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80 Cards in this Set

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List 1:


Definition: not concrete, non figurative

Example: But Einstein's work has been by no means confined to such abstract questions.

List 1:


Definition: having to do with the appreciation of beauty

Example: Maybe it was time they started paying more attention to the aesthetic value of things.

List 1:


Definition: to ease a pain or burden

Example: She wasn't sure why she'd hoped he was gone, except that his absence would alleviate her guilty conscious.

List 1:


Definition: simultaneously feeling opposing feelings: uncertain

Example: Howie was ambivalent as usual while Quinn indicated the choice was Martha's to make.

List 1:


Definition: open to more than one interpretation: unclear

Example: But the context alone can determine the question; and that is often so ambiguous that a sure inference is impossible.

List 1:


Definition: feeling or showing little emotion

Example: He had shown himself so incapable and apathetic that his followers were sick of fighting for such a despicable master.

List 1:


Definition: favorable; promising

Example: It is especially auspicious to visit all eight in one pilgrimage.

List 1:


Definition: welt meaning; generous

Example: I have to sit back and look like I'm the grateful little kid getting help from the benevolent teacher.

List 1:


Definition: sincerity; openness

Example: She was never quite sure how to respond to Martha's candor though the two continued to be best of friends.

List 1:


Definition: broad or complete in scope or content

Example: His face was a road map of emotion, traveling from puzzled, to comprehensive and then on to frustration.

List 2:


Definition: current, modern; from the same time

Example:There was a reading of contemporary poetry.

List 2:


Definition: one who resists adherence to a group

Example: Possibly after Samuel Augustus Maverick, (1803–1870), American cattleman who left the calves in his herd unbranded .

List 2:


Definition: known only to a select group

Example:His features were stoic, his face hard.

List 2:


Definition: known only to a select group

Example:He was avoiding the sense of making something too esoteric.

List 2:


Definition: seemingly valid or acceptable; credible

Example: This fact suggests a plausible theory of the origin of the name.

List 2:


Definition: short-lived temporary

Example: A " transitory convention " operates at once, leaving no duties to be subsequently performed, but with reference to conventions.

List 2:


Definition: unimaginable; dull; ordinary

Example: There is some poetry in this composition, but it alternates with very prosaic details.

List 2:


Definition: introducing something new

Example: Housing is a huge industry that will reward innovative products that are truly better.

List 2:


Definition: doubtful of unlikely authenticity

Example:His answer was dubious to say the least.

List 2:


Definition: judgement uninfluenced by emotion

Example:The article attempted objectivity, documenting several of the cases on which our tips proved fruitful.

List 3:


Definition: of chief concern or importance

Example: Islam is paramount in Turkey, Persia, Arabia and Afghanistan.

List 3:


Definition: strikingly new or unusual

Example: A telephone transmitter and a receiver on a novel plan were patented in July 1877 by Edison, shortly after the introduction of Bell's instruments.

List 3:


Definition: given freely; unearned; unwarranted

Example: The sentence was executed with gratuitous harshness.

List 3:


Definition: extra; unnecessary

Example: It is probable that they serve to strain off the superfluous water which is introduced into the mouth during the process of feeding.

List 3:


Definition: a fixed or strong belief

Example: It was nice to hear the old conviction in that deep warm voice.

List 3:


Definition: marked by painstaking effort; hard-working

Example: From his youth he was diligent in his studies and a great reader, and during his college life showed a marked talent for extemporaneous speaking.

List 3:


Definition: inborn; built-in

Example: While I was dumbfounded, inherent pragmatism caused me to further prompt.

List 3:


Definition: made up of a variety of sources or styles

Example: He is not a systematic thinker, but is too much affected by the eclectic notion of reconciling all philosophies.

List 3:


Definition: to calm or soothe

Example: There is nothing to show that this conversion was purely political; in any case it did little to mollify his enemies.

List 3:


Definition: having little substance or strength; unsure; weak

Example: Sarah broke the silence with a tenuous giggle that evoked a twisted smile from Jackson.

List 4:


Definition: depressing; dreary

Example: The thought of war is very dismal.

List 4:


Definition: to begin; start

Example: As soon as the race commenced Leo was off.

List 4:


Definition: food supplies; provisions

Example: The victuals started running low after 3 months of hiding.

List 4:


Definition: the sum or price paid or demanded to redeem from captivity, bondage, detention, etc. by pay demanded price

Example: The pirates wanted a ransom for the prince.

List 4:


Definition: the act, art, or an instance of magical influence.

Example: It was almost as the student had an enchantment over the teacher.

List 4:


Definition: harsh; grating

Example: The man spoke with a raspy voice.

List 4:


Definition: made in imitation so as to be passed off fraudulently or deceptively as genuine; forged

Example: The girl tried to use counterfeit money to buy the expensive TV.

List 4:


Definition: moderation of self-restraint in action, statement, etc. self-control

Example: The had to have temperance while on her diet.

List 4:


Definition: to do away with

Example: The king wanted to abolish the trader.

List 4:


Definition: to call out in order to greet, stop attract attention

Example: Hail to thee, Ra, the self-existent.

List 5:


Definition: side by side and facing the same way

Example: The three of them walked abreast along a narrow road consisting of no more than two bare strips of dirt in the grass.

