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75 Cards in this Set

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Blood and WBCs In Stool Pathogen Causes
Salmonella. Campylobacter(most common). EHEC. Vibrio. Yersina. C. diff.
Best Initial Test for Diarrhea
Blood or fecal leukocytes. If Stool lactoferrin present better choice.
Most Accurate test for Diarrhea
Stool Culture
Is due to a histadine in the fish that breaks down into histamine. causes rapid onset wheezing, flushing, and rash. Treat with antihistamines.
Definition of Severe Diarrhea Disease
Tachycardia. Fever. Hypotension. Abdominal pain. Bloody Diarrhea. Metabollic acidosis.
Treatment of Severe Diarrhea
Supportive and oral antibiotic.
Giardia Treatment
Metronidazole. Tinidazole.
Cryptosporidosis Diarrhea Treatment
Nitazoxanide. Treat underlying AIDS.
Viral and Food Poisoning Treatment
Supportive fluid replacement.
Acute Infection and Viral Hepitis
Hep A and B present as acute infection. Hep C rarely has acute infection may first present as cirrhosis. Hep D is only present with Hep B.
Routes of Transmission of Viral Hepatitis
A and E through fecal oral route.
B, C, and D through blood, sex, and perinatal.
Clinical Presenation of Viral Hepatitis
All forms of hepatitis present the same with jaundice, fever, weight loss, fatigue. Dark urine. Nausea vomiting, and abdominal pain. Hepatosplenomegaly.
Lab Tests and Hepatitis
Elevated direct billirubin. Increase ALT over AST. Increased ALP.
Increased Lab Value and increased Mortality from Viral Hepatitis
Elevated PT.
Best Initial Test for Viral Hepatitis
IgM for all virsuses. IgG to test for the resolution.
Best Measure of Hep C Treatment Evaluation
Hep C PCR.
Antibody for the Vaccinated for Hep B
IgG Surface. Core antibody is only seen those with previous infection.
Hep B Indication of Functional Virus
e-antigen (equivalent to DNA polymerase). This person most likely to recieve antiviral medicaiton in chronic infection.
Treatment of Viral Hepatitis
A and E remit on their own. Hep B only becomes chronic 10% of the time. Hep C that is detected should be treated with ribavarin and interferon alpha.
Best First Choice of Chronic Hep B Infection
First choices include entecavir, adefovir, lamivudine, tenofovir.
ADE of Interferon Alpha
ADE make interferon alpha not a first choice. Include depression, flu like symptoms, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia.
Goat of Chronic Hep Infections
Reduce DNA polymerase to nothing. Convert to IgG anti e-antigen.
Liver Biopsy and Hep B
In chronic hep b or C hepatitis, a liver biopsy that shows fibrosis and patien has DNA polymerase antivirals should be started immediately.
Goal of Thearpy for Hep C Infection
Undetactable Hep C viral load.
ADE of Ribavarin
Most Likely Diagnosis: Urethritis vs. Cystitis
Urethritis is the only one that give urethral discharge, cystitis does not. Both cause dysuria with frequency and burning.
Most Accurate Test for Urethritis
Urethral culture. DNA Probe. Nucleic Acid Amplication.
Best Initial Test for Urethritis
Swab for Gram Stain.
Treatment for Urethritis
Must treat for Gonnorrhea and Chlamydia. Give ceftriaxone and doxycycline, or cefixime and azithromycin.
Clinical Presenation and Work Up for Cervicitis
Cervical discharge and strawberry cervix. Work up includes gram stain swab, culture, DNA probe, or PCR.
Clinical Presenation of PID
Lower abdominal pain. Fever. Cervical motion Tenderness. Leukocytosis.
Best First Step in Managment of PID
Rule out pregnancy in lower abdominal pain.
Most Accurate Test for PID
Laparoscopy. Never really done.
Treatment of PID
Inpatient Cefoxitin with doxycycline. Oupatient cefriaxone and doxycycline.
Painless Gential Ulcer Most LIkely
Painful Ulcer
Lymph Node Tender Most LIkely STD
Lymphogranuloma venerum.
Vesicles prior to Painful Ulcers
Diagnostic Tests and Treatment for Syphillis
Dark field microscopy (spirochete positive than stop). RPR and VDRL. FTA or MHATP confirmatory. Penicillin, doxycycline if allergic.
Diagnostic Test and Treatment Chancroid
Culture and Stain. Azithromycin single dose.
Diagnostic and Treatment for Lymphgranuloma venerum
Compliment fixation in blood or PCR swab. Doxycycline.
Diagnostic Test and Treatment for HSV
Best initial Tzanck prep. Viral culture most accurate. Acyclovir and Vancyclovir. Foscarnet if resistant.
Clinical Presenation of Neurosyphillis
Meningovascular. Tabes dorasalis. General paresis. Argyll Robertson pupil.
Causes of False Positive VDRL
Infection. Older age. IVDU. AIDS. Malaria. Antiphopholipid syndrome. Endocarditis.
Jarisch-Herxheimer Reaction
Fever and worse symptoms after tereatment. Treat with aspirin and antipyretics.
Desensitization for Penicillin Treatment of Syphillis
Tertiary syphillis and Pregnant women with syphillis.
Diagnosis and Treatment of Condylomata Acuminata.
Is through visual inspection. Give imiquimod or can remove through freezing or surgery.
Pediculosis Diagnosis and Treatment
Is crabs, can be found on body or pubic hair. Treat with premthrin. Lindane is as efficous, but more toxic.
Scabies Diagnosis and Treatment
Presents with burrowing track marks. Take out and magnify. Treat with premethrin. Widspread responds with ivermectin.
Clinical Presenation of UTI
Fever. Dysuria (increased frequency, pain, burning) All will have increased WBC.
Most Common Cause of UTI
E. coli
Risk Factors for UTI
Diabetes. Stones. Strictures. Tumor or prostate hypertrophy.
Best Intitial Treatment for UTI
Fluorquinolones. After can give TMP/SMZ or Cephalexin.
Best Initial Test for UTI
Urinalysis WBC 10 or more
Most Accurate UTI Test
Urine Culture
UTI Treatment in Pregnant Women
Length of UTI Treatment
Uncomplicated treat for 3 days. If anatomic anamoly present than for 3 days.
Clinical Presentation and Treatment of Pyelonephritis
Fever. Dysuria. Flank Pain. WBC in urine.

