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113 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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du 1 indications
hemorrhoids, prolapsed anus, bloody stool, diarrhea, constipation
psychosis, epilepsy
lumbar pain, sacral and cocyx pain
du 3 indications
lumbago, atrophy or paralysis of lower limbs, * useful for lower back pain

irreg menstruation, leukorrhea, nocturnal emissions, impotence
du 4 indications
nocturnal emissions, impotence, irreg menstruation, leuckorrhea
lumbago, atrophy and paralysis of leg (especially when with deficiency)
du 9 indications
jaundice, distention and fullness in chest and hypochondria
cough and asthma
stiffness of spine and back pain
du 11 indications
palpitations, angina pectoris, amnesia,
cough asthma
stiffness of spine, back pain
du 14 indications
tidal fever, night sweats, malaria
cough asthma
psychosis, infantile convulsions, epilepsy
rubella, acne
du 15 indications
sudden aphonia, inability to speak due to stiffness of tongue
psychosis, epilepsy
headache, stiffness of neck
du 16 indications
stroke, psychosis, epilepsy
headache, stiff neck, vertigo
swollen and painful throat, sudden aphonia
du 20 indications
headache, vertigo, insomnia, forgetfulness, (disperses damp phlegm in head), stroke psychosis, epilepsy (all shen issues of wind phlegm, damp, and deficiency)
prolapse anus, prolapse of stomach and uterus
moxa what point to raise prolapse anus?

cause its important... :)
du 20
du 23 indications
nasal sinusitis nose bleed, painful eyes
headache vertigo psychosis
febrile disease and malaria
du 24
headache vertigo, naso sinus itits nose bleed (23 stronger for these)
du 25
dizziness and heaviness of the head

loss of consciousness (druggy foggy state- jump starts respiration)

for a transient loss of chi

resucitation for drowning, apnia, convulsions
ren 1 indications
vaginal pain and itching... oh boy, psychosis :)
ren 4 indications
emaciation (def), anal prolapse, nocturnal emissions, impotence, irreg menstruation, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, leukorrhea, sterility infertility, difficult urination,
abdominal pain and diarrhea
ren 3 indications
diff urination, nocturnal emission, impotence, irreg menstruation, leukorrhea, infertility
ren 6 indications
Abdominal pain, enuresis,
nocturnal emission, impotence, hernia,
edema, diarrhea, dysentery, uterine
bleeding, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea,
amenorrhea, morbid leukorrhea,
postpartum hemorrhage, constipation,
flaccid type of apoplexy, asthma.
ren 8 indications
collapse, flaccid pattern of stroke,
abdom pain distention from eating cold nature foods, diarrhea, constipation
edema and dif urination
ren 9 indications
edema diff urination
abdominal pain abdom distention diarrhea and regurgitation
ren 10 indications
abdom pain, disitention, diarrhea vomiting,
abdom masses,
ren 12 indications
abdom dist, diarrhea, st pain, vommiting, reflux, hickups, poor appetite
psychosis, epilepsy
ren 13 indications
Stomach ache, abdominal
distention, nausea, vomiting, epilepsy, insomnia
ren 14 indications
chest pain palp, psychosis, epilepsy
st pain, vomitting, acid regurgitation
ren 15 luo indications
oppression of chest, chest pain and palp
psychosis and epilepsy
abdom distention, hiccups vomitting
ren 17 indications
oppression in chest, sob, chest pain and palp
cough and asthma
vomitting, cardiac spasms,
insufficient lactation
ren 22 indications
cought asthma chest pain
swelling and poin of throat, sudden aphonia, cardiac spasm, lump in throat
ren 23 indications
aphasia with stif tongue, swolloen and painful tongue, excessive salivation, difficulty swalloing sudden aphonia
front mu of bladder
ren 3
front mu of si

meeting w/sp, lv, kd
ren 4
front mu of sj
ren 5
front mu of st

hui meeting of fu

meeting w/si, sj, st
ren 12
front mu of ht
ren 14
luo of ren
ren 15
front mu of pc

hui meeting of qi

meeting w/sp, kd, si, sj
ren 17
meeting w/ li, st

sun si mao ghost point
ren 24
indications of ren
conditions along path

disease related to reproductive organs

most points strengthen body, and treat mental ilness
neo... i mean beaker... i mean dr walker mentioned... this point has a strong effect on the mind... ;)
du 16
good point for insomnia
du 24
what point on du is moxa frequently recommended?
du 4
method du 1
oblique along anterior aspect of cocyx
this point is midway between du 20 and 16
du 18
clears the mind and lifts the spirits
du 20
this point clears heat and resolves damp
ren 3
this point can cause sterility in women so be careful how you needle
ren 5
this point is level with shu of heart
du 11
level with ub 13
du 12
meeting of 6 yang channels of hand and foot

point of sea of chi
du 14
extinguishes wind, tonifys yang chi, raises yang chi
du 20
contraindicated for needling
ren 8
hemorrhoids, prolapsed anus, bloody stool, diarrhea, constipation
psychosis, epilepsy
lumbar pain, sacral and cocyx pain
du 1
lumbago, atrophy or paralysis of lower limbs, useful for lower back pain

