others based on a survey

D. Are likely to have higher intrinsic motivation than others based on a survey
In order manipulate your own state of mind (arousal) for optimal performance, you must understand

A. your own arousal profile – at what level of arousal is your performance best

B. when you are outside of the optimal range

C. a method to modify your arousal up or down

D. all of the above
As as an exercise physiologist I have interests in increasing the muscular strength of older adults with the goal of increased independence. The exercise psychologist would consider the following important point.

A. The individual's profile of mood states should also be increased.

B. The person's endurance is also important.

C. The drive theory of arousal applies to fewer situations than the inverted-U theroy

D. A strategy should also be used to increase this person's self-efficacy.

E. None of the above
Results from the profile of mood sates inventory (POMS) indicate that world class athletes have an iceberg profile in which... (Assume the athlete is NOT overtrained.)

A. vigor is above the population average

B. performance is above the population average

C. confusion is above the population average

D. fatigue is above the population average
Which of the following goals best represents effective goal setting?

A. My goal is to be able to cycle for 30 minutes continuously on level 8 on the stationary bike in my living room by the end of this semester.

B. My goal is not to touch the bottom of the pool with my feet when I am swimming 25 meters of butterfly.

C. My goal is to be able to bench press more than anyone else in the gym by the end of May.

D. My goal is to be stronger before nationals begin on July 15.
The process through which individuals control their own physiologic processes using external, physical information is

A. electroencephalography

B. kenesthesis

C. biofeedback

D. sport psychology

E. kinesiology
You begin a strength training program because you know that you have to pass a strength test to become a firefighter. The type of motivation involved here is.

A. Extrinsic

B. Self-efficacy

C. Intrinsic

D. Associational
If you are a mellow/calm person but are terribly stressed about this exam you…

A. have low state anxiety and low trait anxiety

B. have high state anxiety and high trait anxiety

C. have high state anxiety and low trait anxiety

D. have low state anxiety and high trait anxiety
Imagery involves using all the senses to create or re-create an experience in the mind. According to ___________________ theory, imagery helps the brain to make a blueprint of the movement sequence without actually sending any messages to the muscles.

A. symbolic learning

B. reversal

C. reversal

D. psychoneuromuscular
High levels of arousal are always accompanied by anxiety

In the lecture following my visit to a senior center in which the residents played Wii, I demonstrated a clinical test of balance that is very much related to the ski jump game in Wii. The balance test was demonstrated in lecture with help from a student. What was the balance test?

A. 1 legged standing time

B. The functional reach test

C. The four square step test

D. Balance beam walking
Immune system: On a graph, how would you describe the relationship between the amount of colds (on the vertical axis) and physical activity (horizontal axis)?

A. Inverted U

B. Like the letter J

C. A flat horizontal line

D. A straight line with an upward slope like this (/)
In football training, the players sometimes have to push a heavy sled across the field. If a player pushes the sled a greater distance before exhaustion, they have ...

A. Reduced the weight

B. Exerted more power

C. Used aerobic metabolism

D. Performed more work
In the Prosthetics and Orthotics guest lecture a wounded warrior was shown in a video learning how to use his prosthetic arm. His goal was to be able to cook eggs for his wife. Select the definition below that best represents the full experience for this person.

A. Health is the complete state of physical mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

B. Biological fitness is the ability to place your genes in the next generation.

C. Health is the absence of disease or infirmity.
Select the activity or function that benefits most from creatine supplementation.

A. Strength

B. Endurance

C. Repeated high intensity exercises like sprints

D. Joint health (increases viscosity of synovial fluid)
Painful and dangerous ulcers can form on the bottom of the feet of diabetics because

A. They are typically overweight

B. The suffer from swelling

C. Skin degrades easily in this condition

D. There is poor sensation in the distal extremities
An object with high mass is an object with high inertia.

Edweard Muybridge uses a high speed camera to study the different gaits of horses. This was an application of

A. kinesthesis

B. kinesiology

C. kinetics

D. kinematics
The alveoli of the lungs and the fine capillaries that are distributed throughout muscle tissue are examples of what theme in structure and function.

A. simplified control by anatomical design

B. synchronization

C. high surface area to increase the exchange of substances across tissues

D. anthropometry
Endocrine glands are the primary components of the energy system.
