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87 Cards in this Set

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Joints are
any place in the body where 2 bones come together
An articulation is
a joint
A joint is named for its
structure and function
Structure is
what holds a joint together
What are the 3 classifications of structure
what are the 3 classifications of function
A fibrous joint
has no joint cavity. is held together by fibrous connective tissue.
Example of fibrous joint
sutures of the skull
distal tibia fibia
A cartilagenous joint
bones are held together by cartilage.
Example of cartilagenous joint
ribs to sternum
symphasis pubis
A synovial Joint
has a cavity, a connective tissue capsule and fluid
Example of a synovial joint
synarthrotic joints
no movement
Example of synarthrotic joints
gomophsis (tooth in jaw)
What is synchondrosis
a synarthrotic joint where cartialge is found and the cartilage is always hyaline.

ex ribs to sternum
Ampharthrotic joint
slightly moveable
2 types of ampharthrotic joints
A type of ampharthrotic joint that has slightly more fibrous tissue than a suture therefore the bones dont fit as tightly.
A type of ampharthrotic joint where the connecting cartilage is always fibro.
Example of syndesmosis
distal tibular fibular
example of symphasis
symphasis pubis
between the vertabrae
Diarthrotic Joints
freely movable, always have a joint cavity.
Diarthrotic joints will always be covered with....
hyaline or carticular cartilage on the ends.
Connective tissue capsule
a sleeve like structure that goes from the periosteum of one bone to the periosteum of the other in a diarthrotic joint.
connective tissu capsule has how many layers and what are they?
Outer layer- made of dense irregular connective tissue
Inner layer- made of synovial membrane.
Where is the Miniscus
between the articulating bones.
What is the miniscus made of
What is the function of the miniscus
It allows the bones to fit tightly together and it stableizes the joint
sacs filled with fluid
What type of joint has a miniscus
a gliding joint is located
in the intertarsal and intercarpals
hinge joints are located
on the elbow
between c1 and c2 vertebrae
pivot joint is located
proximal radial ulna
A condyloid joint is located
on the radial carpal
A saddle joint is located
on the carpal metacarpal joint of the thumb
A ball in socket joint is located
decreases the angle between 2 bones ex: arm bent up at elbow
increases the angle between 2 bones.
arm held straight
move body part away from midline.
ex: move arm up away from body
move body part toward midline.
ex: move arm towards body
an extension goes past anatomical position.
ex: bend elbow backwards
move a body part in a circle
ex: move arm in a circle
move soles of feet inward
move soles of feet toward outside
stand on you heels
plantar flexion
toes down. Stand on tip toes
move body part around a central axis.
ex: shake head no
move body part forward keeping it parallel to the ground

ex: jut jaw forward
pull procated part back to position
palms up
palms down
move body part upward
ex: shrug shoulders
move elevated part down
The integumentary system makes up
the skin, hair, nails and glands
the largest body organ is
the skin covers 22 sq feet
the skin has even thickness or varied thickness?
varies in thickness
What are the 3 layers of skin
the epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous
What are the 8 functions of skin
regulate body temp
make vitamin D
conatin blood reserve
plays a role in immunity
protects the inside of the body from bacteria damage or UV light damage
recpetors for touch, pain and temp
what type of cells is the epidermis made of
stratified squamus keratinized cells
What are the 4 types of cells the epidermis is made up of
keritinocytes-make keratin
melanocytes- make melanin
langerhans cells - chemicals to boost immune system
markels cells; touch
What are the 5 layers of the epidermis, in order.
stratum corneum
stratum lucidum
stratum granulosum
stratum spinosum
stratum basale
The stratum corneum is made up of
30 layers of flat dead keritanized cells. Called the horny layer. Becomes callused.
the stratum lucidem is made up of
5 layers of flat dead cells always missing in regions of thin skin
stratum granulosum is made of
5 layers of living squamous cells and where Keratine is first observed.
stratum spinsosum is made up of
10 layers of squamous and cuboidal cells. Cells are alive. Contain anchoring junctions that allow for stretching and wear and tear. Melanocyte and langerhans present
Stratum basale is made of
simple cuboidal all are alive. region of constant mitosis. contatin keratinocytes , melanocytes and merkels.
the Dermis is made up of
Mostly adipose and aerolar connective tissue. bloody conatins the base sturcures of hair, oil, and sweat glands.
What are the 2 layers of the Dermis
What is the papillary layer in the dermis
where dermal papillae is found. The ridges that produce finger prints and foot prints
What is the reticular layer in the dermis made of
Made of adipose, dense regular and dense irregular and elastic fibers
subcutaneous/hypodermis/superficial facia is made up of
mostly adipose, pacinian corpuscles (pressure receptors)
What is skin colorr determined by
Mostly melanin then carotene and hemoglobin.
a pigment disorder. Issolated patches of melanin.
a pigment disorder. large isolated white patches where pigment is missing.
no pigment at all
Hair is called
Hair is found where
Covering the entire body except lips, nipples, palms, soles of feetand parts of genitals.
What are the 3 layers of hair
cuticle outer layer, completly keratinized.
cortex dark hair is filled with pigment and blond with air.
medulla has air
Hair is attached at
the hair folicle
surrounds folicle has blood vesseles and nerves.
the arector pili muscle
surrounds the bulb, makes hair stand on end
root hair plexus
a network of nerves surrounding folicle makes hair sensitive to touch and movement
nails are
extenstion of the epidermis that are highly keratinized
3 types of glands associated with the skin
1) pseudoriferous
2 types of pseudoriferous glands
eccrine - forhead, hands, feet. Produce thin water sweat activated by hands and fee.

apocrine - armpits and groin. smelly sweat
Sebacous glands are
oil glands. Produce sebum, lubricates skin and kills bacteria.
Ceruminous glands are
modified sweat glands - produce wax, not sweat. In the ear.