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63 Cards in this Set

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What are sites called where two or more bones meet?
Joints or Articulations
Our ________ give our skeleton mobility and hold it together.
In fibrous joints the bones are joined together by _______ tissue and lack a _______ cavity.
(structurally classified)
fibrous; joint
In cartilaginous joints the bones are joined together by ________ and they lack a ________ cavity.
(structurally classifed)
cartilage; joint
In ________ joints, the articulating bones are separated by a fluid-containing joint cavity.
(structurally classified)
_________ are immovable joints.
(functionally classified)
_________ are slightly movable joints.
(functionally classified)
_________ are freely movable joints.
(functionally classified)
How are bones held together at sutures?
they are held together with very short connective tissue fibers
Where do sutures occur?
between bones of the skull
In _________, the bones are connected by a ligament, which is a cord or band of fibrous tissue.
Why are the joints of the skull considered synarthrotic?
because they are immovable
What are two ways joints are classified?
What are the three structural classification of joints?
Epiphyseal plates are united by ___________.
What is synchondroses?
involves a bar or plate of hyaline cartilage uniting the bones
Synovial Joints contain five distinguishing features.
2 out of 5
The joint(synovial) cavity is a space that is filled with synovial fluid.
What is symphyses?
amphiarthrotic joints composed of fibrocartilage that is compressible and resilient yet strong
Synovial Joints contain five distinguishing features.
1 out of 5
Articular cartilage covers the ends of the articulating bones.
Synovial Joints contain five distinguishing features.
3 out of 5
The two-layered articular capsule encloses the joint cavity.
Synovial Joints contain five distinguishing features.
4 out of 5
Synovial fluid is a viscous, slippery fluid that fills all free space within the joint cavity.
Synovial Joints contain five distinguishing features.
5 out of 5
Reinforcing ligaments cross synovial joints to strengthen the joint.
________ and _______ sheaths are bags of lubricant that reduce friction at synovial joints.
Bursae; tendon
The shapes of the articular surfaces of bones found at a synovial joint determine the movements that occur at the joint.
True or False
Shape determines how it moves, but does not really play a role in stabilizing the joint.
Ligaments help stabilize the joint.
True or False
It does this by preventing excessive or unwanted movements.
The greater the number of ligaments at the joint the greater the stability.
True or False
What is the most important factor stabilizing joint?
The muscle tone keeps tendons that cross joints tight. .
What are the three types of movements that occur at synovial joints?
________ movements increase or decrease the angle between two bones.
(7 types of angular movements at synovial joints)
1 out of 7
decreases the angle of the joint and brings the articulating bones closer together
(7 angular movements that occur at synovial joints)
2 out of 7
increases the angle between the articulating bones
(7 angular movements that occur at synovial joints)
3 out of 7
decreases the angle between the top of the foot(dorsal surface) and the anterior surface of the tibia
Plantar Flexion
(7 angular movements that occur at synovial joints)
4 out of 7
decreases the angle between the sole of the foot(plantar surface) and the posterior side of the tibia
(7 angular movements that occur at synovial joints)
5 out of 7
is the movement of a limb(or fingers) away from the midline body (or the hand)
(bring fingers apart)
(7 angular movements that occur at synovial joints)
6 out of 7
the movement of a limb (or fingers) toward the midline of the body (or the hand)
(bring fingers together)
(7 angular movements that occur at synovial joints)
7 out of 7
moving of a limb so that it describes a cone in the air
In _______ movements one flat, or nearly flat, bone surface glides or slips over another.
_______ is the turning of a bone along its own long axis.
Pointing the toes is an example of _________.
plantar flexion
Neck Flexion
looking towards the ground
(leaning head foward)
Neck Extension
looking straight ahead
(keeping head straight)
Neck hyperextension
looking up
(leaning head back)
What is a strain?
a pulled muscle
What is a sprain?
a pulled ligament
What is supination?
rotating the forearm laterally so that the palm faces anteriorly or superiorly
What is pronation?
rotation the arm medially so that the palm faces posteriorly or inferiorly
What is inversion?
(pertains just to feet)
turns the sole of the foot so that it faces medially
What is eversion?
turns the sole of the foot so that it faces laterally
6 types of Synovial Joints
Plane Joints
Hinge Joints
Pivot Joints
Condyloid or Ellipsoid Joints
Saddle Joints
Ball and Socket Joints
Plane Joints
have a flat articular surface and allow gliding and transitional movements
Hinge Joints
consist of a cylindrical projection that nests in trough-shaped structures, and allow movement along a single plane
Condyloid or Ellipsoid Joints
consist of an oval articular surface that nests in a complementary depression and permit all angular movements
Saddle Joints
consist of each articular surface bearing complementary concave and convex areas, and allow more freedom of movement than condyloid joints
Ball and Socket Joints
consist of a spherical or hemispherical structure that articulates with a cuplike structure.
__________ are the most freely moving joints and allow ________ movements.
Ball and Socket Joints ; multiaxial
Example of Hinge Joint
Example of pivot joint
atlantoaxial joint
Example of condyloid joint
radiocarpal joint
Example of Ball and Socket Joint
shoulder and hips
Which of the synovial joints are considered biaxial joints?
What is bursitis?
-an inflammation of the bursa
-usually caused by a blow or friction
What is arthritis?
-decribes many inflammatory or degenerative diseases that damage the joints
What dsease results in pain, stiffness, and swelling of the joint?