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9 Cards in this Set

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John Q. Adams's Years of Presidency
What aspects of Clay's American System did he advocate?
(1)protective tariff to stimulate manufacturing
(2)internal federal subsidies such as roads and canals to aid commerce
(3)support of the Second Bank of the United States
What accomplishments did he make during his presidency?
1)Establishment of a university in Washington
2)Scientific explorations in the Far West
3)Adopted a uniform standard of weights and measures
During Adams's presidency, Martin Van Buren joined the ________ and fought against this.
Martin Van Buren joined the Old Republicans to vote against federal subsidies such as roads and canals
In 1824 Congress did *this*
Congress raised tariffs on iron products and woolen and cotton cloths from 20% to 35%(Adams wanted it even higher)
Despite defeating many of Adams's proposals, Congress accepted these
1)A few navigation improvements
2)A short extension of the National Road from Wheeling, Virginia to Ohio
Congress, 1826
Martin Van Buren and the Jacksonians "took control" of Congress, imposing higher tariffs on raw materials and agriculture, hoping to help their supporters who were primarily small farmers.
Tariff of 1828
Called the Tariff of Abominations by the South, Northern Jacksonians and New England textile manufacturers worked together to pass it, drastically raising tariffs for:iron, flax, hemp, lead, molasses, raw wool(a 50% increase in the case of imported cloth)
It ended up costing the South $100 million a year.
What governmental position did he take after his presidency?(and the Election of 1828)
He became a Massachusetts Congressman, and an anti-slavery advocate