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62 Cards in this Set

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Vertical integration
A company that controls several related aspects of the media business. AOL-Time Warner
Horizontal integration
A company that owns media of the same type. Think monopoly
Melding of communications technologies such as print, computers, and electronic mediums
• Pull media are those media you as the consumer choose to interact with. You control the messages you draw in. You choose to read the newspaper and pick out the stories you want to read
• Push media,however, are those thrust upon you. Messages that are uninvited. Advertisements between television programs come to mind. Or airport radio muzak streamed in over the public system
• Hot media engage the consumer as they receive the message. For example Books, Magazines, Newspapers. Hot media require a high degree of thinking.
• Cool media, however, are more passive. Radio (maybe), Television, Movies
• Entertainment media offers a diversion, frivolity, fun. Examples are Records, Movies, Books.
• Informative media, however, gives the consumer useful information or facts
looking at peoples using product in their natural habitat.
A company that owns media companies and businesses unrelated to media. Sony
Cross-Media ownership
Company that owns many types of media businesses. Tribune Co., Gannett
a company will buy papers by region and accumulate large readership
finding an opportunity to hype products
24-hour news cycle
• More reliance on speculation
• More reliance on pundits
• Less verification
• Tendency to run with story before fully reported
• Reliance on polls
Not simply the excessive use of commercials, but also the blurring of promotional practices with media content
Church & State
firewall between news and business side, there is a clean separation between the two
The % of the total people the station reaches. 11,000 people listen to station out of total population of 110,000 people. = 10 percent
The % of people listening to the radio that tuned into that station. 5,000 tuned in out of 10,000 listeners. 50 percent
to aim a program or programming at a specific, limited audience or sales market.
a list of the recordings to be played on the radio during a particular program or time period, often including their sequence, duration,
Bribery of an influential person in exchange for the promotion of a product or service, such that of disc jockeys for the promotion of records
Artist & Repertoire
talent scout in music industry
Telecom Act of 1996
• In larger markets (45 or more commercial stations) one company can own 8 stations, no more than 5 of one kind.
• In medium markets (30-44 commercial stations) one company can own 7 stations, no more than 4 of one kind.
• In small markets (15-29 commercial stations) one company can own 6 stations, no more than 4 of one kind.
• Cross-ownership of television and radio
• Cross-ownership of newspapers and broadcast stations (individual basis)
• Cross-ownership of broadcast and cable.
• Previously, were limited to 12 stations total nationwide
• After, could own an unlimited number that reached no more than 35 percent of households nationwide
Fairness Doctrine
broadcasting has to have more than one opinion, show both sides in articles.
Radio Act of 1927, Public convenience, necessity
Public convenience, interest or necessity requires. 3-year stints
Estimated number people listening for 5 min. of any given 15 minute period
a group of transmitting stations linked by wire or microwave relay so that the same program can be broadcast or telecast by all
- a single vital or social statistic of a human population, as the number of births or deaths
Message pluralism
diversity in voices
Powerful effects theory
Mass media injects ideas and opinions in our mind. No questions asked.
Selective perception
We all are selective in how we process the messages we receive
Minimal Effects theory
Mass media has some effect but it is minimal.
Selective recall
We each retrieve information from our memory banks differently.
Two-step flow
media will directly affect the leaders and the leaders with affect the people
Cumulative Effects theory
Powerful media effects are not immediate, rather over time they become powerful in their accumulation. Think TV ads.
Selective exposure
We each are exposed to different combinations of media, most of our choosing.
Agenda Setting
Media sets the agenda of what’s important in the public discourse
Narcotizing Dysfunction
The amount of information so large and overwhelming, people withdraw from public involvement
Intergenerational Eavesdropping
Blurs the line of adult conversation and youth.
Parasocial Interaction
Creates the experience that the person speaking through the medium is speaking directly to you.
A short hand that sometimes becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy
Segmenting (TV)
nitched programming. Certain shows git in certain time slots because of the people watching it.
• information, ideas or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, movement, institution, nation.
• The particular doctrines or principles propagated by an organization or movement
The gathering, reporting, verifying, analyzing and dissemination of information relevant to society
News Frames
• Angle of the Story
• Placement of information
• Sources Used
• Quotes Used and Placement
Master Narrative
Running theme of an issue or subject. Series of news frames can create the master narrative
the belief in the inherent superiority of one's own ethnic group or culture
Altruistic democracy
social values in the news
Trends in Newspapers
• Readership Decline
• Push for Profits
The de-emphasis or rejection of government intervention in an economy that complements or pushes private initiative. Instead it focuses on achieving progress and even social justice through free-market methodsderegulation and fewer restrictions on business operations and economic development. “Trickle Down Economics”
A process rather than a goal
Management by objective
executive editor in new room manages news room by setting bonus, gets money off of the objective
Social Capital
• The aggregate of the actual or potential resources which are linked to possession of a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual acquaintance and recognition.”
• The collective value of all “social networks” and the inclinations that arise from these networks to do things for each other
Ethnic media’s role
• Helps unite a diaspora of people
• Offers perspectives not available in Mainstream media
• Helps create a sense of community
• Raises dialogue around issues affecting a particular community
•Offers a sense of belonging
French politician, traveler, and historian. After touring the United States (1831-1832), he wrote Democracy in America (1835), a widely influential study of American institutions
Cohort analysis
categorized by generation-baby boomers, generation x
the use of demographics to determine the attitudes and tastes of a particular segment of a population, as in marketing studies.
zip codes
Cost Per Thousand(CPM)
how much it cost to read a thousand people in advertising
Galvanic Skin Checks
hook people up to machines and check physiological response to a product
Prototype research
come up with prototype then give to people and watch reaction
Spiral of Silence
everybody is saying the same thing- discouraging voices
Ancillary rights (movies)
•Video/DVD (8%)
•Pay TV (17 %)
•Foreign Distribution
•College campuses and Military bases
To incorporate into a prevailing group.