List 5:


Definition: vulgarly self assertive, hasty; rash

Example: The demon lord was brash, aggressive – and almost always honest, until it came time to deal.

List 5:


Definition: sit, lie or stand in a lazy, relaxed way

Example: She lolled her head back and closed her eyes

List 5:


Definition: a person who favors the doing away with a practice or institution

Example:He was always an anti-slavery man, but never technically an abolitionist, and he joined the Republican party soon after its organization.

List 5:


Definition: to form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence.

Example: Which irked her for reasons she didn't want to speculate about.

List 5:


Definition: formal, serious; not cheerful

Example: The solemn moment was broken with a snicker that went around the room.

List 5:


Definition: a thing dating from an earlier time

Example: Of inverness by road or canal, and was, in bygone days, one of the keys of the Highlands.

List 5:


Definition: to mourn (a loss of death)

Example: His amiable disposition acquired him a large circle of friends, who deeply lament his death.

List 5:


Definition: reflecting; in series thought

Example: She was pensive after the big lecture.

List 5:


Definition: a tendency to act in a specified way

Example: His violent disposition now led him to quarrel with a country gentleman who had insulted his sister.

List 6:


Definition: susceptible to physical or emotional injury

Example: The young girl felt vulnerable on her first day at public school.

List 6:


Definition: the keeping of ones feelings, thoughts, or affairs to oneself; self-restraint

Example: You could tell by her facial expressions that she was very reserved.

List 6:


Definition: to give a false appearance of: feign sleep

Example: She tried to feign innocence but her eyes were full of mischief.

List 6:


Definition: lightness of manner or speech, especially when inappropriate

Example: After battles, some soldiers try and add levity to their days by telling jokes around the campfire.

List 6:


Definition: copied and passes off as your own

Example: The teacher accused Jonny of a plagiaristic paper because he could never write that extravagant.

List 6:


Definition: something that has been damaged, disfigured, or blemished

Example: There were at least three different footprints but they were marred and nearly indistinguishable.

List 6:


Definition: continuing without interruption; prolonged

Example: She was an attractive girl with a quick smile and a perpetual twinkle in her eyes.

List 6:


Definition: out of the ordinary: odd

Example: The way he acted after the shots was very bizarre.

List 6:


Definition: keenly perceptive r discerning; extremely sharp or severe

Example: The dog had an acute sense of smell.

List 6:


Definition: to bring shame upon; disagree

Example: I continually reproach myself....

List 6:


Definition: a state of violet disturbance and disorder; wild or disruptive activity

Example: We were flying through the storm and had a lot of turbulence.

List 6:


Definition: having or showing arrogant superiority haughty vain

Example: The supercilious woman demands special treatment for being pretty.

List 6:


Definition: the trait of being disobedient and lacking discipline; unruly

Example: The man's fractiousness made him unpopular with others.

List 6:


Definition: unfulfilled longing or yearning; pensively sad; melancholy

Example: The kitten gazed wistfully at the forbidden fruit.

List 6:


Definition: a distant view seen through an opening, as between rows of buildings/trees

Example: As they came out on the top of the mountain, a vista of hills and valleys lay before them as far as the eye could see.

List 7:


Definition: sharp or writing to taste or smell; acrid

Example: When the pungent smell of rotten eggs filled the house, I held my nose.

List 7:


Definition: quick and skillful; adroit

Example: He was as deft at drawing wolves as a compass is at drawing circles.

List 7:


Definition: performed experienced, or felt by both sides' mutual

Example: they had a reciprocal relationship.

List 7:


Definition: lacking energy or vitality; sluggish' listless

Example: I always get my rest when I take a languid cruise vacation.

List 7:


Definition: having or showing great emotion or zeal; ardent

Example: Jack’s fervent love for Kelly encouraged him to tattoo her name on his back.

List 7:


Definition: expressing jaded or scornful skepticism or negativity; pessimistic.

Example: These and other actions indicate that William could show on occasion a cold and cynical ruthlessness.

List 7:


Definition: Devoid of inhabitants; deserted; barren

Example: With the exception of the one man at the bar, the unpopular tavern was desolate.

List 7:


Definition: Surpassing others; preeminent or supreme

Example: To many, a god is a transcendent being who has powers that exceed those of mere mortals.

List 7:


Definition: Impossible to penetrate or enter

Example: The lagoons are surrounded by dense belts of reeds, and the coast-land is covered with low,impenetrable bush.

List 7:


Definition: A physician who treats diseases of the eyes; an optometrist

Example: From 1738 to 1741 he was placed in the care of an oculist, as he suffered from inflammation of the eyes.

List 7:


Definition: Lavish; rich and superior in quality

Example: His palace was more sumptuous than the temples of the gods, from which it was quite separate.

List 7:


Definition: One of numerous aspects, as of a subject

Example: Was his life here yet another facet of his rebellion?

List 7:


Definition: Continuing without interruption; continual

Example: Instead of singing like the birds, I silently smiled at my incessant good fortune.

List 7:


Definition: Too numerous to be counted; numberless

Example: I've eliminated innumerable enemies of yours the past few years.

List 7:


Definition: A feeling or show of contempt and aloofness; scorn

Example: She glared at them both with a cross between disdain and fury.