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11 Cards in this Set

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Job Design

the process of assigning tasks, duties responsibilities and authority inherent in a job in order to achieve the desired results
"enriched" or "enlarged" job inherently have more worth from a compensation perspective

Job Evaluation

the process used to establish the internal worth of jobs
either through whole job evaluations or based upon compensable factors such as scope, responsibility, task complexity and skill requirement

Job Analysis

the collection of all the information pertaining to a job in order to determine its duties, tasks and activities and result in the creation of a job description

Job Ranking

simplest oldest and most common method

non-quantitative "whole job" method

it does not meet pay equity legislation requirements

Simple Ranking

listing the jobs from highest to lowest worth

Alternative Ranking

ranking highest and lowest first, then next highest to next lowest, etc

Paried comparision

every job being compared to every other job

Job Classification/Grading

non-quantitative "whole job" method that involves pre-defined generic levels of compensable factors and compares whole jobs in terms of these factors against benchmark positions and ranks them accordingly

benchmark positions

a job that has a standard and consistent set of responsibilities from one organization to another and for which data is available in valid and reliable salary surveys.

data is compiled from appropriate salary surveys to determine the median salary rate for the job. The job is then "slotted" into the salary grade with a grade midpoint that is closest to the median salary reported in the surveys.

Point Factor

a quantitative method where compensable factors are defined in "degrees" or levels; points are assigned to each degree level, and job worth is reflected in total number of points award to the job

Factor Comparions

a quantitative 'compensable factors' method that is an extension of the job ranking method, where by each job is ranked on every factor and plotted on a matrix against the wage rate assigned for each factor