Treat with ampicillin and gentamicin for empiric. Ciprofloxacin.
Clinical Presenation and Treatment of Acute Prostatis
Presents with dysuria, perineal pain, and tender prostate on examination.

Treat with ampicllin and gentamicin.
Treatment of Chronic Prostitis
TMP/SMZ for 6 to 8 weeks.
Clinical Presentaiton of Perinephric Abscess
When pyelonephritis does not resolve after 5 to 7 days of treatment. Must drain fluid.
Diagnosis of Endocarditis
Echocardiogram with vegetations on heart valve and positive blood culutres.
Dental Surgery and Endocarditis
Must have damaged heart valve already to cause seeding on valves.
Clinical Presenation of Endocarditis
Fever and new onset murmur. Complications include Fever, Roth spots, osler nodes, murmur, Janeway bodies, anemia, nail bed hemorrhages, emboli.
Best Initial Test for Endocarditis
Blood culture
Most Sensitive Test for ENdocarditis
TEE or Blood Culture
Streptococcus bovis and Endocarditis
Means that bacteria seeded from the colon due to cancer polyps. Next best managment step is colonscopy.
Diagnosis of Culture Negative Endocarditis
Oscilating vegetation on Echo. Three minor critera of fever, IVDU or prosethetic valve, and signs of embolic phenomena.
Best Initial Treatment of Endocarditis
Vancomycin and gentamycin until pathogen known. Same for Staph epidermidis.
Viradins Streptococci Treatment Endocarditis
Ceftriaxone 4 weeks.
S. auerus Treatment Endocarditis
Oxacillin, Naficillin. Cefazolin.
Treatment of Resistant ENdocarditis
Add aminoglycoside and extend treatment.
Surgery and Endocarditis
Used in CHF, prostethic valve, fungal, AV block, abscess, and recurrent emboli on antibioitc treatment.
HACEK Treatment
H. aphorphilus and parinfluenza. Actinobacillus. Cardiobacterium. Eikenella. Kingella. Treat with ceftriaxone.
Prophylaxisis for Endocarditis
Significant valvular defect (Prosthetic and previous endocard) and risk of bacteremia. Best initial treatment is amoxicillin. Not needed with Mitral valve prolapse, stenosis, reurge, ASD, and HOCM