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59 Cards in this Set

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How much money is spent on ads a year?
$500 billion per year
How many do you see per day?
5,000 per day
How many logos can kids recognize?
200 logos
How long spent watching ads?
1 year watching TV ads
The giany shark on the discovery chanel building is?
Ambient marketing
Wacky, crazy, marketing. Meant to intrigue the audience
The "glue" that hols together mass media.
needs for oxygen, food, water, and a relatively constant body temperature.
Respect for others
Self actualization
Maslows hierchy in order
Physical, safety, love, esteem, self actualization
a barker
someone who stands in front of a show (as at a carnival) and gives a loud colorful sales talk to potential customers
magazine ads triangle
magazine provides audience, audience buys product, magazine flourish
advertisement goes pro because
obvious false shit, patent medicnes, brought on muckracking stories and FTC
when did national advertising begin?
rebellion ...
ad busters. buy nothing day.
If a company lies about something...
FTC shuts down
Cease and desist
pull the ad
Corrective advertising...
oh actually we were wrong...
focus groups are for...
copy testing.
copy testing
showing ads to focus group before their aired to get reactions or should they be aired?
The percentage of respondents who spontaneously recall a specific brand when asked, "Have you seen or heard any advertising for peanut butter (i.e., product category) in the past 30 days, or not?" (IF "YES") "Which brands did you see or hear advertised?"
Awarness testing
Im a mom and you should use this product...
first person
"expert recomending something"
famous person or first person testimonials
Advertising with the idea of simplicity
plain folks pitch
Ameicas #1 selling lightbulb ex. of...
bandwagon effect
Security ads... I need this product so everything will be okay... elderly
hidden fear appeal
associating a product with something different
associtation principle
omg this is so annoying, i get it already
irritation advertising
This certain average product, is different from others or unique.
Setting an average product apart from others
adver. startegy to make prescription drug seem not recreational but common
direct to consumer ads
An ad that is inbetween going from a web page to another
intersitial ads
Ad council advertises...
social issues like hunger or drunk driving
Geographic popularity
things more popular in a certain region
Johnson and Johnson owned the tylenol crisis because they...
had a quick response, pro-active (tamper proof caps), top management involved, focus : public safety, truth!
public relations goals...
build relationships, change perceptions.
public relations seeks to influence..
the media and others
advertising seeks to influence...
advertising goals...
sell products, change consumers behaivor
group of people united by a common interest in a particular situation. definition of...
“Without promotion something terrible happens... Nothing!”
P.T. Barnum
PR starts to become a profession because ...
Propaganda, not useful information
Disregard for the public interest
Willingness to serve the powerful
Press exposes corporate misconduct
PR focuses on... and applies.
image management and journalistic principles
two way communications goal... while propaganda goal...
feedback, visibility
advanced two way communications goals..
understanding, relationships
company websits
PR today
PR sets ____, while advertising_____ it
policy, implements
PR is shaped by...
Changes in technology
Growth of middle class
Growth of organizations
Better research tools
Sells a product, service or idea
Marketing communications
PR in-house services
work with one client
Sports public relations is an example of
special service agencies
Community relations audience is
industry relations
buisness to business
issues management
shape public opinion
Media relations
information subsidies for journalists
Public affairs focus on
social responsibilty
Get attention..
special events
Research shapes
strategic plan