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52 Cards in this Set

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Movement of the pectoral girdle involves?
SC, AC, and GH joints. Mobility of the scapula is essential for free movement of the uper limb.
What type of joint is the sternoclavicular joint?
A saddle type of synovial joint but functions as a ball-and-socket joint.
What is the SC joint divided into?
Two compartments by an articular disc
The articular disc of the SC joint is attached to?
The anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments and the interclavicular ligament.
Joint Capsule of the Sternoclavicular joint
Joint capsule surrounds the SC joint. A synovial membrane lines the internal surface of the fibrous layer of the joint capsule, extending to the edges of the articular surfaces.
Is the SC weak?
Weak bony arrangement, but strong by ligament. The strength of the SC joint depends on ligaments and its articular disc.
Anterior and posterior sternoclavicular ligaments
Reinforce the joint capsule anteriorly and posteriorly.
Interclavicular ligament
Strengthens the capsule superiorly. It extends from the sternal end of one clavicle to the sternal end of the other clavicle. In between, it is also attached to the superior border of the manbrium.
Costoclavicular ligament
Anchors the inferior surfaces of the sternal end of the clavicle to the first rib and its costal cartilage, limiting elevation of the pectoral girdle.
Movement of the Sternoclavicular joint?
Is extremely strong and mobile to allow movements of the pectoral girdle and upper limb. During full elevation of the the limb, the clavicle is raised to approximately a 60 degree angle. Rotation of the clavicle around its longitudinal axis. The SC joint can also be moved anteriorly or posteriorly (protraction and retraction) over a range of up to 25-30 degrees.
Blood supply of the sternoclavicular joint?
Internal thoracic and suprascapular arteries.
Nerve supply of the sternoclavicular joint?
Medial supraclavicular and nerve to the subclavius
What kind of joint is the acromioclavicular joint?
Is a plane type of synovial joint
Articulation of the Acromioclavicular joint?
Acromial end of the clavicle articulates with the acromion of the scapula. The articular surfaces, covered with firbrocartilage, are separated by an incomplete wedge-shaped articular disc.
Joint capsule of the Acromioclavicular joint?
Sleeve-like, relatively loose fibrous layer of the joint capsule is attached to the margins of the articular surfaces. A synovial membrane lines the fibrous layer. Relatively weak, the joint capsule is strengthened superiorly by the fibers of the trapezius
Acromioclavicular ligament
A fibrous band extending from the acromion to the clavicle that strengthens the AC joint superiorly. However, the integrity of the joint is maintained by extrinsic ligaments, distant from the joint itself.
Coracoclavicular ligament
Is a strong pair of bands that unite the coracoid process of the scapula to the clavicle, anchoring the clavicle to the corcoid process.
The coraoclavicular ligaments consists of two ligaments?
Conoid ligament
Trapezoid ligament
Which are often separated by a bursa.
Movements of the Acromioclavicular joint?
The acromion of the scapula rotates on the acromial end of the clavicle These movements are associated with motion at the physiological scapulothoracic joint.
Blood supply of the Acromioclavicular joint?
The AC joint is suppplied by the suprascapular and thoracoacromial arteries
Glenohumeral Joint
A ball and socket type of synovial joint that permits a wide range of movement; however, its mobility makes the joint relatively unstable.
How does the humeral head articulate with the glenoid cavity?
The glenoid cavity of the scapula which is deepened slightly but effectively by the ring-like, fibrocartilaginous glenoid labrum. Both articular surfaces are covered with hyaline cartilage.
What holds the humeral head of the humerus into the glenoid cavity?
Musculotendinous rotator cuff, or SITS, muscles (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis).
What is the joint capsule made of?
Loose fibrous layer with a synovial membrane lining
Characteristics of Joint Capsule
Is lax and lays in folds in adduction and is taut in abduction. Superior part of the joint capsule encloses the proximal attachment of the long head of the biceps (tendon)
Jonit capsule's two openings?
Between the tubercles of the humerus for the tendon of L.H. of biceps. Opening anteriorly for communication between subscapular bursa and synovial cavity.
Glenohumeral ligament
3 fibours bands on the internal surface of the capsule
Coracohumeral ligament
Coracoid process of the scapula to the anterior aspect of the greater tubercle.
Transverse ligament
Runs from the greater to lesser tubercle and holds the long head of the biceps tendon in place.
Coraoacrominal arch
Protective arch formed by the coracoacromial ligament over the head of the humerus.
Movements of the glenohumeral joint
Moves in all 3 axes
1. Flexion and extension
2. Adduction and abdution
3. Lateral and medial rotation
Has more freedom of movement than any other joint.
Muscles Moving the Glenohumeral joint?
Axioappendicualr, which may act indirectly on the joint(trap).
Scapulohumeral muscles, which act directly on the glenohumeral joint(pect minor and major)
Blood supply of the GHJ?
Anterior/posterior circumflex arteris
Branch of suprascapular artery
Innervation of GJH
Suprascapular nerve, axillary nerve, lateral pectoral nerve
Flexion, prime movers

Flexion, synergists
Pectoralis major (clavicular head); deltoid (anterior part)

Extension, prime mover

Extension, synergists
Deltoid (posterior part)

Teres major
Abduction, prime movers

Abduction, synergists
Deltoid (as a whole, but especailly central part)

Adduction, prime movers

Adduction, synergists
Pectoralis major, latissimus dorsi

Subscapularis; infraspinatus; teres minor.
Medial rotaion, prime movers

Medial rotaion, synergists

Pectoralis major; deltoid (anterior), latissimus dorsi
Lateral rotation, prime movers

Lateral rotation, synergists

Teres minor; deltoid (posterior)
SC and AC joints enable movement at?
The SC and AC joints enable the movement at the physiological scapulothoracic joint, where approximately 1 degree of movement occurs for every 3 degrees of arm movement (scapulohumeral rhythm)
What does the clavicle form and what is its purpose?
A strut that holds the scapula, and hence the GHJ, away from the thoraz so it can move freely.
What is the only joint the articulates with the upper limb and axial skeleton?
Sternoclavicular joint
What is the articular disc's function? Is the dislocation or fracture more common in the clavicle?
Shock absorber of forces transmitted along the clavicle from upper limb. The dislocation is rare and the fracture is common.
What does the sternal end of the clavicle articulate with?
Manubrium and the 1st costal cartilage. The articular surfaces are covered with fibrocartilage.
Nerve supply to ACromioclavicular joint?
Lateral pectoral and axillary
How much of the glenoid cavity accepts the humeral head?
A little more than a third, whihc held in the cavity by SITS.
Two bursae's in GHJ?
Subacrominal bursa Subscapular bursa
What is bursae?
(sac-like cavities) containing capillary films of synovial fluid (secreted by the synovial membrane)are situated near the glenohumeral joint. Located where tendons tend to rub against bone, ligaments, or other tendons and where skin moves over bony prominence.
The SC and AC joints enable movement at the phsiological scapulothoracic joint, where
1 degree of movement occurs for every 3 degrees of arm movement.
Two-thirds of the movement at the scapulothoracic joint results from motion at the SC joint, and one third is from motion at the AC joint.
The strength and integrity of the SC and AC joints result from?
Intrinsic and extrinsic ligaments
The integrity of the GHJ is maintained by?
Tonic and active contraction of the muscles acting across it, SITS.