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21 Cards in this Set

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wt bearing jts (hips knees feet c/l spine, fingers)

djd, deteriorate/loss articular cartilage w/ exposure/eburnation (polished, like ivory) of subchondral bone, subchondral cyst formation, fusiform swelling of jts, osteophytes (bone growth to side), joint mice, heberden's nodes (pair over dip), insidious over yrs, no constitutional signs, no tx

sxs: jt pain w/ mov't, limit rom, stiffness after rest, referred pain

signs: change jt shape, malalignment, instability, spasm/atrophy of surrounding mm, fine crepitation
women 3x>men, affects hands wrist elbow shoulder hips knees feet

systemic, relapsing, chronic destrictuve synovitis (papillary-like inflam/prolif, **lymphocytic infiltrate), *pannus, ankylosis (loss of jt fxn), destruction of cartilage, inflam jts, prog stiffness/ankylosis, hand claw-like, ulnar deviation mcp, *swan-neck fingers, *boutonniere tumb, short le (therapy ae immunosupp), variants (juvenile ra, felty's syndrome, as)

sc/subperiosteal nodules (necrotic center, pallisading fibroblasts/macrophage), pulm (pleuritis, pleural effusion, fibrosis, parenchymal rheumatoid nodules, caplan's - pneumoconiosis/ra), also card/ocular/neuro, vascular (digital aa focal ischemia w/ pitting, gangrene, raynaud's, leg ulcers, necrotizing systemic vasculitis - mesenteric/renal/coronary)

constitutional sxs (malaise, fatigue, diffuse pain, fever), ss, felty's (ra, splenomegaly, neutropenia)
heberden's nodes
oa, pair of soft tissue nodules over dip
felty's syndrome
ra, splenomegaly, neutropenia
swan neck deformity
ra, dip flexion, pip hyperextension
boutonniere deformity
ra, "button hole," dip hyperextension, pip flexion
suppurative arthritis
n. gonorrheae (sex active), h. flu (children), salmonella (sca), also e. coli, pseudomonas

hematogenous/direct spread to single large jts, destructive nonspecific acute inflamm rxn, gonococci, staph, strep, gram neg
tuberculous arthritis
insidious/chronic in children, affects spine/hip/etc., caseating granulomas, ankylosis, skin sinuses, spinal cord dmg, early dx essential
lyme dz
spirochete, deer tick

1st stage: skin lesion (erythematous papule, erythema chronicum migrans), lymphadenitis
2nd: cardio (heart block, pericarditis, myocarditis), neuro (meningoencephalitis, cranial neuritis)
3rd: chronic disabilitating arthritis 10%, acrodermatitis atrophicans, neuropathy

serologic dx, abx tx
hyper uricemia, recurrent acute arthritis (precipitate ua) w/ asymptomatic intervals, deposit **tophi (inflam mass of ua, pathognomic), renal impairment (stones, ua dep), 95% adult males podagra

1ary, 2ary due to red excrete (glomerular, tubular, rx, pb), inc prod (chemo --> inc cell death)

birefringent crystals phag by pmn/macrophage (release harmful prod), attack ends when crystals dissolve, chronic arthritis --> ankylosis, destruction
si jts, adolescent males, 90% hla b27, rf neg
reiter's, triad (arthritis, non-gonococcal urethritis/cervicitis, conjunctivitis), 80% hla b27, autoimmune to gi/gu inf, rf neg
rea, triad (arthritis, non-gonococcal urethritis/cervicitis, conjunctivitis), 80% hla b27, autoimmune to gi/gu inf, rf neg
enteropathic arthritis
post gi inf w/ yersinia, salmonella, shigella, campylobacter, hla b27, rf neg
psoriatic arthritis
dip jts of hands/feet, large jts, rf neg
ca pyrophostphate crystals (rhomboid) dep in menisci, intervertebral discs, can enlarge/rupture into jt --> inflamm
ganglion cyst
most common mass in hand, fluid-filled sac from adj jt capsule/tendon sheath, benign, can pop but can recur
nodular tenosynovitis
f>m, hands/feet, usu prox/flexor tendons, may erode bone w/ pressure, reactive? benign neoplasm?, single mass 1-3 cm, well-defined capsule, can be lobulated, whitish gray-yellowish brown
synovial sarcoma
highly malignant, mid-life, leg, painful, deep, bulky tumor, biphasic pattern w/ hemorrhage, necrosis, calcification