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20 Cards in this Set

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What are the symptoms of flaccid dysarthria and what is it caused by?
Symptoms of flaccid dysarthria include
1. Slow-labored articulation
Hypernasal resonance
2. Hoarse-breathy phonation
The condition is caused by impairment of the LMNs of the cranial or spinal nerves
What causes spastic dysarthria and it's symptoms?
Spastic dysarthria results from bilateral damage to the upper motor neurons
Symptoms include:
1. Imprecise articulation
2. Monotonous pitch and loudness
3. Harsh voice quality
4. Poor prosody
5. Stiff muscles with a limited ROM
Damage to the extrapyramidal systems results in what symptoms?
1. Weakness
2. Increased muscle tone
3. Abnormal muscle reflexes
True or False. People with traumatic brain injury are likely to exhibit mixed dysarthria, of which spastic dysarthria is one component
What is an immunologic disorder resulting in inflammation or complete destruction of the myelin covering the axons
Mutiple Sclerosis. The condition can result in spastic dysarthria as well as other types (ataxic, mixed) depending where demyelination occurs
What is the cause of Ataxic dysarthria?
Ataxic dysarthria occurs as a result of damage to the cerebellum. Speech characteristics reflect the effects of incoordination and reduced muscle tone
Slow and inaccurate force, range of motion, timing, direction of speech movements, sounds like drunken speech.
What symptoms result from damage to the cerebellum or it's control circuits?
1. Movement deficits of timing, force, range and direction
2. Difficulty coordinating voluntary movements
3. Controlling timing and force of movement, especially at initiation and termination of a movement
4. Broad-based gait
Intention tremors (dysmetria)
Hypotonia of muscles
Problems with motor learning
What causes hypokinetic dysarthria.
Damage to the basal ganglia circuit. It’s the only dysarthria in which a prominent perceptual characteristic may be rapid speech rate.
The most common form of hypokinetic dysarthria is directly related to Parkinsonism symptoms
List two neurotransmitters for the basal ganglia and the actions.
1. Dopamine (inhibitory)
2. Acetylcholine (excitatory)
List some symptoms of hyperkinetic dysarthria.
In hyperkinetic dysarthria, muscle tone can range from hypotonic to hypertonic, and even fluctuate between the two.
Speech gives the impression that normal speech is being executed but then is interfered with by regular or unpredictable involuntary movements that distort, slow, or interrupt it
List 4 clinical symptoms of Tourette's syndrome.
1. Multiple motor and vocal tics
2. Development of symptoms before the age 14 (most children show signs by age 10)
3. Slow appearance and disappearance of symptoms
4. Tic behaviors that change and evolve over time
Hypothesized to be due to super-sensitive dopamine receptors in the striatum
Define apraxia.
Apraxia is a disorder in performing voluntary learned motor acts in which similar automatic gesture are intact. It is due to a lesion in motor association areas and association pathways
List types of apraxia
1. Ideamotor apraxia
2. Ideation apraxia
3. Constructional apraxia
4. Limb apraxia
5. Oral apraxia
6. Developmental apraxia of speech
7. Apraxia of speech
Define cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is a nonprogressive disorder of motion and posture due to brain insult or injury occurring in the period of early brain growth, generally under three years of age
List 3 classification of cerebral palsy.
1. Spastic-most common
2. Dyskinetic (Athetosis)
3. Ataxic
True of False. Unilateral cranial nerve V lesions do not have major effects of speech.
True and False.The mixed flaccid-spastic dysarthria is sometimes associated with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
Treatment of Apraxia of Speech should be focused on non-speech movements as opposed to speech movements.
Degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's, Pick's and Parkinson's disease can cause hypokinetic dysarthria.
Define the term Anosognosia.
Anosognosia is the denial of illness by a patient.