irreg menst, luckorrhea, nocturnal emmissions, impotence
du 3
nocturnal emissions, impotence, irreg menstruation, luckorrhea

lumbago, atrophy and paralysis of leg (especially when with deficiency)

jaundice, distention and fullness in chest and hypochondria
cough and asthma
stiffness of spine and back pain
palpitations, angina pectoris, amnesia,
cough asthma
stiffness of spine, back pain
tidal fever, night sweats, malaria
cough asthma
psychosis, infantile convulsions, epilepsy
rubella, acne
du 14
sudden aphonia, inability to speak due to stiffness of tongue,
psychosis, epilepsy
headache, stiffness of neck
du 15
stroke, psychosis, epilepsy
headache, stiff neck, vertigo
swollen and painful throat, sudden aphonia
du 16
headache, vertigo, insomnia, forgetfulness, (disperses damp phlegm in head), stroke psychosis, epilepsy (all shen issues of wind phlegm, damp, and deficiency)
prolapse anus, prolapse of stomach and uterus
du 20
nasal sinusitis nose bleed, painful eyes
headache vertigo psychosis
febrile disease and malaria
du 23
headache vertigo, naso sinusitits nose bleed
du 24
vaginal pain and itching
ren 1
emaciation (def), anal prolapse, nocturnal emissions, impotence, irreg menstruation, dysmenorrhea, uterine bleeding, leukorrhea, sterility infertility, difficult urination,
abdominal pain and diarrhea
ren 4
abdom distention, adema, diarrhea
nocturnal emissions, impotence, uterine bleeding, diff urination
ren 5
Abdominal pain, enuresis,
nocturnal emission, impotence, hernia,
edema, diarrhea, dysentery, uterine
bleeding, irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea,
amenorrhea, morbid leukorrhea,
postpartum hemorrhage, constipation,
flaccid type of apoplexy, asthma.
ren 6
collapse, flaccid pattern of stroke,
abdom pain distention fro eating cold nature foods, diarrhea, constipation
edema and diff urination
ren 8
edema diff urination
abdominal pain abdominal distention diarrhea and regurgitation
ren 9
abdominal pain, distention, diarrhea vomiting,
abdominal masses,
ren 10
abdominal distention, diarrhea, st pain, vomiting, reflux, hiccups, poor appetite
psychosis, epilepsy
ren 12
chest pain palp psychosis epilepsy
st pain vomiting acid regurgitation
ren 14
oppression i chest, chest pain and palp
psychosis and epilepsy
abdominal distention, hiccups vomiting
ren 15
oppression in chest, sob, chest pain and palp
cough and asthma
vomiting, cardiac spasms,
insufficient lactation
ren 17
cough asthma chest pain
swelling and pain of throat, sudden aphonia, cardiac spasm, lump in throat
ren 22
aphasia with stiff tongue, swollen and painful tongue, excessive salivation, difficulty swallowing sudden aphonia
ren 23
good for deviation of mouth
ren 24
level with back shu of sp ub 20
du 6
level with back shu of lv ub 18
du 8
level with hui meeting point of blood

diaphragm shu
du 9
level with ht shu ub 15
du 11
level with ub 19 shu of gb
du 7
level with lu shu ub 13
du 12
level with shu of sj

ub 22
du 5
level with kd shu

ub 23

this point is mingmen
du 4
level with li shu

ub 25
du 3
point for asthma is called?

is 0.5 cun lateral to what point
ging chuan

du 14
prick to bleed this point for spasms

can cup after or with needle

for wind heat with chills and fever
du 14
for loss of speach
du 15
combination for loss of speach
du 15
extra point 1 cun below du 15 (name?)
ren 23 & points 1 cun lat to ren 23 angled toward tip of ren 23 needle
what point is dangerous to use on infants and persons with hydrocephilis
du 20
needle perp for spirit calming purposes
du 20
don't needle this point upward or deep
du 15
what point can you needle perp on the head except du 20 for spirit calming purposes?
du 16
du 26 needle?
direct superior 0.3-0.5
empty your bladder before needling which point?
ren 2
contraindicated during pregnancy
ren 5
too deep... penetrate peritoneal cavity
ren 6, 7, 9-14
moxa or massage only
ren 8 (in belly button)
how to needle ren 22?
0.3 cun perp then direct needle along posterior border of manubrium of sternum
for cataracts use this plus shi xuan
du 26
meeting of ren and lv channel
ren 2
meeting of ren w/sp, lv, & kd
ren 4
luo of the du
du 1
luo of the ren
ren 15
what two points are good to open the water passages
ren 5 & 9
hui meeting point of fu
ren 12
midway between navel and sternal costal angle of zyphoid process
ren 12
subdues rebelious st chi
transforms phlegm
rectifies sp and st
du 13
ren 10, 12, 14 are for what
lower, middle, upper stomach
how many cun is ren 16 below 17?
1.6 cun
what ren points resolve phlegm
ren 13,14 22,23
ren point for food stagnation
ren 10
ren point that clears fire
ren 23
where does the ren originate in women?
the uterous
ren 6 actions
tonifies original chi, and qi in general, strengthens kd (esp kd yang), regulates chi, harmonizes blood and eliminates damp