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88 Cards in this Set

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Year of the Great Schism between Roman Catholic and Orthodox church
1948 war
Palestine partitioned; state of Israel created in Jewish part
Jerusalem reunited; ancient temple wall recovered for Jewish veneration; Judaism of Holocaust and Redemption breaks forth
381 AD
second ecumenical council held at Constantinople
586 BC
Jerusalem falls to the Babylonians
622 AD
- Muhammad and his followers withdraw from Mecca to Medina - year one of the Islamic calendar
70 AD
2nd destruction of the temple by the Romans
Al Aqsa
largest mosque in Jerusalem
Al Nakba
refugee flight of Palestinian Arabs during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war
hostility to the Jewish religion and those who practice it
hostility toward or prejudice against Jews as a religious, ethnic, or racial group
opposition to the reclaiming of a Jewish homeland
Apophatic Theology
Theology that talks of what God is NOT rather than what God IS
Balfour Declaration
British government recognition of Palestine as a Jewish state
Bar/Bat Mitzvah
celebration of Jewish children reaching adulthood
first verse of the Quran, cited in Muslim prayers
Black Muslims
usually denotes members of Louis Farrakhan's separatist Black-nationalist movement, the Nation of Islam
British Mandate
The British Mandate of Palestine was a territory in the Middle East including the modern territories of Israel, Jordan, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip, formerly belonging to the Ottoman Empire, which the League of Nations entrusted to the United Kingdom to administer in the aftermath of World War I as a Mandate Territory
term or title for the Islamic leader of the Ummah, or community of Islam
in 451 AD was the location of the Council of Chalcedon.
Christian Zionism
the belief among some Christians that the return of the Jews to the Holy Land, and the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948, is in accordance with Biblical prophecy, and is a necessary prerequisite for the return of Jesus to reign on Earth
Roman emporer best known for legalizing Christianity as the official religion of the empire
Roman Catholic Holy Wars to recapture Jerusalem and the Holy Land from the Muslims in the 11th-13th centuries
Dar Al-Islam
a term used to refer to those lands under Muslim government(s)
person living in a Muslim state governed in accordance with Islamic law who is a member of an officially tolerated religion
principle of religious unity among the muslim population
principle of racial unity among the world's Arab population
An Islamic group whose primary goal is the establishment of an Islamic polity
any people or ethnic population forced or induced to leave their traditional ethnic homelands
Dual Torah
Traditions of the Written and Oral Torah
Elijah Muhammad
led the largely African-American spiritual and political organization, the Nation of Islam from 1934 to 1975
a heavily disputed part of the Nicene Creed, that forms a divisive difference between some Christian sects
historical term for various mystical initiatory religions, sects and knowledge schools that were most active in the first few centuries A.D.
traditions relating to the sayings and doings of the Islamic prophet Muhammad
contains the order of the Passover Seder. Haggadah, meaning telling, is a fulfillment of the scriptural commandment to each Jew to "tell your son" about the Jewish liberation from slavery in Egypt, as described in the book of Exodus in the Torah.
the Pilgrimage to Mecca in Islam
the collective corpus of Jewish religious law, including biblical law (the 613 mitzvot) and later talmudic and rabbinic law as well as customs and traditions
Conservative religious Judaism movement
the Arabic term for barrier or dressing modestly
emigration from Mecca to Madina in 622
an image, picture, or representation; it is a sign or likeness that stands for an object by signifying or representing it
Arabic word meaning "Leader". The ruler of a country might be called the Imam
an Arabic term for "uprising"
monotheistic Abrahamic religion based on the Qur'an
Islamic term for "struggle." conotations range from spiritual to military
building located inside the mosque known as al-Masjidu’l-Ḥarām in Mecca. Holiest place in all Islam, which Muslims face when praying
the religious mystical system of Judaism claiming an insight into divine nature
in Islamic eschatology, is the prophesied redeemer of Islam, who will change the world into a perfect Islamic society before Yaum al-Qiyamah (literally "Day of the Resurrection").
Malcom X
(or A, pick your poison)
National Spokesman for the Nation of Islam and an African American Muslim Leader
city revered as the holiest site of Islam,the capital city of Saudi Arabia's Makkah province
the seat of Muhammad's growing movement after the Hijra.
the first recording of the oral law of the Jewish people, as championed by the Pharisees and is considered the first work of Rabbinic Judaism.
a word used in Judaism to refer to (a) the commandments, of which there are believed to be 613,
servant at the mosque who leads the call (adhan) to Friday service and the five daily prayers,
Nation of Islam
a religious and socio-political organization founded in the United States by Wallace Fard Muhammad in 1930 with a declared aim of resurrecting the spiritual, mental, social, and economic condition of the Black men and women of America and the rest of the world.
city in Turkey, home of the Nicean council
Oral Torah
Jewish Law that was recorded in the Mishnah and Talmud
Orthodox Judaism
the stream of Judaism which adheres to a relatively strict interpretation and application of the laws and ethics first canonized in the Talmud
Oslo Accords
1993 peace process for conflict resolution between Israel and Palestine
a political party, a social movement, and a school of thought among Jews that flourished during the Second Temple Era (536 BCE–70 CE). After the destruction of the Second Temple, the Pharisaic sect was re-established as Rabbinic Judaism
political emancipation
hmm Patty. Awfully broad...
Protestant Reformation
movement which emerged in the 16th century as a series of attempts to reform the Catholic Church, started by Martin Luther
Holy book of Islam beleived to be the literal word of God
ninth month of the Islamic calendar in which Muslims fast and follow other religious observances
Reform Judaism
recognizes teh legitimacy of making changes and regarded change as reform, yielding to reform.
A Jew refused permission to emigrate
order, Passover home service
Separation Wall
wall constructed between Israel and Palestine to "reduce violence"
the body of Islamic law. Some accept Sharia as the body of precedent and legal theory before the 19th century, while other scholars view Sharia as a changing body, and include reform Islamic legal theory from the contemporary period
"Hear of Israel" first two words of a section of the Torah (Hebrew Bible) that is used as a centerpiece of all morning and evening Jewish prayer services
2nd largest branch of Islam that rejects the rule of the initial three Sunni Caliphs
a mystic tradition of Islam
largest branch of Islam. Contains four schools of thought
the Arabic term for "chapter of the Qur'an." These are traditionally ordered in roughly reverse chronological order
record of rabbinic discussions of Jewish law, ethics, customs, legends, and stories, which Jewish tradition considers authoritative
an acronym that identifies the Hebrew Bible
(the Torah, Nevi'im, and Ketuvim)
Theodor Herzl
founder of modern political Zionism
the call to man to become holy and seek union with God, beginning in this life and later consummated in the resurrection
(Orthodox Christianity)
a title of Mary, the mother of Jesus. This term is used especially in the Eastern Orthodox Church
the first section of the Tanakh–the first five books of the Hebrew Bible
you're on your own on this one.
Islam's clerical establishment
the name given to the Muslim community at Medina
UN Partition Plan
UN systematic (but not necessarily logical) division of Israel/Palestine
Puritanical sect of Islam founded in Arabia
refers to spending a fixed portion of one's wealth for the poor and needy in the society
political movement and ideology that supports a homeland for the Jewish People in the Land of Israel
widely considered the most important work of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. It is a mystical commentary on the Torah