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29 Cards in this Set

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What do Marc Antony, Octavius, and Lepidus form when they meet after Caesar's assassination?

a triumvirate

Who does Marc Antony designate to rule Spain?


Who does Marc Antony designate to rule Gaul?

Marc Anthony

Who does Marc Antony designate to rule Africa?


What does Marc Antony send Lepidus to fetch after he has told him his new plan in Act 4, Scene 1?

Caesar's Will

What does Marc Antony want to change in Caesar's Will after conversing with Octavius?

The amount of money given to his beneficiaries

How does Marc Antony feel about Lepidus as a person?

he dislikes him

How does Octavius feel about Lepidus as a person?

he thinks he is a good man and a seasoned soldier

What does Marc Antony compare Lepidus to after he leaves the meeting with Antony and Octavius?

his horse

What are Cassius and Brutus doing well Marc Antony and Octavius are talking in Act 4, Scene 1?

forming an army

What are Marc Antony's plans in Act 4, Scene 1 made to accomplish?

keeping peace

Where does Brutus set up camp when he leaves Rome?


What does Brutus do after he leaves Rome?

begins creating an army

What is the name of Brutus' most trusted servant?


What is Brutus most worried about after leaving Rome?

he thinks Cassius' feelings toward him are different

What news does Lucius bring Brutus from Cassius in Act 4, Scene 2?

Cassius was polite but cold

Who comes with Lucius to deliver his news from Cassius to Brutus?


What is the first thing Cassius does when he arrives at Brutus' camp in Act 4, Scene 2?

accuses Brutus of doing him wrong

What does Brutus tell Cassius he never does when Cassius arrives at his camp?

wrongs his enemies- much less his friends

What does Brutus beg Cassius to not do when he arrives at Brutus's camp?

quarrel in front of the men

Where does Brutus take Cassius when he arrives at Brutus' camp?

into his personal tent

Why is Cassius' accusation against Brutus ok the camp so shocking to Brutus?

Cassius almost worshipped him the day before

What do the men do when Cassius and Brutus begin a private discussion just after Cassius arrives at Brutus' camp?

create a distance

What did Brutus do to wrong Cassius in Act 4, Scene 3?

ignored a letter of defense for a man accused of taking bribes

What does Brutus accuse Cassius of after Cassius has explained in Act 4, Scene 4 how Brutus wronged him?

having an itchy palm when it come to money

What does Cassius do at the climax of his argument Brutus at Brutus' camp?

bates his chest and asks Brutus to stab him

What does Brutus do after the climax of his argument with Cassius?

calms down and forgives Cassius

Who tries to enter the tent to calm the fight between Cassius and Brutus?

a poet

How did Portia die?

she swallowed fire